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the only goodthing about a trump victory would be following a Rodrigo Duterte / trump 3am twitter fight, the no holds barred cage match of twitter.

But lets face it when you hire Ailes to improve your appeal with women Christie to handle your transition and Rudy to be your spokesman you have dug a hole so deep you can see the stars in daytime.
Here is the link to the complete statement of the general, as you will notice, in the end of his statement, he said “that would not require going to war full-scale, not necessarily”, in other words, he does not think imposing no-fly zone in limited areas will lead to war with Russia. There is a bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress for the no-fly zone. Former CIA director David Petraeus (he’s famous for Anbar awakening, Iraq) also backs the idea. It will not only save the lives of innocent noncombatants, but it can also help in the negotiations for a peaceful settlement of the conflict. Link
so you're ok with the idea of either a limited direct war with Russia in the Syrian theatre or a massive ramping up of lethal aid to jihadist proxies to fight Russia ? I think Trump has the right idea, throw the so called rebels under the bus and work with Russia to eliminate the terror groups. There is no peaceful solution to that conflict and I don't see how siding with sunni extremists serves US national interests.



Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Loveland, CO 10/3/16

WikiLeaks Trolls Trump World, Delivers Nothing on Hillary :lol:

Roger Stone and Alex Jones predicted Julian Assange would end the Clinton campaign on Tuesday with a hyped announcement. October surprise, indeed.


If Hillary Clinton’s die-hard opponents were hoping for an October surprise, they’re going to have to wait.

A Tuesday morning press conference by WikiLeaks, which Clinton antagonists and conspiracy theorists had hoped would spell the beginning of the end of her presidential campaign, turned out to be a celebration-cum-infomercial for the website, which celebrates its 10th anniversary today and is promoting a new book.

Either WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, never really had the goods on Clinton, or Donald Trump and his supporters just got wickedly trolled.

For months, WikiLeaks has been hinting that it would release damaging documents about Clinton in the home stretch of the presidential campaign. The group had posted embarrassing emails stolen by hackers from the Democratic National Committeein July, leaving the world wondering, what else does Assange have in his hard drive?

Egged on by the apparently unfounded claims of Trump adviser Roger Stone that WikiLeaks had a campaign-ending document dump in store, anticipation reached a fever pitch. According to Google, the top trending question about Trump’s opponent on Monday was “What could WikiLeaks have on Clinton?”

Turns out, probably not much. There was no spectacular release of private emails. No bombshells about the Clinton Foundation or brain tumors. Instead, Assange and some of his WikiLeaks colleagues used the press conference to make a pitch for donations and to note the remarkable quantity of the site’s work—10 million documents published, containing more than 10 billion words, which the group claims is “more secret documents than the rest of the world’s media combined.”

With legions of Trump supporters and Clinton haters feeling deceived, Stone claimed that Assange had never promised a big reveal.

"Not at all what he said," Stone wrote in an email to The Daily Beast, adding that journalists had engaged in "wishful thinking."

Stone had already seemed to tamp down expectations ahead of the press conference, which was streamed live at 4 a.m. Eastern time.

“Assange correctly fears for his life because he has the deep secrets of the Deep State and he’s getting ready to spill the beans,” Stone said on The Alex Jones Show on Monday, explaining why Assange must have changed his earlier plans to hold the press conference from the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he lives in a self-imposed exile. WikiLeaks held the event in Berlin instead, and Assange joined via video.

“Bill and Hillary Clinton know that it’s handcuff time and they’re apoplectic,” Stone said.

What now appears more likely is that there was never an October surprise, at least not of the magnitude that Stone had been promising when he tweeted Sunday, “Wednesday@HillaryClinton is done. #Wikileaks.”

Some Clinton opponents took that as gospel, perhaps because Stone has said he’s in contact with Assange, whom he recently described as “my hero.”

WikiLeaks, however, batted down the suggestion that Tuesday was some kind of D-Day.

“Regarding upcoming elections...We hope to be publishing every week for the next 10 weeks,” Assange said, alluding to a more prolonged and less-decisive document drip. Assange said that the “significant” disclosures would cover the U.S. election and Google, but he gave no precise details about when they would occur.

Clinton’s most fervent antagonists were outraged.

“Julian Assange trolling the world is Hillary’s October surprise,” Jones declared in a Tuesday morning tirade. Jones, who had covered the press conference live on his website Infowars, had promised his followers that Assange had a revelation that “could swing the election against Hillary if it catches fire.”

“He was promising this damning evidence and he doesn’t release it now 34 days out and now he’s saying he’ll release it by the end of the year so that smacks of a sell-out,” Jones said. “I think he’s probably out of documents.” :lol:

But some people would still like to know where Assange is getting those documents. At a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee last month, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) asked FBI Director James Comey whether law-enforcement officials had interviewed Stone “about his communications with Julian Assange or his knowledge of how WikiLeaks got these illegally obtained documents,” referring to the hacked DNC emails.

Comey declined to comment. Nadler also pressed the director on whether the FBI had talked to Stone about his claims to have “knowledge about upcoming leaks of additional illegally hacked documents.”

Comey again declined to comment and wouldn’t say whether or not the FBI had opened an investigation into the matter.

U.S. intelligence officials and computer-security experts suspect that WikiLeaks obtained the DNC emails from a source working on behalf of the Russian government, which is the prime suspect in that hack as well as other intrusions of U.S. political organizations, elected officials, and former government officials.

Democrats have been pressing the FBI to investigate in particular the Trump campaign’s ties to the Russian government and whether Trump is benefiting from the breaches. Republicans, though, have refused to sign on to those inquiries, leaving the Democrats with few tools to pursue an investigation.

Update, 10/4/16, 11:30 a.m.: This article has been updated with Roger Stone's response. Link

WikiLeaks Trolls Trump World, Delivers Nothing on Hillary :lol:


it was at a decent hour for me but I still wasted some time trying to keep an eye on it, I'll bet you're feeling relieved :P

see the last rally ? he just destroyed all of that tax evasion smear by being himself and talking honestly about it lol

they tried so hard to paint him as some sort of failed businessman tax cheat, and he just flies in on his 757 and makes a joke and nobody has a case on him anymore.

master politician, this man will win in a landslide.

first world victims of globalization

deplorable 'murricans

. . .
It looks like the Libertarian party's VP candidate has indirectly endorsed Hillary.

VP hopeful Weld is more interested in attacking Trump

By Michael Levenson and Frank Phillips GLOBE STAFF OCTOBER 04, 2016

The Libertarian vice presidential candidate, William F. Weld, said Tuesday that he plans to focus exclusively on blasting Donald Trump over the next five weeks, a strategic pivot aimed at denying Trump the White House and giving himself a key role in helping to rebuild the GOP.

Weld’s comments in a Globe interview mark a major shift in his mission since he pledged at the Libertarian convention in May that he would remain a Libertarian for life and would do all he could to help elect his running mate, Gary Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico.

But things have changed. Johnson has committed several high-profile gaffes in recent weeks that revealed apparent weak spots in his foreign-policy knowledge. Meanwhile, Trump had seemed to be surging back into contention after he fell well behind in the polls in early August.

While Weld insisted he still supports Johnson, he said he is now interested primarily in blocking Trump from winning the presidency and then potentially working with longtime Republican leaders such as Mitt Romney and Haley Barbour to create a new path for the party after the election.

“Maybe somebody is going to come up with a new playbook, and I don’t know who it’s going to be, but it would be fun to participate,” Weld said in a telephone interview from Atlanta, where he was holding a fund-raiser and rally and planned to watch and tweet about Tuesday night’s vice-presidential debate featuring his major-party rivals, Democrat Tim Kaine and Republican Mike Pence.

Weld, a former Republican governor of Massachusetts, said he is focusing on Trump because, while he disagrees with Hillary Clinton on fiscal and military issues, Trump’s agenda is so objectionable it’s “in a class by itself.”

“I think Mr. Trump’s proposals in the foreign policy area, including nuclear proliferation, tariffs, and free trade, would be so hurtful, domestically and in the world, that he has my full attention,” Weld said.

He insisted he was not abandoning Johnson, although he signaled that bolting from the Libertarian Party might be a possibility in the future.

“I’m certainly not going to drop them this year,” Weld said.

Weld’s comments seemed sure to reignite suspicions among Libertarians who have questioned his loyalty to the party and have accused him of using the ticket for his own political aims. But Weld’s decision to chart his own course appears to reflect the feeling among his aides, who have privately expressed dismay at Johnson’s flubs on national television, such as when Johnson could not come up with the name of a favorite foreign leader and when he said “What is Aleppo?” when asked about the besieged Syrian city.

Those missteps — in sharp contrast to Weld’s smoother command of foreign affairs — have created some tensions on the ticket. Adding to the conflict are the accolades Weld has recieved from national political commentators who have dubbed him the more substantial and serious candidate, while ridiculing Johnson as a lightweight.

“Unfortunately, if the ticket was flipped, they might have more success,” said Bob Durand, a Weld ally and former Democratic state senator who donated $1,000 to the Libertarian ticket.

At one point, Weld strategists researched Libertarian Party rules to see if it were possible for him to take over the top of the ticket. The rules state the vice presidential nominee automatically assumes the presidential spot if there is a vacancy. But Johnson, peeved at the suggestion, flatly rejected the idea.

Weld insisted he and Johnson remain “happy warriors” and said Johnson is fully supportive of his anti-Trump campaign.

“I have had in mind all along trying to get the Donald into third place, and with some tugging and hauling, we might get there,” Weld said.

Weld has been much more critical of Trump than of Clinton, whom he has known since the 1970s, when they were young lawyers working for the House committee that investigated President Richard Nixon.

Just last week, for example, Weld irked Johnson supporters when he said on MSNBC that he’s “not sure anybody is more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be president of the United States.”

Weld, meanwhile, has denounced Trump as a “huckster” with a “screw loose” and has said his plan to deport 11 million illegal immigrants “would remind me of Anne Frank hiding in the attic.”

Weld’s new plan calls for him to focus his fire on Trump in a handful of red states — as well as in at least one swing state, New Hampshire — where the Libertarians are running strong. Nationally, the ticket is drawing about 7 percent support.

Polls show that Johnson and Weld — who were initially thought to appeal mostly to anti-Trump Republicans — may be doing more damage to Clinton by siphoning away young voters.

“That’s obviously a concern,” said Mark Robinson, Weld’s friend, former chief of staff, and colleague at the Boston law firm Mintz Levin. “He certainly doesn’t want to be in that position where Trump could win and people would be blaming him.”

Robinson said it would make sense for Weld to step up his criticism of Trump, particularly after Weld failed to clear the 15 percent polling margin needed to qualify for the debates.

“He’s got to push his message out with more urgency and even more bellicosity than he has before,” Robinson said. “There’s no shortage of material to attack Donald Trump.”

so you're ok with the idea of either a limited direct war with Russia in the Syrian theatre or a massive ramping up of lethal aid to jihadist proxies to fight Russia ? I think Trump has the right idea, throw the so called rebels under the bus and work with Russia to eliminate the terror groups. There is no peaceful solution to that conflict and I don't see how siding with sunni extremists serves US national interests.
There is not going to be any war, Russians are not crazy to start a war with NATO over Syria, a war that they can never win, remember when the Turks shot down a Russian plane, what was their reaction, yes, some hot air, thats all.

I have told you several times that the US do not support terrorist, you just keep on repeating our enemies propaganda.

Look, the no-fly zone (safe areas) is not a very fantastic idea and needs a lot of work before it can be implemented, but it's worth pursuing to save the life’s of innocent who are being butchered by religious terrorists (ISIS, Al-Nusra) and the Russian/Iranian/ Hezbollah/Assad alliance.

And you know what, even Trump and his VP support it.

Trump’s new plan came in the form of a rebuke of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who’s decision to allow refugees into the country Trump called “a disgrace.” Instead, he would build a safe zone for refugees, who Trump says all want to go home after the crisis is over anyway. “In Syria, take a big swatch of land, which believe me, you get for the right price, OK? You take a big swatch and you don’t destroy all of Europe.”

“What I like is build a safe zone, it’s here, build a big beautiful safe zone and you have whatever it is so people can live, and they’ll be happier,” Link

Transcript of the VP debate:

Quijano (Moderator): Governor Pence you had mentioned no-fly zone. Where would you propose setting up a safe zone, specifically? How would you keep it safe?

Pence: What we're dealing with is the -- you know there's an old proverb that says the Russian bear never dies, it just hibernates and the truth of the matter is the weak and feckless policy of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has awakened an aggression in Russia that first appeared few years ago with their move in Georgia, now their move into Crimea, now their move into the wider Middle East and all the while, all we do is fold our arms and say we're not having talks anymore. To answer your question, we just need American strength. We need to -- we need to marshal the resources of our allies and the region and end the immediate. We need to act and act now to get people out of harm's way.

Quijano: And exactly how would those safe zones work? How would they remain safe?

Pence: The safe zones would have to be -- as the Senator said, there's already a framework for this that's been recognized by the international community, but the United States of America needs to be prepared to work with our allies in the region to create a route for safe passage and then to protect people in those areas, including with the no-fly zone.

And this is what he thinks about Russia: :D

Pence: Look, this is the alternative universe of Washington, D.C. versus reality. Hillary Clinton said her number one priority was a reset with Russia. That reset resulted in the invasion of Ukraine. After they'd infiltrated with what are called little green men, Russian soldiers that were dressing up like Ukrainian dissidents, and then they moved all the way into Crimea, took over the Crimean peninsula. And Donald Trump knew that happened. He was basically saying that wasn’t going to happen again.

The truth of the matter is, that what you have in the rise of aggressive Russia, which has increased its influence in Iran, that’s now because of this deal on a pathway in the future to obtain a nuclear -- the leading state sponsor of terror in the world in Iran, now has a closer working relationship with Russia"

Pence: We're going to rebuild our military. And this whole Putin thing. Look, America is stronger than Russia. Our economy is 16 times larger than the Russian economy. America's political system is superior to the crony corrupt corrupt capital system in Russia in every way. When Donald Trump and I observe that as I've said in Syria, in Iran, in Ukraine, that the small and bullying leader of Russia has been stronger on the world stage than this administration, that's stating painful facts. Read more

see the last rally ? he just destroyed all of that tax evasion smear by being himself and talking honestly about it lol

they tried so hard to paint him as some sort of failed businessman tax cheat, and he just flies in on his 757 and makes a joke and nobody has a case on him anymore.
Bernie Sanders was right the system is rigged in favor of the filthy rich like Trump. He lost almost $1 billion (smart businessman:rolleyes: ), and for almost 18 years has not paid any tax, that is just outrageous, this corrupt system needs to be reformed and I hope Hillary keeps her word.
There is not going to be any war, Russians are not crazy to start a war with NATO over Syria, a war that they can never win, remember when the Turks shot down a Russian plane, what was their reaction, yes, some hot air, thats all.

I have told you several times that the US do not support terrorist, you just keep on repeating our enemies propaganda.

Look, the no-fly zone (safe areas) is not a very fantastic idea and needs a lot of work before it can be implemented, but it's worth pursuing to save the life’s of innocent who are being butchered by religious terrorists (ISIS, Al-Nusra) and the Russian/Iranian/ Hezbollah/Assad alliance.

And you know what, even Trump and his VP support it.

Trump’s new plan came in the form of a rebuke of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who’s decision to allow refugees into the country Trump called “a disgrace.” Instead, he would build a safe zone for refugees, who Trump says all want to go home after the crisis is over anyway. “In Syria, take a big swatch of land, which believe me, you get for the right price, OK? You take a big swatch and you don’t destroy all of Europe.”

“What I like is build a safe zone, it’s here, build a big beautiful safe zone and you have whatever it is so people can live, and they’ll be happier,” Link
a 'safe' zone =/= no fly zone, those are very different. The SU 24 incident didn't escalate because it was a one off, the Turks claimed their airspace had been violated etc, not as part of an aggressive strategy to shoot down every thing in the sky. I don't think Washington was too pleased about the prospects of an escalation either and hectic diplomacy ensured that tempers cooled, Erdogan and Putin even met later, and things were left looking ok.

The US does support terrorists because there are no moderate rebels, or not in any significant numbers, in fact the state dept has gone on record and acknowledged that groups they support have now allied with the extremist Islamist militias.

Very simply put, Trump's plan is to try and work with Russia and wipe out the terrorists, Hillary's plan is to work with all who oppose Russia and the Syrian government (both jihadis and the gulf states that support them, Saudia etc). Those are radically different proposals and approaches to the Syrian crisis.

Bernie Sanders was right the system is rigged in favor of the filthy rich like Trump. He lost almost $1 billion (smart businessman:rolleyes: ), and for almost 18 years has not paid any tax, that is just outrageous, this corrupt system needs to be reformed and I hope Hillary keeps her word.
They need to talk against Soros and Buffet etc for exploiting that loophole and other existing provisions in the code too, or are they failed businessmen like Trump ? :azn:


Full Speech: Donald Trump Rally in Henderson, NV


Full Event: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Reno, NV


. . .
Trump supporters turn on man who espouses neo-Nazi views at rally

By Ashley Killough, CNN

Updated 9:34 PM ET, Wed October 5, 2016

Reno, Nevada (CNN)A man who said he was representing the "alt-right" and embraced the label of "neo-Nazi" was shouted down by Donald Trump supporters at a rally here Wednesday night.

Brady Garrett, 25, was holding up signs during the rally that said "Research Holocaust Revisionism" and "1488," the latter of which is a combination of numbers emblematic of Nazism and white supremacy. He was escorted out of the event by Trump security.

Talking to reporters after the rally, Garrett said the United States needs "to put European Americans first" and disparaged Zionists.

Garrett confirmed that he was a neo-Nazi and disputed facts about the Holocaust. When asked if he thinks espousing such views at a Trump rally could hurt the Republican nominee, he said, "No."

"We need to speak the truth," he said, adding that he doesn't "give a damn" about any of Trump's policies and only supports him because he's "anti-establishment."

Meanwhile, a couple dozen Trump supporters started circling him and yelling out pro-Trump chants to try and drown him out. Others flat-out confronted him and the reporters who were interviewing him.

"Why are you trying to speak for everybody? You go speak for somebody else," Robert Santos or Reno shouted at Garrett.

"The guy's a nut job," Santos later told CNN. Asked if it bothers him that someone like Garrett supports Trump, Santos said, "It bothers me anywhere that they support anybody. It's their right but we don't need to interview that person."

One woman got in front of the cameras.

"I don't care what color people are if they love America," she said. "This guy is an idiot!"

Another woman, Carleen Reich Simko, said "there were so many thousands of other people here without this white supremacy label."

Garrett was wearing a shirt with the label for the State of Jefferson, a secession movement in California.

A disabled veteran, Joe Turner of Milford, California, also identified as a State of Jefferson supporter but said he was "pissed off" at Garrett for wearing that shirt while advocating Nazism at the same time.
"We do not support that garbage at all," Turner said, visibly upset at the incident.

CNN's Jeremy Diamond contributed to this report.
. .
Bernie Sanders was right the system is rigged in favor of the filthy rich like Trump. He lost almost $1 billion (smart businessman:rolleyes: ), and for almost 18 years has not paid any tax, that is just outrageous,

Again, really? Bill and Hillary Clinton are filthy rich too (multimillionaires). They shamelessly avoid paying their taxes too. And then you claim some kind of moral high ground for your candidate on the issue? Please stop:

"There aren’t many things upon which Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump agree, especially as they court very different Delaware voters ahead of a primary on Tuesday. But the candidates for president share an affinity for the same nondescript two-storey office building in Wilmington. A building that has become famous for helping tens of thousands of companies avoid hundreds of millions of dollars in tax through the so-called Delaware loophole."

"But it’s not just big corporations that have chosen to make 1209 North Orange their official home.

Both the leading candidates for president – Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – have companies registered at 1209 North Orange, and have refused to explain why."


this corrupt system needs to be reformed and I hope Hillary keeps her word.

Good luck with that. You didn't seem to care nearly as much when Sanders was running. Her entire political life up to this point suggests exactly the opposite. She's changed her positions on important issues so many times, I've lost count. Clinton has been using the exact same loopholes that she criticizes. Sanders also had some choice words for her:

While the two leading candidates for the presidency, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, have indeed suggested cosmetic fixes for a situation that only grows more extreme with the passage of time, they have themselves taken advantage of numerous tax “efficiency” strategies that make money evaporate. Of course, you shouldn’t doubt for a second that they’ll change their ways once in the Oval Office.


“I don’t think you are qualified if you supported the Panama free trade agreement, something I very strongly opposed, which has made it easier for wealthy people and corporations all over the world to avoid paying taxes owed to their countries,” Sanders said on Wednesday a rally at Temple University in Pennsylvania.

In 2011, Sanders argued against the agreement on the Senate floor, saying that it would make a “bad situation much worse.” At the time, Clinton advocated for the agreement—an about-face from her opposition to it during her presidential campaign just four years earlier."


World would become a very exciting place if Trump wins :pop:. I doubt he will win though. Hispanics, Blacks, Asians along with White women are together going to ensure Hillary wins. Still

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