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US putting final touches to new $2 bn assistance to Pak

Completely fail to understand Pak bros!!! How come you guys are happy in getting aid from US which is screwing you left and right?
and btw we lost nearly $40-50billion since WoT started and us paid us less than $15 billion...

Lets say if $50B is paid by US, then are you OK? Does Sam Uncle become your friend?
I think damage that's been caused need to be valued in dimensions other than $$$.
Lets say if $50B is paid by US, then are you OK? Does Sam Uncle become your friend?
I think damage that's been caused need to be valued in dimensions other than $$$.
both are needed, money makes the world go round, if money was so useless, why is it the most powerful object in our day and age?
is india ivolved in any such operation .....
is india fighting war on terror ...
are taliban fighting with india......
had india lost its soldiers in war against terror........\
many more...........
than why.............. any reason............

Rehan Niazi FaLcon , Bro. ; now These are some reaLLy Tough questions for inDians ... :rofl: They wonT geT Through .... :rofl:
HaLka HaaTh Rakhha kar inDians per Dear ... :rofl: :pakistan:
Completely fail to understand Pak bros!!! How come you guys are happy in getting aid from US which is screwing you left and right?

I agree this new package is nothing more than an official kick back to keep the lid on transit aid Pandora box.

Transit aid will continue.. .Pakistan will continue to repair the roads with high markup loans from IMF and many billions in loss of revenue due to smuggling in cover of transit trade.

This 2b$ does not even cover the cost of strategic passage royalty for six months.
This amount is nothing in comparison with the loss Pakistan has faced due to the situation created in the region by American
but still
something is better then nothing
Offering us spare change for our contribution of billions..no wonder the americans couldnt digest outspoken qualified people and had to back puppets for making their spare change look good!
Ask for more naval systems.

Maritime Patrol aircraft, helicopters, frigates.
I have no problems with Pakistan getting weapons that they would want but the hypocrisy of US that puts roadblocks on Indian purchases for which India will pay top dollar versus US gifting weaponry to Pakistan is at best a good strategy and at worst treason.

This aid to Pakistan right before Obama's visit to India demonstrates the failed policy of Manmohan Singh. He still is holding on to the world view of Bush years. Even in the Bush years the so-called strategic partnership did not encourage FBI to take specific names like Headley when warning about terrorism. The worst part is that he travelled to India even after 26/11. It shows the duplicious role of the US in this so-called WOT and the absolute mindblowing in efficiency of India's internal security apparatus.

Can India fight Taliban for US or offer supply routes into Afghanistan....?
The articles suggest that the US will be disbursing this money primarily for COIN equipment. That would likely mean it will be used for helicopter purchases, training etc.

It will not be used to obtain F-16's or other military equipment targeted for use primarily in a conventional conflict with India. Of course any weapon system used in COIN can also be used in a conventional war, and if the resources are directed towards bolstering Pakistan's heli capabilities, then those helicopters will also bolster its conventional capabilities.

In addition, this potentially frees up some Pakistani resources that might be applied towards weapon systems for use in a conventional conflict with India.

Yup..it means PA will have to take out Haqqani network.No more excuses of no capabilities to do so.

S. President Barack Obama meets with his national security team on Afghanistan and Pakistan in the White House Wednesday.

With Pakistani visit to the U.S., a chance to ease tensions - CNN.com
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