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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

question for you. How did Iran know that a US drone has just crashed in some back water mountain in some remote location if Iran was so oblivious?

Right about now you should be feeling like a total ....

Maybe god came down to earth and told our armed forces that "a super duper secret stealth drone has just crashed in your territory, go and grab it, here are the coordinates."

No, we do not know 'for sure'. The US said we lost the drone. Iran said there was a recovery. Which is more believable? Usually the one who said he lost something because it is easier to lose something than to look for and finding it. So until Iran provide reasonably credible visual proofs...

your answer from a professional would be ;)
The BBC says that the Iranians are claiming that they hacked in to the control of the aircraft and forced it down

BBC News - Iran shows film of captured US drone
However, Iranian officials say its forces electronically hijacked the drone and steered it to the ground. Iran's Press TV said that the Iranian army's "electronic warfare unit" brought down the drone on 4 December as it was flying over the city of Kashmar.
The Question is How on earth Iran detected the latest stealth Technology do Iran have such kind of radars which can detect stealth planes because if yes Pakistan can take help from Iran in developing such kind of radars
so you're saying god came down to earth and gave our army coordinates of a random drone that was 'lost' by the Americans in some backwater mountain range. gotcha

Not me, I don't rank myself to be a professional. Apparently, that's the most "plausible" outcome.
It could also be lack of fuel, system failure, a fake mockup, lost of signal forcing it to safely land to a nearby airfield etc etc. :lol:
so here's my theory of what hapnd ...
drone's doin a recon over iran ,evading their radars , technical malfunction forces drone for emergency /controlled crash landing (hence the minimal damage) inside Iran's territory ,before CIA could launch a Co-ops to recover the drone ,iran finds the drone claims it bought down the drone (by taking control of it which is a load of BS:P )

noob here have mercy .:D
I will be really glad to see US officials think like you. but unfortunately now they know the fact is different than what you think.

This drone can be controlled by Ground Station, Satellite communication and in the case of disconnecting these communications, autopilot system takes the control of drone, and finally it is equipped with self-destruct system.

If a technical malfunction can disable all these systems simultaneously, So the very advanced top-secret technology of US is really scrap.
US retrieved any downed UAV's, but this time they missed ;);)

well if you say stupid ****, people should be allowed to call you names, no? I think it's a fair deal.

And I don't know about India, but in Iran, remote locations are, as the name suggests, remote. Nobody lives in half the country. Plus, even in India and china you don't have people living on top of a random mountain in the middle of nowhere. And say somebody did live in the middle of nowehere, what would they do, call up the army and say "oh an RQ-170 just fell off the sky and I caught it" and then within an hour the army shoes up and collects the damn thing? Are you sure you're not high on something?

listen ,,
this as per your own press tv reprts it says ,
"On Sunday December 4, the Iranian Army's electronic warfare unit downed the US RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft, which was flying over the northeastern Iranian city of Kashmar, some 140 miles (225km) away from the Afghan border"
does this sound to like a extremely remote location ..? :argh: , BTWif it had crashed onto a top of a random mountain the drone would have been damaged beyond recovery ..:argh:
,u know what, u don't even need people to see it ,what if it was spotted by a radar while making a emergency descent ....
Studying this image more, and studying the real characteristics of the RQ-170, there is no way the image displayed by the Iranians could fly properly (even with the so called chopped off wings). So I don't even think it's the real drone.

A flying wing configuration, i.e., no tail, needs much larger ailerons than displayed by the tiny little ones in the Iranian image. The real RQ-170 has much longer and larger ailerons. Looks like in the Iranian version they've mocked them up from some other aircraft that they were familiar with.


The one in the Iranian image do not match one bit & my limited knowledge of aerodynamics tells me this configuration would not be able to fly.


A drone, maybe an RQ-170 over Iran crashed in an unrecoverable state - think 50,000ft operating altitude. Mockup made to show the press. No shots of rear/underneath/part numbers for obvious reasons.
If this is indeed a US UAV then questions arising from all this.

In many big private/public institutions and sensitive government institution the system/records/servers have a backup, the backup again has a backup and that backup again has a backup.

Now here we are talking about a hi tech state of art military piece of hardware and surely it is supposed to have some sort of a system backup which takes over the system and can give the controllers some control in case something happens to the on board system (one backup behind the system and surely another backup for that back up if not more that). And again, they would have had placed some sort of system in place in case the frequency is hacked (taken over).

When military product manufacturers manufacture something they keep in mind the worst possible scenario that may be possible for the product and don't leave anything to chance, don't they?

Let us assume the on board system failed somehow, in this case the backup is supposed to take over. Did that back up also fail? Let us assume that back up failed to take over, did the second back up also fail to take over (if there were 2 back ups if not more)?

Is it possible for the system and all the related backups to fail all together?

Well, I may be very much wrong, but so far I still feel there is something else behind the apparent "losing control" of the UAV. keeping in mind of what happened in Lebanon some weeks back when Israelis apparently "lost" a UAV and later it was known that it was a military trick by the Israelis.

Or maybe there is an all together different angle to all this.
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