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US signals Zardari to remove Musharraf

Well as far as I am concerned Zardari is not as smart as he has been protrayed in recent months. Their is someone else behind him. He is defnitely taking orders from someone. Now who that someone is is reallt your opinion, I think he gets orders from Washington. As far as Nawaz is concerned. The U.S. doesn't care about him. When he was in power they cared and he sold us out during the Kargil eposide. But I dont want to gt in this now. One thing which must change in the future is our policies should be drawn up by civilians and not in the Army House or Washington.

You should read the newspaper or watch news broad casted by any Pakistani channel.

If Zardari is an agent of US, then Why has he initiated talks with the tribal areas, and why has opened the committee of delegates who are negotiating with the Taliban and other insurgent groups, how come he released Akbar Bugti's son and the other leader ( which I was screaming metaphorically that should be done) why has added in the constitutional package of 62 amendments you can check this up on what ever news site or watch a news channel that he will give all ownership to major industrial investment (and create what he called industrial zones) in the troubled region and the first thing he announced was that the Gwadar Port its shares and revenues will be completely handed over to the Baluchistan. Even though the Americans do not approve of any negotiations with the Taliban or any other insurgent group and specially agent musharraf has been allowing the Americans to use our bases to attack our land WAH..WAH. If anything the US want Musharraf special agent to stay forever and ever he is their paid henchmen and he has done a lot for the so called war on terror I mean we use to see on tv daily attacks in Pakistan.

I used Irony when I said Nawaz; because he wants Musharraf to be hanged by the use of article six, he said that yesterday, which I hope happens soon, but right now the new Gov cant even remove the clerks that musharraf put in charge because the powers of the Parliment are limited and that he has taken major power over the important systems of the government.
^^^^The old policies will be followed. All this talk of change is just political talk. If the PPP is able to deliver Roti, Kapra aur Makaan I have no porblem with them, I am willing to support them.

Your view are respected, but you should know this fact before judging a democratic state, the first rule of engagement is negotiation, and the rest is added to suit the populace.

I assure you the PPP will deliver, if not you may judge it with the most harshest of comments and feelings but let it be and let it run its government before you criticize, is it not this PPP who drafted the Constitution of Pakistan in the "Parliament", if it is corrupt and mean to the people than why would it allow the creation of the Constitution of Pakistan after all it gives rights to us.

This is a time for the Pakistanis to be patient, all will be done that the people want but we require patients no one man or woman can change everything but together we can do something, if Asif was so power hungry then he would never have allowed a coalition government after all he has massive number of seats, it is the reconciliation and allowing the views of minority parties to be but on the table and this is the first step of making shape of your demands.
PPPP's priorities appear to be

Number 1 priority .. Sack Musharraf

Number 2 priority.. Restore some judges they're happy with

Number 3 priority .. Run the country.

I must say Musharraf at least tried to put the country first, instead of worry about who his main political rivals were (he did not try and obstruct them, in the same way that Zardari is trying to obstruct Musharraf) - i guess bribing people to vote for him would be too expensive second time round.
^^^^The old policies will be followed. All this talk of change is just political talk. If the PPP is able to deliver Roti, Kapra aur Makaan I have no porblem with them, I am willing to support them.

Well said....:tup: its look like representation of majority, peoples think same as like you stated.......that, some one or anyone rule long if they are loyal with Pakistan and can deliver atleast as they promised...... keep it up.....:enjoy::smokin:
Otherwise, he must b ready to face worst trial by peoples....now public is tired fo all this malpractices who jeoperdised whole country and effected peoples life adversly..:angry:

As saying: "You can never have a revolution in order to establish a democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution." I wish i may wrong, but in my view the time is nearby to reach up to certain extent where peoples thinking like "do & die".....numerous of peoles suicide daily almost in each city.....and one can easily make conclusion that, when one sick of certian extent to finish his own life then it may be convert into a big bloodthirsty revolution to finish such malice even from the roots.............Hope our state managers should sense the reality, and non of them would make mistake to underestimate the nation's worth specially in present senerio.

Some of my friend here asked to apply Artical 6 of the constitution............I agreed that, The artical 6 should be apply to all previous and current with real justice commence from CJ........... as I hope most my friends here definitly heard the speeches deliverd by several high profile educated peoles during welcome celebration in f'abad............where not only one but its common dialogue deliverd by serveral speakers that, "Pakistan is not required if CJ wl not restored at same position as of Nov 2nd 2007"........and Pakistan is no more required ... if this not happened" ........what nonsense it is .....here is a question......is any one above the Pakistan???
Is any one most important then Pakistan???

In fact we chant slogans of constitution and rule of law when we need it and close our eyes when it does not suits us.

This is abslutely charge under artical 6 of constitution...........waisey bhi Aalim ki pakar ziyada hey ***** ki nisbat".............so we shoud start to punish them underartical 6,.............. and then we shoul apply on all army & civil bureaucrates (Retd: present service) and their slaves the Political elites who made blinders during their tenure, and drage country upto the extent of worst, where no food, no water, no Jobs, no education........in short no visible clear road map towards the leading position despite of the fact that Country is rich of almost natural resource, tallented hard working brilliant human-resources, and additionally located at the important part of the region.

:pakistan:LONG LIVE PAKISTAN:pakistan:
You should read the newspaper or watch news broad casted by any Pakistani channel.

If Zardari is an agent of US, then Why has he initiated talks with the tribal areas, and why has opened the committee of delegates who are negotiating with the Taliban and other insurgent groups, how come he released Akbar Bugti's son and the other leader ( which I was screaming metaphorically that should be done) why has added in the constitutional package of 62 amendments you can check this up on what ever news site or watch a news channel that he will give all ownership to major industrial investment (and create what he called industrial zones) in the troubled region and the first thing he announced was that the Gwadar Port its shares and revenues will be completely handed over to the Baluchistan. Even though the Americans do not approve of any negotiations with the Taliban or any other insurgent group and specially agent musharraf has been allowing the Americans to use our bases to attack our land WAH..WAH. If anything the US want Musharraf special agent to stay forever and ever he is their paid henchmen and he has done a lot for the so called war on terror I mean we use to see on tv daily attacks in Pakistan.

I used Irony when I said Nawaz; because he wants Musharraf to be hanged by the use of article six, he said that yesterday, which I hope happens soon, but right now the new Gov cant even remove the clerks that musharraf put in charge because the powers of the Parliment are limited and that he has taken major power over the important systems of the government.

First of all let me make it clear how Mr 10% is on US pay role !!! When US decided to take a controle over Pakistan which they couldn't in past 8 years. USA picked Mr 10% over this leading planing. Pakistan have done peace treaty with terrorists before but it didn't work out instead they came back and hunt us down and they have taken over 2000 pakistani lifes. Bugti was a basterd and he should off taken out long time ago by previous goverments but Mr Preasident had to do the job! Now you are talking about Bugti ( lanat ullah allay) and his son we i think Mr President hasn't done enough! i think he should off taken out the entire bugti family in one blow so we wouldn't have faced what we did in sucide bombing scenario!. Now come back to guwader! I think its a stupid move to give the controle of guwader to Baloch gov since there are so many of them hate pakistan. I think What Pakistan should have done is that taken balochi gov into confidence and made sure that they will never come back and use guwader port as of weapon in near future!( Guwader port was never accepted by USA but Mr President had gutts to build it and finished it on USA clock) i bet you that these balochi gov will use guwadar port as of weapon in near future to black mail ISLAMABAD!. Now with all this negotiations with terrorists and baloch and BLA and BUGTI son's USA is just building a case against PAKISTAN. The alarms has already passed through wasigton's air that next attack comes from Pakistani tribal areas!!!! ASAP stupid Pakistanis will weaken Pakistan and once they are done USA will attack Pakistan on a heart beat its a metter of time! The question is when not if!!! Keep playing into USA's hands and make Pakistan weak. Pakistan had suck a respect in world in past eight years and now its loosing all that respect into world's eyes so i say this keep up the bad work!:hitwall::pakistan::sniper::guns:

Your view are respected, but you should know this fact before judging a democratic state, the first rule of engagement is negotiation, and the rest is added to suit the populace.

I assure you the PPP will deliver, if not you may judge it with the most harshest of comments and feelings but let it be and let it run its government before you criticize, is it not this PPP who drafted the Constitution of Pakistan in the "Parliament", if it is corrupt and mean to the people than why would it allow the creation of the Constitution of Pakistan after all it gives rights to us.

This is a time for the Pakistanis to be patient, all will be done that the people want but we require patients no one man or woman can change everything but together we can do something, if Asif was so power hungry then he would never have allowed a coalition government after all he has massive number of seats, it is the reconciliation and allowing the views of minority parties to be but on the table and this is the first step of making shape of your demands.
Dude i totally respect your idea on this and i want This gov to complete its term but at the same time i want this goverment to do something good !! what happend to roti kapra or mikan!!! Man this goverment is all talking about Judges and Musharruf !!! its like they are still in election time! They haven't talked about Pakistanis! Their priorities should be Energy and food shortage! Food crises were very natural in Pakistan because in next 6 months the entire world will be into massive food shortage! This goverment should be debating about food crises energy crises this goverment should be talking about making Pakistani peoples life easier instead of Jedges and BS like this!!! What all these judges will give to Pakistan!!! once they come back into power!!! the answer is NOTHING they were in power for last ten years right!!!! man i know this all BS of taking powers away from Mr President and getting judges back is all this is drama to take attention of people off from the main problems !!!:pakistan::sniper:
First of all let me make it clear how Mr 10% is on US pay role !!! QUOTE]
@ NewKerala.Com News, India

Mr 10 percent was allowed into Pakistan by Gen M himself so why blame the USA ?

First of all who control the world? after GOD!!! buddy boy i am talking about reality not a blame game !!!! Nawaz was out of question since he is too emotional!!! he would off done only one thing which is taking out all the previous PMs and hang them or creat a drama. He would have done nothing for Pakistan. Nothing means nothing! Mr 10% was the only choice. I belive that BB was killed by Mr10% and US planing to bring asif into power. Think out of box and come up with something that makes sence instead of limiting yourself. All i am trying to think out of box. Bhutto was killed and his wife was a chairperson of PPP. BB marrys Mr 10%. BB kicked her mom out of power and becomes Chairperson!! her little brother gets killed in paris i belive or somewhere in France in her first term!! amazing. then in her second term her big brother gets killed by Pakistani police while she was in power!! amazing!. then bb herself gets killed in rawalpindi while her husbunds 18 friends were her bodyguards!! amazing! Zardari changes his kids last names as of Bhutto amazing!!! sounds like after Mr 10% came into her life. Her entire bhutto family parishes including her!!! :pakistan::usflag::guns::sniper::taz:
Musharraf should have realized that his time is up and should have retired gracefully. 8 years is long enogh for anyone to remain in power and he has done many good things for Pakistan.

No one is indispensible, when the problem comes down to personalities; Nawaz Sharif is out for his blood; it is always better to resign than face the prospect of an impeachment. However, it is very hard for a mortal being to let go of power; Musharraf should now be man enough to face the music.

IMO, PA will not save Musharraf from being removed as President, however, how would they react if he is tried for treason afterwards ( As Nawaz Sharif would like) is another matter.

Additionally, being from an ex ML family, I can safely say that ML and PPP combination is an unnatural marriage. Sooner they part their ways the better. Every govt needs a strong opposition to to keep them in check.
Musharraf should have realized that his time is up and should have retired gracefully. 8 years is long enogh for anyone to remain in power and he has done many good things for Pakistan.

No one is indispensible, when the problem comes down to personalities; Nawaz Sharif is out for his blood; it is always better to resign than face the prospect of an impeachment. However, it is very hard for a mortal being to let go of power; Musharraf should now be man enough to face the music.

IMO, PA will not save Musharraf from being removed as President, however, how would they react if he is tried for treason afterwards ( As Nawaz Sharif would like) is another matter.

Additionally, being from an ex ML family, I can safely say that ML and PPP combination is an unnatural marriage. Sooner they part their ways the better. Every govt needs a strong opposition to to keep them in check.

A great Journalist of Pakistan concluded " The army cant fight for more than 6 days, and cant leave government for less than 11 years."

The army keeping quiet shows they are backing musharraf, if they were really separated from politics than they would have chanted him out like the rest of the organs of state, the army act forbids any personal to come into politics, you know what wait and see musharraf will leave on his own with a lot of shame when his powers are removed.
Again ur logic doesnot stand the test of time. Scotland Yard was only called to check whether BB was shot or not.

Bro i look at over view. BB was no good nor Nwaz sarif. If she died that was the will of god. What we should be doing right now as of a nation is to make Pakistan strong. You tell me that what these judges have given us as of a nation of whole in general!! nothing nothing and nothing. Whats a point of getting on eachothers backs. We all know that the west likes Musharraff. I say one thing we should off used Musharraff as of bridge between Pakistan and west!!! Brother what charges are on Musharraff beside sacking judges and imposing emergency !!! I think nothing. Look at the broader picture. NS had the plan for motorway but who complete it unlike BB who droped all the plans from ns gov. BB had plans for pakistan but who completed them Musharraff. Atleast he did good for Pakistan. We talk about freedom of media! What kind of question is that. I say who has given a true media to Pakistan the answer is Musharraff. Yeh he has done wrong to stop the truth but i say again that truth was hurting Pakistan's imege in the entire world!!! so again he tried to control the media to help pakistan. Was it better to have Pakistan invaded by World. Emergency !!! we talk about emergency right!! lets recall time before Nov3 2007 . Pakistan was keep accused not having her nuclear programe as safe as it supposed to( i know it was all pressure from the west side don't take me wrong ) but right after Mr president imposed emergency the west changed its claim towards and started prasing Pakistan again!!! guys i say one thing there is so much behide the scence that we don't know and can never find out. There are very serious reasons behind Musharruff to be in power that is why our armed forces support him all the way to the end.
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