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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

@ mastaan
I don't mean to be rude, but I didn't read anything you wrote. I just clicked on your link to see if you have any figures for growth rates and I was dissappointed. If you think I'm using incorrect figures (impossible cuz I'm copy pasting World Bank charts), than show me real growth rates. Your link gives me inflation figures an GDP figures. I'm not in the mood to take out a calculator and start punching in numbers. Show me the rates.
It's official, you're a troll and an idiot
Iran has lost 2 decades to a war and sanctions and is now recovering.
First u boast that US cant do anything and now u whine about war and sanctions. Plz make up ur mind.

your children will live in a ME where Iran is a nuclear state and a much richer country than Israel.
**** luck, but that's life zionist.
Who cares? Nuclear Iran is problem of Saudis and UAE.
Who cares? Nuclear Iran is problem of Saudis and UAE.
you guys do

The saudis and the Emaratis are just trying to take advantage of the situation and grab as much weapons from uncle sam as they can before oil runs out. Who knows, maybe one day their weapons will be used against you guys. Meanwhile we will just sit back and watch you guys go at it (for the one millionth time).
you guys do

The saudis and the Emaratis are just trying to take advantage of the situation and grab as much weapons from uncle sam as they can before oil runs out. Who knows, maybe one day their weapons will be used against you guys. Meanwhile we will just sit back and watch you guys go at it (for the one millionth time).
No, we dont care. If you check wikileaks logs u will find interesting thing: Israelis dont gove a damn about Iranian nuclear program, on the other hand your beloved Arabs are begging US to bomb Iran.

So I wish u good luck in ur bomb program. :wave:
No, we dont care. If you check wikileaks logs u will find interesting thing: Israelis dont gove a damn about Iranian nuclear program, on the other hand your beloved Arabs are begging US to bomb Iran.

So I wish u good luck in ur bomb program. :wave:

What a joke. Israeli news media are running rampant 24/7 about Iran's nuclear program....and there have been polls that show almost half of Israeli's support a strike.

And as for the Arabs, well there's a huge difference of opinions between leaders and people. You go on the street and you will not find a single Arab citizen against Iran nuclear programme, they are very enthusiastic to even see Iran get a nuclear bomb, I've personally never met an Arab that was against Iran getting a nuke yet alone a peaceful nuclear program.

The puppet Arab regimes are eroding and they have no credibility so I wouldn't look too much into what they think, their time is almost up.
I don't even understand why UAE is afraid of Iran getting a nuke, it's like it would make a difference, they would be overrun in less than 6 hours without the bomb.
I know eh?
dubai is the size of an Iranian village. Half a day is all we need to carpet bomb downtown dubai and finish off Abu Dhabbi with our ballistic and cruise missiles. There are more Iranian nationals in UAE then there are arabs, let alone UAE nationals!!!!! Imagine trying to go to war with a country that has more citizens living inside yours than you have citizens lmao

These arab sheikhs are such clowns
well thats new. israeli claims he aint care about iran nuke program xD :taz:

back to subject:

Gambit much i cant believe iran hacked it the way they claim, i dont see why just some malfunction would result to some soft landing in US's most hostile territory, i studied material for 7 years and am a composite expert. drone body was made by absorbers and all absorbers i know which are elastomer-matrix ones, wont stand falling down from 50,000ft altitude. unless US has used ultrahigh tech ceramic based ones which is impossible now. at least till now no one claimed hes able to do that with Zn-Br ceramics composites and they cost a lot more than price of RQ170 (6 millions)

i got a theory,
iran jammed the UAV, made it lose contact with US base (perhaps the virus helped too? im no expert of electronics and avionics) and it landed at safest ground it could as a default programming. default program COULD be changed by virus, or some other way i am not aware of(?) considering the fact that it landed in kashmar, 400km inside iran territory

pity i cant post links :|

would appreciate ALL answers :mps:
well thats new. israeli claims he aint care about iran nuke program xD :taz:
i got a theory,
iran jammed the UAV, made it lose contact with US base (perhaps the virus helped too? im no expert of electronics and avionics) and it landed at safest ground it could as a default programming. default program COULD be changed by virus, or some other way i am not aware of(?) considering the fact that it landed in kashmar, 400km inside iran territory

pity i cant post links :|

would appreciate ALL answers :mps:

I agree with you Helia. As I have pointed out there have been numerous reports on the lack of computer security at Creech Air Force base in Nevada, where these drones are flown from.

These reports are two months old, and for an interested party this is ample time to put together some kind of rootkit to gain access there. I think the most likely explanation is that some organization did exactly that and managed to program the home base of the drone to be in Iran. (Translation for gambit because of his lack of technological abilities: "They made the drone believe that it was actually based in Iran and should return there instead of some boring little runway in Afghanistan").

Jamming might have been involved to trigger the return to base action and prevent the drone to be controlled back to Afghanistan. Then again, that might even not have been necessary if they drones can be programmed to disregard control link at some point in time or space.
Of course it could also just be a simple case of operator error ("ok, which were the co-ordinates to spy at and which where the co-ordinates to land at? Well, it is 50-50 chance of getting it right") :lol:
I agree with you Helia. As I have pointed out there have been numerous reports on the lack of computer security at Creech Air Force base in Nevada, where these drones are flown from.

These reports are two months old, and for an interested party this is ample time to put together some kind of rootkit to gain access there. I think the most likely explanation is that some organization did exactly that and managed to program the home base of the drone to be in Iran. (Translation for gambit because of his lack of technological abilities: "They made the drone believe that it was actually based in Iran and should return there instead of some boring little runway in Afghanistan").

Jamming might have been involved to trigger the return to base action and prevent the drone to be controlled back to Afghanistan. Then again, that might even not have been necessary if they drones can be programmed to disregard control link at some point in time or space.
The news you are quoting is about ... other drones. not the sentinel.

As well can you explain me why a virus ... has something to do with Iran able to hack the drone?
Do you understand what you are speaking about? The only possibility would have been that Iran was creating this virus and sinnce this virus was known by USA ... it means that they already knew that it could land in Iran for instance . Why they didn't do anything then?
Sorry to say this but this is not consistent

You can insult gambit as much as you want. He comes with technical knowledge and especially a logic statement. Now we can discuss and criticize without insulting.

Anyway i am still waiting for the pictures of the drone that our country promised.
well thats new. israeli claims he aint care about iran nuke program xD :taz:

back to subject:

Gambit much i cant believe iran hacked it the way they claim, i dont see why just some malfunction would result to some soft landing in US's most hostile territory, i studied material for 7 years and am a composite expert. drone body was made by absorbers and all absorbers i know which are elastomer-matrix ones, wont stand falling down from 50,000ft altitude. unless US has used ultrahigh tech ceramic based ones which is impossible now. at least till now no one claimed hes able to do that with Zn-Br ceramics composites and they cost a lot more than price of RQ170 (6 millions)
As you have studied materials, you know that a composite is merely a mixture of diverse elements, concrete and plywood are composites. So composites by definition are never absorbers. I doubt that the entire aircraft is constructed out of absorber. Composite? Yes, and this would be for weight reduction purposes. Radar absorbers are composites but they must be constructed to contain an electrical conductor such as ferrite particles in a structure that exploit that conductive property. The deeper and longer the conduction/electrical path inside this material, the less energy that can escape and/or reflected off the aircraft, contributing to its radar cross section (RCS).

Currently, if an aircraft is designed for low radar observability, it will be more because of shaping than of from absorber. The 'flying wing' design is already radar low observable. So RAM content will be minimal as in just enough to absorb the majority of the impinging signal, leaving a very small amount of initial specular reflection that will be absorbed by the atmosphere, the rest of the energy will be surface wave travel loss.

i got a theory,
iran jammed the UAV, made it lose contact with US base (perhaps the virus helped too? im no expert of electronics and avionics) and it landed at safest ground it could as a default programming. default program COULD be changed by virus, or some other way i am not aware of(?) considering the fact that it landed in kashmar, 400km inside iran territory

pity i cant post links :|

would appreciate ALL answers :mps:
I do not discount the possibility of deliberate interference, but that does not mean I endorse its probability. I pointed this out already: That the drone's communication antennas are in the two 'bumps' topside of the aircraft. That mean the wings and fuselage will shield them from most -- if not all -- of any ground based transmissions design to interfere. The fact that it either landed or crashed so deep inside Iranian territory give us two possibilities:

- That this particular drone was compromised from the start of the day's mission by a human agent who gave it alternate mission data to take it so deep inside Iranian territory. In this case, there is less 'hacking' than it is of the more common espionage tradecraft involving some hardware.

- That this particular drone suffered a malfunction that confirm our speculation that in the event control is lost, the drone defaulted to a programmed flight behavior that would facilitate attempts at reconnection. We can wonder why would the US programmed in a preservation feature of landing instead of self destruct but that is for a different discussion.

When we talk about 'avionics' we are talking about systems that has NOTHING to do with the mission of the day but of creating and maintaining flight such as how much to move the flight control surfaces to effect a turn or to compensate for turbulence to maintain straight heading or to avoid bad weather. But on WHERE to fly, those instructions can be altered by a 'virus' if people want to hype it that way. Messing with the flight control codes make no logical sense and would probably prevent the aircraft from taking off, let alone change course to fit someone's needs. The instructions on where to fly, at what altitude and speed, and for how long is far easier to create and inserted into the day's mission data pack. On this, we return to the human agency.
I agree with you Helia. As I have pointed out there have been numerous reports on the lack of computer security at Creech Air Force base in Nevada, where these drones are flown from.

These reports are two months old, and for an interested party this is ample time to put together some kind of rootkit to gain access there. I think the most likely explanation is that some organization did exactly that and managed to program the home base of the drone to be in Iran. (Translation for gambit because of his lack of technological abilities: "They made the drone believe that it was actually based in Iran and should return there instead of some boring little runway in Afghanistan").

Jamming might have been involved to trigger the return to base action and prevent the drone to be controlled back to Afghanistan. Then again, that might even not have been necessary if they drones can be programmed to disregard control link at some point in time or space.
:lol: FYI...I debunked ALL misconceptions about 'stealth' in particular and many about aviation in general when I came on here. I provided technically credible sources for everyone to check and I encourage people to use keyword searches to verify what I presented. To date, no one ever came back and said I lied.
The news you are quoting is about ... other drones. not the sentinel.

As well can you explain me why a virus ... has something to do with Iran able to hack the drone?
Do you understand what you are speaking about? The only possibility would have been that Iran was creating this virus and sinnce this virus was known by USA ... it means that they already knew that it could land in Iran for instance . Why they didn't do anything then?
Sorry to say this but this is not consistent

You can insult gambit as much as you want. He comes with technical knowledge and especially a logic statement. Now we can discuss and criticize without insulting.

Anyway i am still waiting for the pictures of the drone that our country promised.

I am not saying that the viruses mentioned in these reports did something to the drones. But these reports point to weak computer security. And an adversary that can write advanced malware could exploit the same weaknesses to install rootkits (which actually can be looked at as eyes and ears and remote control inside the target network).

Would that be complicated? I don't know, but there have been reports of some pretty complicated viruses being made. One example is the stuxnet virus which Iran was the victim of, widely believed to be written by US or Israeli organizations (if malware was used here this could be considered a payback by Iran for stuxnet :lol: ).

It is correct that you point out that these reports do not mention the RQ-170 but I find that hardly surprising. US has been very tight lipped about the RQ-170 and I am not sure they would authorize mentioning of their secret spy drone in these media reports.

Thank you for permitting me to insult gambit, this was not what I intended but he has difficulties grasping things. For example, when longbrain pointed out that drones may have to be under radio silence to not give away their position, he responded that this would not do anything to give the drones position away! It is correct that this does not add to radar signature but thinking that radio communication does not give away position is just ... misleading. This is not at all the first time he has "misunderstood" things, I assumed this was because he had difficulties understanding things. I can't take the guy seriously.
Fars News Agency published some information about RQ-170, I don't know have these information already been available about this drone or these are published for the first time by Iranians.

according to Fars, this drone is equipped to a system that in the case of facing danger automatically return to its original control center or will be exploded, but Iranian experts prevented it from returning and explosion.

Max take off weight of it is 3850 kg
Range of it is 1500 km and it can be remote controlled and guided from inside of USA.

It is equipped with advanced lenses , eavesdropping equipments and other sensors and can detect radioactive materials.

According to Fars article the only operator of this drone in the US is CIA.

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