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US senator slams China for undermining Vietnamese sovereignty

How pitiful you are!

Anything wrong with東夷(more precisely it should be荑)、南蠻、西戎(shoud be狨)、北狄?

Dude, you have to study Chinese language and Chinese history if you really want to know the proper meanings. “Entering China (you) become Chinese, leaving China (you) become barbarians”. In fact, nobles in the royal family of Qin Dynasty, that unified the whole China, had lots 西狨 type of “barbarian”, but they were Chinese eventually. On other side whether you want to be barbarian or not, it is up to YOU, not up to anybody else! Thus one Chinese scholar said, thanks to our ancesters, majority of us used to side with worms and animals and weeds (referring to the strokes in writing these names that contain the meaning of insect (such as in 蠻), grasses (in 荑), and animal(in 狄,狨)), now we have all been a part of the great civilization.

There is a sound reason to contrast civilized China (China proper) with peripheral uncivilized areas in ancient times. You just by looking at thousands of Chinese inventions, you know what that mean. Ask you self what have Vietnamese invented over the past thousands of years? My personal finding is fish sauce. In comparison of amount and importance, what had Korean invented, definitely not pickle vegetables? How about Mongols, Japanese, Laotians, today’s Tibetans and Uighurs?

Please don’t be mad with me. I’m just listing the facts. Shouting slogan is cheap and easy, listing fact is valuable and difficult. And the conclusion is: it is still up to you wether you want to continue siding with insect, grass or animal or not, not anybody else.

But you guys behave as if you were kicked out for long time as you keep complaining treating you like worm.


Funny! :rofl:

You repeat only what china propaganda brainwashed chinese people for unitify all Chinese, to be misunderstand that they are Hans. You can't deny that 東夷 .北狄 ,西戎, 南蔓 was the main idea of original Hans, they were first in 中原 Middle Terrain of China. Most of Chinese today say he is Han, it's big mistake.
For other comment from you, I like to reminder you that, the Forbidden City (紫 禁 城 ) in China is built under design and direction of Nguyễn An, he is Viet. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987 by UNESCO. I think all chinese proud for it.:meeting:
He he, you are low IQ Chinese boy, don't understand what does it means. After 1972, China has been given up her right to use force with Taiwan. US navy go around Taiwan to watching it and sell modern weapons to Taiwan, let Taiwanese using US technology to open factories in China. If china violate her commitments, US will do necessary actions to put china in to his place. control Taiwan or not ? High IQ chinese can understand it.

From ancient time we Vietnamese call our sea ưith name: East Sea, Biển Đông in Vietnamese.

you are so ignorant,any news show china govt. said give up using force to solve the problem of taiwan?
we have not taken up the problem of taiwan by force by now because they are also chinese,we dont promote the force,but if they replaced by you Vietnamese,you are already die out by nukes.
You repeat only what china propaganda brainwashed chinese people for unitify all Chinese, to be misunderstand that they are Hans. You can't deny that 東夷 .北狄 ,西戎, 南蔓 was the main idea of original Hans, they were first in 中原 Middle Terrain of China. Most of Chinese today say he is Han, it's big mistake.
For other comment from you, I like to reminder you that, the Forbidden City (紫 禁 城 ) in China is built under design and direction of Nguyễn An, he is Viet. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987 by UNESCO. I think all chinese proud for it.:meeting:

You ignorance again fully demonstrated here the failure of your education and remnant of your barbarian mentality!

Those names given to different “barbarians” had appeared way before Chinese were called Han.

In fact, let me give you an education. The name Han appeared only after Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty Emperor Wu of Han - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . China had been harassed since its formation by various Xiongnu tribes from north and west. It was Emperor Wu who eventually adopted “hot pursuit” policy, wiped off or otherwise chased those “barbarians” out of today’s Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan. In fact this was how China occupied today’s Xinjiang, when the Uighur’s ancestors begged for help from Han Dynasty. Because of Emperor Wu’s great achievements, the people of the world attributed the name Han of the Dynasty to the people of the Dynasty.

Emperor Wu fundamentally changed the world: those Xiongnu thus migrated west word, causing great turmoil in today’s Europe, leaving them to such a dark period. He also brought Chinese civilization to (North) Vietnam, to extract you from barbarian background.

So, move your washed brain and remember the dates: before around 87 BC, there was nobody who called Chinese Han, except the fools like you to make yourself a laughing stock in front of the world, whereas the names such 荑, 狄, 狨, 蠻 existed thousands years before that.

Again, many today’s Han are indeed were sided with insects, weeds, and animals before. But they are civilized later because their ancestors’ wise choice. Those whose ancestors did not choose wisely, or did not have the luck to choose, remained siding with insects, weeds, and animals, perhaps even today. Thus, it is all your choice.

Oh, BTW, I’m glad some Vietnamese originals of then Chinese can contribute to Chinese civilization. Thus, it proves ancient Chinese teaching: enter China you become Chinese, leave China you become Barbarian. Being a Chinese, just see how much Vietnamese could do great things, leaving China they could only side with insects, weeds and animals. BTW again, Nguyễn An the eunuch was the second chief architect, don’t forget Cai Xin. Be subjective when you talk, don’t just hide part of the story. Regardless, congratulations to the achievement of then Vietnamese Chinese! You should learn from him. :tup: And don't waste your precious life in anti-China.
How pitiful you are!

Anything wrong with東夷(more precisely it should be荑)、南蠻、西戎(shoud be狨)、北狄?

Dude, you have to study Chinese language and Chinese history if you really want to know the proper meanings. “Entering China (you) become Chinese, leaving China (you) become barbarians”. In fact, nobles in the royal family of Qin Dynasty, that unified the whole China, had lots 西狨 type of “barbarian”, but they were Chinese eventually. On other side whether you want to be barbarian or not, it is up to YOU, not up to anybody else! Thus one Chinese scholar said, thanks to our ancesters, majority of us used to side with worms and animals and weeds (referring to the strokes in writing these names that contain the meaning of insect (such as in 蠻), grasses (in 荑), and animal(in 狄,狨)), now we have all been a part of the great civilization.

There is a sound reason to contrast civilized China (China proper) with peripheral uncivilized areas in ancient times. You just by looking at thousands of Chinese inventions, you know what that mean. Ask you self what have Vietnamese invented over the past thousands of years? My personal finding is fish sauce. In comparison of amount and importance, what had Korean invented, definitely not pickle vegetables? How about Mongols, Japanese, Laotians, today’s Tibetans and Uighurs?

Please don’t be mad with me. I’m just listing the facts. Shouting slogan is cheap and easy, listing fact is valuable and difficult. And the conclusion is: it is still up to you wether you want to continue siding with insect, grass or animal or not, not anybody else.

But you guys behave as if you were kicked out for long time as you keep complaining treating you like worm.


Funny! :rofl:

that´s true, China has a rich culture which goes back several thousand years, no doubt about this. And thanks for the explanation of what some chinese characters are made up.
BUT when reading the rest of your words, pointing fingers and scolding on others, one must admid you are a real barbarian. uneducated. as Chinese you should know calling other as animal is not nice at all. That bad and arrogant attitude, is what the Viets hate most.
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