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US Seeks Vietnamese Base to Counter China

No explanation, bro. You are loser in this debate.
The data for year 2011 is fixed, all the escalation of rate exchange has been included, made by IMF. It's last figure for report.
Only chinese like you do such explanation stupidly.:rofl::rofl:

Whatever. You're too dumb to understand my technical explanation. I shouldn't have bothered.
Whatever. You're too dumb to understand my technical explanation. I shouldn't have bothered.

What kind of technical explanation you did ? when you modified 3,9 to 5. Figure is figure, numer 5 is different to 3.9. This mathematics is teaching in China ? funny things. :rofl::rofl::rofl: liar never bother about what he lies, it's mentality of liars.
There is a reason that India, Vietnam, and other countries that border China do not permit U.S. military bases.

The surest way of inviting an all-out attack by China is to host an U.S. military base. The crazy U.S. neo-cons may someday decide to start a war with China. If the neo-cons lose, the U.S. military will simply pack its bags and leave (e.g. see Vietnam War).

I thought that was an important point, so I bolded it. Hosting an US base is a fool's errand. You'll get dragged into any conflicts between China and the US and end up as cannon fodder. Stay neutral, and don't give either US or China a reason to attack you. It's the best (and only) policy.
I thought that was an important point, so I bolded it. Hosting an US base is a fool's errand. You'll get dragged into any conflicts between China and the US and end up as cannon fodder. Stay neutral, and don't give either US or China a reason to attack you. It's the best (and only) policy.

Everything is already planned. The minions of uncle sam are simply executing those diabolical plans of uncle sam. So, I don't expect them to heed your valuable advice.

US likely won't need a base in Cam Ranh because they can easily lease one in Subic Bay . More over, Cam Ranh Bay is designated as the submarine base for the future fleet of Kilo subs so there won't be a foreign base there anytime soon.

If China decides to offer a war to Viet Nam, we're more than capable to spank them one more time. After two weeks of fighting, their airforce will lose several hundred fighters made in China that they have no choice but to declare "victory" and withdraw and our network of SAM,AAA, are more than enough to inflict this kind of losses. Cruise and ballistic missiles will be useless and wasted on hitting inflatable decoys that we set up on the ground .

Beside 65 provinces that we have airfield for fighters to take off, we already build a kazillion network of concealed takeoff/landing strip across the country. When war is imminent, we will relocate all our fighters to these takeoff/landing strip so the possibility of our aircrafts got destroyed by missile attack is a big fat ZERO. We already stockpile at least 400 Switchblade missiles so we can launch them at any of chinaman's surface ships that try to blockade us with leisure.
You also didn't read my posts. For the last time, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Philippines have no strategic depth. You guys are not serious military opponents.

By the way, you've forgotten that China is the world's third-largest thermonuclear power. They could always drop a city-buster on Tokyo or Seoul and finish the war in ten seconds.

India is a pain in the neck. I have no idea how to control one million square miles of enemy territory indefinitely.

@Martin2, you´re just crazy. I cannot find any words to response to your comments.
Just a question: how many people in China or Oversea think like you?
Do you know the film ...?
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
You act like this guy in the film.

Let me find the citation (see point #4 below) of the 1962 Sino-Indian War. India requested squadrons of fighters from the United States. The U.S. said "no." In fact, the United States didn't lend India a single bullet during the Sino-Indian War. China is like 100 times stronger today than in 1962. There is no way the U.S. would dare cross China for puny India or Vietnam.

That is incorrect, China declared unilateral ceasefire and withdrawal a day after the US informed Peking of its intention to dispatch a USN fleet to the Bay of Bengal. The US and Russia will not tolerate Chinese aggression against any of its neighbors period.
That is incorrect, China declared unilateral ceasefire and withdrawal a day after the US informed Peking of its intention to dispatch a USN fleet to the Bay of Bengal. The US and Russia will not tolerate Chinese aggression against any of its neighbors period.

India cannot decide whether it wants to be a friend of US or not. In 1971, it choose to become an enemy of the US.
^^^^ We didn't choose none and nothing happen except a new born country.... US asked us stay out of Pakistan matter...we said sorry.... and signed a security pact with USSR.... When USA tried to attack us, OUR FRIEND USSR blocked them......
India cannot decide whether it wants to be a friend of US or not. In 1971, it choose to become an enemy of the US.

rather naive of you to believe nation-states think about friendships. national interests come first and foremost. it was like that in 1971, it continues to be the same today.

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