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US Seeks Vietnamese Base to Counter China

They stopped the dam because it was going to flood historic sites and disrupt the ecosystem only for 90% of the energy produced to be given to China. The only thing unfair about it is Myanmar's losses.

The way I see it is that China feels she is being threatened by all her neighbors because of her large military force. Which is the same feelings her neighbors had before US started its pivot to Asia.

Maybe instead of threatening the other smaller nations with her military and economic powers, China should've been more friendly and acknowledged that smaller countries do exist, that those countries still has rights, and when you add all the small countries together they can be an entity that can be respected.

All these news about China feeling threatened or pressured from US presence is the region is getting old. If China really values regional stability, she should even welcome this move. That is, if she doesn't have anything to hide or feel guilty about. The US officials are even thanking China for the warm reception their pivot to Asia received.

The Burmese signed a contract. If you don't like it, don't sign it. They signed it and now they're trying to renege.

Oh great, a Filipino from a country that's trying to steal China's Huangyan Island discovered by the Yuan Dynasty in 1279 A.D.

Good grief. I'm going to sleep.
It seems that the Vietnamese govt. has a bigger mouth and that's why it just cannot resist the idea of swallowing the big black d!ck of obama.

I commented to Chinese guys, who pay for you to clean their stinky @.

Oh, how I long to ride along with my Chinese friends on the road to Delhi and Hanoi! It will certainly be the sweetest experience, an experience of a lifetime.

Here comes my shemale girl friend from the Uttar Pradesh in India. I urge my Chinese friends to welcome her.

T rex, are you here on way to Deli or Hanoi ? I think chinese could drop you somewhere on frontier, no time to bring you back.:lol:

The Burmese signed a contract. If you don't like it, don't sign it. They signed it and now they're trying to renege.

Oh great, a Filipino from a country that's trying to steal China's Huangyan Island discovered by the Yuan Dynasty in 1279 A.D.

Good grief. I'm going to sleep.

Burma is smart.
Philippine refused what chinese lies about such history evident chinese is just invented about his. China can't go to international court with them.

There is a reason that India, Vietnam, and other countries that border China do not permit U.S. military bases.

The surest way of inviting an all-out attack by China is to host an U.S. military base. The crazy U.S. neo-cons may someday decide to start a war with China. If the neo-cons lose, the U.S. military will simply pack its bags and leave (e.g. see Vietnam War).

However, China will exact a price from a belligerent country for hosting an U.S. military base. Since the anti-China host country has supported an attack on China, China will carve a buffer zone out of the host country to prevent another attack on China by the U.S.

I think 20% of the anti-China host country's territory is fair payment to ensure another aggression against China does not occur.

Chinese guy with false flag, It is the Chinese old mentality to grab others territory. In todays world boundaries are almost impossible to change, particularly between Nuclear powers.
It is almost laughable to think China can grab the land of its neighbours but its Neighbours cannot do that combining their forces.

You also didn't read my posts. For the last time, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Philippines have no strategic depth. You guys are not serious military opponents.

By the way, you've forgotten that China is the world's third-largest thermonuclear power. They could always drop a city-buster on Tokyo or Seoul and finish the war in ten seconds.

India is a pain in the neck. I have no idea how to control one million square miles of enemy territory indefinitely.

Tell the same thing about India to your CCP generals. There will be a day when China's 1/3 rd territory(Tibet and Xingxang) will be cut away from it because of freedom movements.
India can do the same to China what China is dreaming to about India.

China is contiguous to India. The United States is on the other side of the planet with respect to Vietnam.

To subjugate India, China will conquer and annex the entire Indian northeast. If you don't stop antagonizing China, China will annex even more territory. This is called the Israeli approach on a large scale. Eventually, if you don't follow Chinese dictates then Indian territory will be the size of Pakistan.

The first step down this road is U.S. military bases on Indian soil. Once the Chinese hardliners have the support of the moderates in power, China will walk down the Israeli road. Israel is swallowing up the West Bank. China will swallow up as much of India as the Chinese moderates will agree to.

First of all try to save Tibet and Xingxang in the coming days then we can talk of Indian Invasion. World powers along with India are plotting it.
If Tibet is annexed from Chian India will have a buffer state.

China is at a crossroad. Is China like Israel? I don't know.

However, I do know that if its neighbors provoke China then the hardliners will come to power. After that, it's easy to predict Chinese actions. Right now, the Chinese moderates have bottled up the country in an isolationist stance. As long as the external status quo persists, China remains isolationist.

We need someone to poke China in the eye. Military bases in India or Vietnam would be a good start. It will definitely engender a strong Chinese reaction and lead to a truly massive buildup of arms.

Russia annexed 20% of Georgian territory. There is nothing to stop China from annexing the territory of neighboring countries. However, a country has to threaten China first. That hasn't happened yet.


Look guys, this is pretty straightforward. I'm simply explaining why no countries that border China have agreed to the establishment of U.S. military bases. It's like waving a giant red flag at the Chinese bull. China will charge the target.

As if China is Great miliotary powerand every one is scared of it. You cannot even bully Philippines You are talking about India.
Now, you may find in cleaning the stinky american and israeli a$$ a heavenly pleasure but I don't have this canine habit.

It is US that is cleaning Indian ***** not viceversa.
U.S. bombed Iraq with F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter-bombers.

China is developing the J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter to achieve the same capability in a future bombing of India and degradation of Indian air defenses.

Is that clear enough?

Chinese tech and its economy are not reliant. These guys they have only 10 years of economic growth and they are talking to take over the world with imperialistic mentality.
U can self masterbate with your own military untested toys. Do you think Japan and South korea who are more advanced in tech do not have nuclear weapons. There are countries which have nuclear weapons and can assmble and deliver in short span of time.
The truth is Recent moves by US and China is vietnam, South China sea, Phillipines, Myanmar and now Bangladesh have pissed of Chinese so much that This guy is fantasizing to wage a war with India.
Form the begining of South china sea dispute Chinese have lot of Diplomatic defeats and all of the neighbouring countries have turned against it.
Even Asean summit was a major set back for China. Future war will be Japan,India and US on one side and China on the other side. Now do your stategic analysis on that and try to imagine China confined to suberbs of beiging where the true Han chinese belong.
U.S. cannot beat China in a land war on China's periphery. The Vietnam War proved the point. After 15 years of battle, the exhausted American military went home.

The PLA is completely different from the primitive Vietnamese military. An U.S. engagement against China's modern military machine will be short. The American military will last about 15 weeks in a land war against China before being overrun.

Thats not what your military said on American performance in 1st gulf war.
Same thing! China today is immensely different from half a century ago. india is just as defeatable as 1962!

trust then verify!

Yes i agree with you China is very different now. it has resource and land grabbing mentality.
To subjugate India, China will conquer and annex the entire Indian northeast.

More like e-warrior prophecies. :laugh:

If there is slightest amount of logic in the post, then India wouldn't be holding Arunachal pradesh and Sikkim.

Whine all you want, your academics know too well the advantages over India has dissappered long ago.

If you don't stop antagonizing China, China will annex even more territory. This is called the Israeli approach on a large scale. Eventually, if you don't follow Chinese dictates then Indian territory will be the size of Pakistan.

Deluded Israeli wannabe?

The first step down this road is U.S. military bases on Indian soil.

Even post 1962 when India was at its lowest point in military strength , she never allowed this to happen, today the IA is on a level of its own.

Once the Chinese hardliners have the support of the moderates in power, China will walk down the Israeli road. Israel is swallowing up the West Bank. China will swallow up as much of India as the Chinese moderates will agree to

Once Chinese e-warriors saturate themselves with delusions there is no end how masturbatory it can get.

Why stop with India, Earth, why not swallow Mars, Venus and Uranus too? :lol:
Buddy, trust me, these indian concubines of the zionazis know very well what uncle sam has on its twisted mind but of course, they are to tell the opposite to the world. That is their assigned task. If China goes Russia will be uncle sam's final target and if Iran and Pakistan goes China will be the next target. And in this whole scheme india has been functioning as the lubrication for the zionazi war machine. If Russia keeps boosting the indian military after all this, it will be like lubricating the US war machine geared to rip apart both Russia and China.

What else can those who are the masters of false flag operations think of others? When there's nothing to say throwing crap is the only way! A typocal indo-zionazi way!

"Indian Concubine" That is a harsh word to used by a country who is afraid of India. May be we should remind you that your masters before 1971 are a perfect description to describe the word.
Truth is China is been defeated diplomatically since south China sea stan off and it is in cross roads today about its intentions and strategic interests.
Lets teach this Martian about how he must behave among us earthlings.

The J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter fleet isn't ready yet. Chinese casualties will be greatly minimized with a fleet of stealth fighters.

Take a second look at the terrain of region where Sino-Indian clash will occur and tell us how much air superiority will have an impact in that theatre. Take all the time you want. I would like you to open up your martian knowledge to us and , we all love new clowns here. :lol:

China will do to India what the U.S. did to Iraq in 1989. China is aiming for 145 casualties and intend to mop the floor with your Indian military.

China turns back after 145 casualties, hmmmmmmmmmm good decision on her part.


Let's take a look at the track record of the United States.

1962 - India begged the U.S. for fighter aircraft during the 1962 Sino-Indian War. The United States said "no" twice.

Where do you get such nonsence from ?

The conclusion is inescapable. If you want to antagonize China or Russia, the U.S. is willing to lend only verbal support. There will be no worthwhile military supplies or American intervention.

Then whats stopping PRC from annexing Taiwan, taking back the Islands it claims from Japan then? :lol:

What they can do, they can start viewing China as friend instead of seeking friends in the wrong places!

On the contrary, I can bet that not only Pakistan but also Russia and Iran will have no option but to stand with China.

Why are you talking on behalf of Pakistan and Iran. The fact is Russia is modernizing its forces because Chinese had their eyes in Siberia. Recent military excercises done by India and Russia prove that.
Chinese are the ones behind the protests of anti democracy when Putin was being elected. If there is a war Russia will be on its own side.
I think Myanmar is trying to move towards the West. They unfairly postponed a Chinese dam under contract.

Those North Koreans detained Chinese fishermen. They also wrote China out of their history in saving them during the Korean War. I think they're also trying to claim a Chinese mountain on their Korean map.

That is because the Burmese and Koreans have realized the true nature of the Chinese. You remember that both were "all-weather ally" of China, before they were disappointed to you.

You just want to extract natural resources of Myanmar and you want N.Korea as your outpost, but you did not pay attention to any their interests.

Chinese always think that they "help" the communist neighbors, in return the countries "must" sacrifice their territory to China.

Fortunately for the Burmese when their government has changed in recent times.
And hope that N. Korean soon reunite with their southern brothers for the interests of ethnic Koreans, instead of doing outpost for the benefit of CCP.

By the way, you ungrateful Vietnamese have a funny way of showing gratitude to China for saving you from the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. You didn't win it without Chinese anti-aircraft guns and other countless supplies. Also, Chinese protection made large parts of North Vietnam no-fly zones for much of the war.

You back-stabbing ingrates.

China had also intended to turn North VN as a outpost for them, like N. Korea. China did not want to see VN re-unification. That is why she cut aid immediately to North VN after basically North VN kicked American out Vietnam in 1972.
In fact, Northern VN also helped China in strategy to fight against Americans in the southern border of China.
You get what you want, so don't scream loudly about "help".
You should also remember that when you "help" North VN to turn North VN become a safe buffer for China, half the Vietnamese in South VN see you as their enemy.

When the red flags will be flying over Delhi you'll know if it was a dream! Don't worry, it's coming and guess what, your zionazi masters will be congratulating the brave warriors from the north.

The same way pakistanis think about Green flag flying on Red fort. Now they don't have balls to look at wagha border. Do you think the Cheap trader(China) will help its neighbour with out sucking its resources. Atleast West and India have some morals in treaties and friendship but Chinese will go to bed with any one when thay see even little bit of profit.

Here comes my shemale girl friend from the Uttar Pradesh in India. I urge my Chinese friends to welcome her.

You are a supported of the oppressor ,pakistanis, of your own country men. You can shout but the reality is completely different.

When the red flags will be flying over Delhi you'll know if it was a dream! Don't worry, it's coming and guess what, your zionazi masters will be congratulating the brave warriors from the north.

To quote your former master's wet dreams here:

"I would capture Agartala and a big chunk of Assam, and develop multiple thrusts into Indian Bengal. We would cripple the economy of Calcutta by blowing up bridges and sinking boats and ships in Hooghly River and create panic amongst the civilians. One air raid on Calcutta would set a sea of humanity in motion to get out of Calcutta”.

This the reality:


You can please your red, white, green masters as much as you want with your indomitable inferiority complex, reality won't budge.

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