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US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

Insh'Allah Pakistan will survive. Pakistan is a great country surviving in the face of terrible odds and difficulties.

It is known fact that USA and the west cannot tolerate an Islamic country having nuclear weapons.

1. Obviously pakistan will survive as there is no country want to invade or capture or merge pakistan.

2. But what about ur second claim?? surviving against odds??
The thing is you can't know for sure, if the protocols, and security infrastructure has worked for sure. This kind of attitude was also there before OBL raid happened but see what it got for you people.
There are also other ways of detecting nuclear weapons. Alpha particles are one such

You are very intelligent indeed......now run along and read up the smart ways to hide Nuclear Weapons.
I guss, peoples are trying to get, intell on our nukes, by posting these, kind of threads.
Well guys, all I can, saY is , security of our nukes , isn't conventional aNy more, its been made, to tactical,technical, way forwArd, then even, wht DR, smAnd was trying to explain!
All around, six targets bieng, selected , in case of retaliation is required! One of them, is middle esat, & one is in fareast, with ICBM with n longer ranges, pakistan can strike back anywhere, it wanted in the world.
Keep in mind, it was 1984 , when pAkistan got frist of its angel of hell, so don't get surprised, pakistans , unannounced, long range ICBM!
Think US , pentagon knows, that!
For cHina, pakiStan can hit, tAiwan, & the game will be on???
Pak observer is a nonsense source

This is old news (MSNBC: 3 Aug 2011).

Open Channel - US prepares for worst-case scenario with Pakistan nukes

“It’s safe to assume that planning for the worst-case scenario regarding Pakistan nukes has ready taken place inside the U.S. government,” said Roger Cressey, former deputy director of counterterrorism in the Clinton and Bush White House and an NBC News consultant. “This issue remains one of the highest priorities of the U.S. intelligence community ... and the White House.”

What's interesting here is the silence from the vociferous Pakistani liberals who always dismiss these claims as mullah-inspired conspiracy theories. Perhaps Nadeem Paracha is too busy smoking grass to bother responding to these reports.

Secondly, all this talk of terrorist access to nukes is a furphy. The Pentagon knows full well that there is zero chance of nukes falling into terrorist hands. The terrorist angle is only a cover story for the American desire to denuke Pakistan as a matter of policy.
Strategic Command of Pakistan will not be facing a bunch of 30 SEALS in four stealth helos. They'd be facing an all out US invasion, if such a thing were to ever happen.

Oh God......what a dream come true that would be for Indians. Relax pal, don't get your hopes so high.
are nukes somebody lunch box you could snatch them and run away..first of all it would take considerable effort to locate them in all corners of the country. Then to enter the facilities and the challenging logistics of taking hundreds of nukes weighting a few hundred KG each...not at all a snatch and run operation but obama is just trying to fool the world.
As usual a Crap news 4rm a crap person belong to a troll nation ....every day some indoos bring some crap news to pdf and start doing trolling :devil:
Same way they target just ONE person in area of 803,940 km² of land(can be more if you include afghanistan).

Thats one person.. undefended..
These are 200 items or more.. pretty well defended.
A slight difference.
Pakistan's nuclear assets are distributed across much of the country, that's the 36th largest landmass in the world. Although I am confident that CIA doesn't have a clue where they are, but I'll suggest for argument sakes that 2 locations are neutralized and the US decides to nab them. Here's what will happen, IMHO:

1) They won't attack, the Americans are smarter than that.

2) They have a fit of fanaticism and send in those stealth helos to take the nukes.

Now let's build on scenario two, at location X. Three choppers are dispatched for location X (Any more and they risk forming a cluster that may result in small radar reflection from each helo, resulting in a significant ping back). From the size of the wreckage, I estimate that helo carries less than 10 people including two pilots. So let's say there are 6 armed SEALS in each. The Helicopters enter Pakistani airspace undetected. They reach site X and:

1) Are spotted, taken alive/killed in cross fire.
2) Manage to infiltrate the facility

Building on scenario 2, now that they are inside the facility, they face hundreds of well trained, fiercely motivated members of the SPD who are also armed to the teeth.

1) They are killed/taken alive.
2) They go Rambo and kill every SPD personnel onsite.

Building on scenario 2, they find the warheads (Under 10) but what do they remove them with? They can't just carry them, time is of the essence as back up is probably inbound.

1) They leave without the warheads.
2) They destroy the warheads on site.

Building on scenario 2, if they destroy the nukes on site, a massive radiation leak will affect much of Pakistan's civilian populace. Depending on the time of year, winds from the bay of Bengal or from the Mediterranean sea will carry the winds loaded with radiation to neighbouring countries. With so much enriched uranium, I predict a Radiation cloud that will put Chernobyl to shame. The Americans are smarter than that.


1) Any such raid is impossible.
2) Indians go home sad.
This is old news (MSNBC: 3 Aug 2011).

Open Channel - US prepares for worst-case scenario with Pakistan nukes

“It’s safe to assume that planning for the worst-case scenario regarding Pakistan nukes has ready taken place inside the U.S. government,” said Roger Cressey, former deputy director of counterterrorism in the Clinton and Bush White House and an NBC News consultant. “This issue remains one of the highest priorities of the U.S. intelligence community ... and the White House.”

What's interesting here is the silence from the vociferous Pakistani liberals who always dismiss these claims as mullah-inspired conspiracy theories. Perhaps Nadeem Paracha is too busy smoking grass to bother responding to these reports.

Secondly, all this talk of terrorist access to nukes is a furphy. The Pentagon knows full well that there is zero chance of nukes falling into terrorist hands. The terrorist angle is only a cover story for the American desire to denuke Pakistan as a matter of policy.

I hope they do not resort to their sanctions weapon to do that. I definitely see a case building up against Pk.
If snatching nukes was so easy..then why they havent done it on North Korea yet? Or were not able to disarm Ghaddafi by snatching? Nukes are a very strong bargaining chip....and in any event..we happen to have hundreds of them...how many will they take..

Perhaps we should install armed nuke missles in direction of Afghanistan..one presidential command and bam...instant cooking stand!
If USA is unable to secure the Pakistani nukes and see a risk of the nukes potentially falling in the wrong hands - would the Americans launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Pakistan?
US prepared for anything, for dealling with Iran, Korea, even prepared for attacking alien from other star
Question for the experts:

Do nuclear weapons require replenishment? I know Pu has a long half-life, but is there any need to replenish the pile?

If so, the US could destroy Pakistan's nuclear reactors and start a countdown for effectively denuking Pakistan. Pakistan would really have no recourse -- it is not going to nuke the US in return.
:hitwall:A totaly Stupied and scrap idea................i am wonder how stupid those peoples are which beleive in such snario.........and even they discuss about this.......... OK let's be real................any sane person can make idea what kind of stupidity is this.

Let's say they land in Pakistan (Most probably through paratroopers)....and how many places they will land in Paksitan, abviously the Nukes are not in one place, secondly they will have to cross multi layers of secruity to even reach to them.....then they dont' know the place they are going to target really has the Original Nukes or Dummies............
Even let's say they reach to the target, but after finding the target ............dismantel it and then take it back, is only possible if the PA will be sleeping after eating sleeping pills.....

Pakistan has more than 100 Nukes and let's assume that 2 in one place so that means 50 different Places througout Pakistan...............and than means American's will have to send 50 Choppers for paratroopers.............and this is not the surgical strike.............this will be open war................and what will be the results of War everybody knows...........
1- Atleast Pakistan can destory with missiles all US bases in Afghanistan and what will be casualities its countless.
2-Pakistan can sink their aircraft carrier with cruise missiles and Ballistic missiles.
3-After scnatching the Nukes where they will go............two places they can go..........Afghanistan and second if India will support them and will give them place to run........and if India will do this..............this will be world war 3.........will start in this area.........................................

Just Imagine..............If some stupid peoples who are sitting in White house (They are same which claimed Iraq has Bio Chemical weapons and they claimed that victory in Afghanistan) even try to do this...............:flame:
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