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US Senate bill recommends $3 billion assistance to Pakistan

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How did that come to that conclusion, Pakistan didnt even do anything for the breakup-soivet union, Its utterly hilarious when you say that, Go read up on History my friend. India Never supported the Afghanistan Invasion, We did not have any treaty like SENTO or CENTO, we were a Non Aligned Nation, NAM....

Read the de-classified telegrams from US Ambassador in Dacca to US President Nixon. Nobody fought for you or Nobody fought for us.. Everybody stayed back, and we broke your country into two. Go figure.

really no body was helping ya.are u sure about that.didnt you just say russian subs were there.and how conveniently you forget to mention bengalies that were in bed with india.it was almost impossible for pakistan to win that war as pak army had to fight bengalies and on top of that indian army.

After 1965, when the U.S. cut off military aid to both countries, India turned to the Soviet Union and Pakistan to China. With Russia's help, India has built itself into a military power far superior to Pakistan. Its forces (980,000) outnumber Pakistan's (392,000) by more than 2 to 1; its air and naval capacity is also rated superior. If India were to fight Pakistan alone, there is little doubt which would win.

Sharing neither borders nor cultures, Pakistan's divided parts, separated by a thousand miles of Indian territory, make it a political anomaly, at odds not only with India but with itself as well. As Jinnah put it shortly after independence, there was little to hold the country's two divergent wings together except "faith."

to save same situation for india in case of kashmere british S.O.B. gave india some parts that would have made pakistan.to india .british knew that indians would lose kashmere and to protect indians they did that.and bengladesh was how far from pakistan it was a impossible impossible to keep this country togather.and u breaking it a part i doubt u would have been able to do jack all if u didnt have russians and benglaies helping ya.you can dance all you need u can deny all you like truth is there cant read it too bad.

you say no one helped india and americans were there to help pakistan.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
Despite of India's unwillingness to establish diplomatic relations with it, Israel offered help to India during the 1971 war in the form of intelligence gathering and military equipment. India, realizing that its boycott of Israel was tactically wrong, accepted the help offer. For India and Israel, the common potential enemy was Pakistan, a Muslim nation committed to helping the Arab countries of the Middle East.[6][7] The Indian military extensively used Israeli 166mm mortar and ammunition during the war.[8] In fact, Pakistan had sent its pilots to fight with the Arab nations against Israel during the Six day war of 1967, and Israel wanted to do the same against Pakistan by helping India.

i doubt very much americans were going to help pakistan.from the looks of it they were helping india through israel.
More foreign aid for Pak, cut for India in US budget

Arun Kumar

Washington, February 6, 2007

US President George Bush's proposed $2.9 trillion budget for fiscal year 2008 seeks $20.3 billion for foreign assistance with increases for Afghanistan and Pakistan, but a cut for India as it has become a "donor country".

Seeking a 12 per cent increase in fiscal 2008 starting October 1 over the enacted 2006 fiscal, the proposal lists Israel, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Indonesia and Kosovo among the top recipients of US aid.

However, Israel and Egypt's assistance levels are being reduced as stipulated under the 1978 Camp David agreement, and that many programmes for India, which itself has become a donor country, would be cut, Randall Tobias, administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) said on Monday.

"A lot of the cuts that were made are cuts in programmes where we've really gotten to the point where - India, for example, is a country that has an economy that's growing by 8 per cent. India has become a donor country.

"India is providing like $50 million, I think, in support for Afghanistan. And so India is in a position where they are taking on more of the burden for the problems facing India. We still have a major programme in India, but it is reduced in '08 from what it was in '06," Tobias said by way of explanation.

The United States has been "a leader in championing human dignity and human potential," and its commitment to global development is evidenced by its level of development assistance "nearly tripling ... from approximately $10 billion in 2000 to $28.5 billion in 2005, " he said.

The 2008 budget request, which is subject to further action by the US Congress, "continues that commitment, but it does so in what we believe is a much improved and much more strategic way," Tobias said.

The amount does not include funding for security and reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq, which will fall under the Bush administration's separate proposed emergency supplement funding for the global war on terrorism.

In South and Central Asia, there's a 6 per cent increase highly concentrated in states like Afghanistan and Pakistan which are of critical importance to US national security and are also among the very poorest nations in that region, Tobias said.

Afghanistan's share is $1.067 billion, up from $968 million, and largely focused on programmes that are dealing with poppy eradication, the building of alternative livelihoods, the kinds of things that will build capacity in the ministries and the units of both federal and local government.

Pakistan gets 785 million, up from 707 million. And again, that's focused on a variety of activities that will bring about police training, develop education programmes and health programmes and so forth, Tobias said.

About 51 per cent of the State Department and USAID's resources now are concentrated in rebuilding and developing activities, Tobias said. The fiscal year 2008 budget request includes a 20 per cent increase in resources for "low and lower middle income countries."

Brad Higgins, assistant secretary of state for resource management and chief financial officer for the State Department, said an additional $10.14 billion is being requested for State Department foreign operations such as security, services and maintenance of its more than 260 diplomatic missions around the world.

wow..this is truly great...think how many more F-16's and J-10's we can get
wow..this is truly great...think how many more F-16's and J-10's we can get

Did u bother to read it. Its aid and it will definilty be attached with "strings".

And the amt is 780 Mn dollar, do your maths and see how many F-16s and J-10s you can get with that amt?
wow..this is truly great...think how many more F-16's and J-10's we can get

We aint Israel that Uncle Sam aids us for military purposes! They only aid when they need our assistance like the Soviet Afghan war. So thoughts about getting F-16's and J-10's with this money are proposterous.
With a $10-billion current account deficit, any Aid even with strings attached is a lot of help and more than welcome. Does any one know if PL480 program is still operative ?
We aint Israel that Uncle Sam aids us for military purposes! They only aid when they need our assistance like the Soviet Afghan war. So thoughts about getting F-16's and J-10's with this money are proposterous.
yeah but then we always but arms with aid..this time will be no different.
Bush is not frustrated with Mush, says US
8 Feb, 2007

WASHINGTON: The Bush administration has said that it considers Pakistan president General Pervez Musharraf as an absolutely essential ally in the war on terror and it would continue to work with him.

The effusive response came from the White House spokesman Tony Snow when asked if president George W Bush has been frustrated with Gen. Musharraf in the ongoing war on terror and if he still has faith and trust in the Pakistani leader.

“President Musharraf is an absolutely essential ally in the war on terror. He has, himself, been the object of a number of assassination plots. And he is somebody who is serious about helping, and has been a considerable help, and we continue to work with him,” Snow, said, at a press briefing.

“As we've said before, also, when it comes to cross-border incursions, people making their way into Afghanistan, it's very important to deal with it. And I believe he's had some public announcements this week about his determination to try to foil that. So I think it would simply be misstating the facts to say he hasn't been active. He's been very active,” he went on to add.

Meanwhile the State Department spokesman there maintained that the administration is still trying to figure out what Musharraf is trying to do in his recent visits to some Arab and non-Arab countries in the Middle East as it pertains to some tough international issues such as the Arab-Israeli question and in addressing the Sunni-Shia divide.

“As I understand it, Musharraf has made some recent trips around the globe to Arab Muslim states and some non-Arab Muslim states to talk about how they can band together to address the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and two, also how to, in some way, address the divide within the Muslim community between Sunnis and Shias,” spokesman Sean McCormack said.

“And at this point, I'd say that we want to learn more about the details of their initiative. As a general comment, any initiatives by responsible parties such as Pakistan or Indonesia or Egypt or Turkey in trying to tackle some of these tough issues in a responsible way are welcome. But I’m going to defer any specific comment until we have a better understanding of what it is that is being proposed,” McCormack went on to say.

yeah but then we always but arms with aid..this time will be no different.

Er no they put strict controls on this kind of thing. They don't just hand them a stack of money. (unlike Iraq :lol: )
We have never really taken advantage of our bargaining position with the United States.There have been many times we could have used our Bargaining Position in The Best Interest of Our Country. We Should Have Demanded From Them Things Like
1.Scholarships and Reserved Seats in Harvard, Stanford MIT etc.
2.Underwriting Mega Projects in The Country
3.Free Market Access
4.Free Access to Commercial and Industrial Technology
5.Opening up of US Labour Market for Pakistanis and Lowering Visa Restrictions
If Our Country is Destined to Be a Two Bit Servant Then At Least We Shoul Get a good Pay Cheque for it.Sadly Our Leaders Look Out More For Their Own Interests instaed of Those of Pakistan
US Senate bill recommends $3 billion assistance to Pakistan

WASHINGTON: A bill moved in the US Senate on implementation of recommendations of the9/11 commission report, recommends to the president to provide $3 billion in assistance to Pakistan for the next five years.

The bill says that "it is the sense of Congress that the commitment of the President to provide $3 billion in assistance over the next 5 years to Pakistan should be commended."

A bill recently moved in the US House of Representatives conditioned the military and other aid to Pakistan with anti-terror cooperation.

The Senate bill says that the Government of the United States should provide assistance to Pakistan to improve Pakistan’s basic education system and to emphasize development. The Bill urges Pakistan to increase its efforts against terrorism but contains no conditionality, as does a proposed legislation of the US House of Representative.

The US administration has expressed its strong support for Pakistan’s efforts against terrorism under President Pervez Musharraf and said the country continues to demonstrate commitment to cooperation with US counterterrorism efforts.

The US officials have said the administration will work with Congress for removal of certain provisions vis a vis assistance for Pakistan from the proposed House legislation.

The bill recently moved in the US House of Representatives had recommended conditions for military and other aid to Pakistan.

According to the US legislative process the two versions of a bill are eventually reconciled between the two chambers.

www.thenews.com.pk - Security Verification

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