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US responsible for the Murder of Pakistani Troops - Pak Rejects NATO Probe


I've already realized that there's not a thing I can say to convince people that these troops were not out there "laughing and enjoying the turkey-shoot of Pakistani soldiers" and that this image has sadly been burned into the minds of millions of people via pop media imagery and verbal descriptions of the "blood-thirsty ISAF animals". Thus we are presumed to be "street thugs" and much worse. And it's one of the reasons I've avoided this topic. Too much emotion.

I don't know how else to say it. Negligence, yes. Intent, no. No soldier or group of them is going to unilaterally create a horrendous international incident and risk everything so they can "satisfy their lust for Pakistani blood."

No Chogy you must not give up I appreciate your views. And you are responsible for tempering my views on Americans However I would say that these look like deliberate actions from what we know and or gross negligence. If we could agree on gross negligence which I think we might then whoever has been grossly negligent needs to face the music as these lives as any life should be are precious to us. At the very least someone is guilty of manslaughter

---------- Post added at 06:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 PM ----------

unlike india and israel.....whoever lobbies for pakistans interest while being in USA gets in trouble from US authorities.Didnt you read a recent news when somebody lobbying for kashmir in favour of pakistan in USA was arrested?

yea can you imagine a group of Muslims bribing American politicians like AIPAC does?? It simply would not be allowed

---------- Post added at 06:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:41 PM ----------

In fact Chogy you should represent Americans you would certainly do a better job than that Centcom guy
Iranians have been alleged to be feeding the Taliban, and some other groups too. Heck Gulf state individuals have been accused to be funding AQ & taliban. Its not just ISI / Pakistan. Pakistan has not the resources to keep feeding the Taliban alone, heck US taxpayers money is also feeding the Taliban.

Then why point just at ISI, you guys can't see others doing the same or Indians can't think about anyone else other then ISI/ Pakistan ??

the shaped charge Dragon IEDs (which are deadlier than any other locally made crude devices) are all coming from Iranian side, as are small arms.

from a purely Iranian perspective, it makes sense for them to support the taleban -at least under the table

ISI/PA are just scape-goats due to more ''constrained'' cooperation
unlike india and israel.....whoever lobbies for pakistans interest while being in USA gets in trouble from US authorities.Didnt you read a recent news when somebody lobbying for kashmir in favour of pakistan in USA was arrested?

Dr. Fay made stupid mistakes with his tax paperwork, and got into trouble because of that, NOT because of his lobbying.

Trust me, I know of what I speak here. Once one knows the rules of the game, anyone can play it as well as they wish.

---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------

as far as i remember, he pleaded guilty for his crimes....

He was given a plea deal, and will be just fine.

yea can you imagine a group of Muslims bribing American politicians like AIPAC does?? It simply would not be allowed.............

There is NOTHING preventing ANYONE from forming their own interest groups to influence policy, as long as they play by the rules, which are the same for everyone.
you tried to become mediator and ALLY and invited American to help you guys to get kashmir back, that was planned but unfortunately it failed. And in the end you got your self stuck after getting 100's of F-16 in dowry.

After seeing the whole Arabic block I would not want to go to Middle east any more(except for 1-2 countries) any thing could happen any time people are killing each other. may be you are used to such atmosphere.

Where in hell did Kashmir come into this ?? Or you Indians upto your usual trick of dragging in Kashmir to drag the thread off tracks and hide the incompetence of not able to keep the discussion on topic. You blamed us for feeding Taliban and when i said many other are doing the same, including the US itself, you drag in Kashmir as you have nothing else to prove your accusations. Be warned, dragging the thread off track will not be allowed.

And no, Gulf states are just fit and fine and doing great, don't make lame excuses, and to disappoint you, again no we are not used to any such conditions as you think.

If you have nothing better to prove your accusations and confront the allegations i made in return,then don't paste any more replies to any of my posts, including this one.
Are you claiming that the soldiers should have thought "Wow, these guys are hanging out longer than normal, they must not be Taliban!" Come on, that is silly.

No, but this was an ample evidence that 'something was wrong'. This is known as 'reading of the battle', a must have quality for every military commander, which yours evidently seemed to be lacking. The commander ordering or allowing a strike dont just shut down his coms and go for out for a beer break, but keeps on 'listening' to the battle reports and then continuously modify his plans basing on the received info.

Not every battle is 'fire and forget', it's not like 'hey, take these 10000 rounds, 400 artillery shells and 200 bombs, just dump them over the target and let me know when your are finished, i am out taking a nap'. i dont say that the US military is unprofessional like this, but what your military did on Nov 26 only strengthen my fears.

The way to wage war is to pound with overwhelming force and firepower. That's how you win.

Again, in battle, you hit, hit hard, keep hitting. This isn't a medeival jousting match. There's nothing supposed to be fair about it.

Is it because of this approach of yours the US is shyt-slinged by every weak Nation?

Is it because of this approach that 100% of Pakistanis are calling you guys murderers and butchers?

And expansionist and terrorist america are otherwise a norm these days.

i agree that there isnt anything fair about war, but we are living in 2011 arent we? What happened to Liddell Hart's "Indirect Approach" (lower causalities, upsetting the equilibrium of the enemy, not by excessive force but superior strategy - Clausewitz in English: Chapter 15) as opposed to Napoleon's "Absolute War" and Clausewitz's "Total War" (civilian populations should not be safe from abuse from warring armies, total war, in the Clausewitzian vision, pitted entire societies against one another. All an enemy's territory, property, and citizens were potential targets. Indeed, the more ruthless, merciless and complete an army's tactics, the more likely Clausewitz believed their victory to be. Total War)

As far as i know (after studying in a few US military institutions), you guys follow Hart, not Clausewitz, until you guys proved it otherwise on Nov 26!

BTW, as it seems you have been away from the military for quite sometime now, i must tell you that the world (not only the US) as of today has shifted AWAY from Clasewitzian school of thought of Total/Absolute War.

There have been dozens of engagements with the real enemy with a magnitude much greater than this clash. Look it up.
i dont doubt that. The recent history (in Iraq and Afg War) bears testimony to excessive use of force by the US military.

Though i still agree with you and maintain that there isnt anything fair in war. 9/11 stood witness to this, but then what differentiates terrorists from organized militaries? Morals, no?

This is simply crude and not worthy of a response. You think the average soldier enjoys killing people? And you claim prior military service?

I've already realized that there's not a thing I can say to convince people that these troops were not out there "laughing and enjoying the turkey-shoot of Pakistani soldiers" and that this image has sadly been burned into the minds of millions of people via pop media imagery and verbal descriptions of the "blood-thirsty ISAF animals". Thus we are presumed to be "street thugs" and much worse. And it's one of the reasons I've avoided this topic. Too much emotion.

I don't know how else to say it. Negligence, yes. Intent, no. No soldier or group of them is going to unilaterally create a horrendous international incident and risk everything so they can "satisfy their lust for Pakistani blood."

Dont get me wrong, please. i dont blame the men on ground and those in the air attacking our posts and then enjoying, they were just following orders, but i cant say the same for the commanders overlooking the operation on your side. Sorry, this just dont get digestible after reading the step by step inquiry report of yours.

P.S This post is not for noobs, only those having knowledge of military history should respond, i dont want to ruin this important thread by teaching Clausewitz and Moltke to people who dont know them.
To get back on topic, when is Pakistan's formal response expected to be finalized?
Where in hell did Kashmir come into this ?? Or you Indians upto your usual trick of dragging in Kashmir to drag the thread off tracks and hide the incompetence of not able to keep the discussion on topic. You blamed us for feeding Taliban and when i said many other are doing the same, including the US itself, you drag in Kashmir as you have nothing else to prove your accusations. Be warned, dragging the thread off track will not be allowed.

And no, Gulf states are just fit and fine and doing great, don't make lame excuses, and to disappoint you, again no we are not used to any such conditions as you think.

If you have nothing better to prove your accusations and confront the allegations i made in return,then don't paste any more replies to any of my posts, including this one.

then what for you asked F 16 from USA? Definitely for India and why India only, because of Kashmir. You thought while Pakistan helps Americans in Afghanistan, Americans will do favor to help you in Kashmir resolution but that never happened. Now you are stuck in Pakistan's own created problems because Pakistan want Muslim Sympathy and American Aid.

What do you think Pakistan didn't know about Osama in Abottabad? What I believe your own government gave permission to carry out attacks and location of Osama to the Nato forces so that Pakistan comes out to be a helpless state among muslim world. There you got American sympathy too and Muslim sympathy too but americans are clever they took it differently.

And if Pakistan knows about that people in gulf states are funding these terrorists, what is Pakistan doing about that since you have better relations with them you can carry out espionage operations.
In fact Chogy you should represent Americans you would certainly do a better job than that Centcom guy

Although i like this new CENTCOM guy,he is much more active and informative than previous one.
But yes Chogy's comments have been well balanced , unlike our other friend Gambit.
And i wont mention solomon2..as i dont understand him...
P.S This post is not for noobs, only those having knowledge of military history should respond, i dont want to ruin this important thread by teaching Clausewitz and Moltke to people who dont know them.

Just to add, Moltke came up with the idea to use blue for friendly, and the term 'Blue on Blue' was first coined.

And red for enemy was also first used by him.

---------- Post added at 11:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

Although i like this new CENTCOM guy,he is much more active and informative than previous one.
But yes Chogy's comments have been well balanced , unlike our other friend Gambit.
And i wont mention solomon2..as i dont understand him...

Gambit is a much more technical guy.

Chogy is the reasonable and rational one.
i didn't mean that......pakistan showed no co operation in diplomacy too, they refused to open the blockade....now US will source its supplies from outside and pakistan will get nothing.......pakistan should have pushed for a public apology and compensation, and could have used the blockade to obtain more favourable terms from the US, but they did nothing, and now pakistan is left with nothing.......war in afghanistan remain unaffected......

Pakistan has been responsible for one sided diplomacy for the past 10 years with the US, not to mention the fact that we allowed cargo (military & civilian) into Afghanistan (both air & land) without any transit fee for over 10 years which I am sure is worth atleast 100 times any amount of meager aid that the US has been chirping about every single day ever since the bloody US Terror war started.

When you compare our gain with our losses in this terror war that the US has unleashed, the difference in monumental in favor of our losses, what were we standing to gain anyway? We just realized that we may not have much to lose if we continue with the same policies.

And the war in Afghanistan is not unaffected, ground realities are severely different from US/ISAF claims. Even Mullah Umer's name is off the most wanted list.....Changes will be revealed slowly and steadily, Pakistan is set to gain a lot from these decisions

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