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Hillary kicked his AZZ,he better give up or go hang himself.
Guess I missed that. Trump stayed on message and was common sense as usual, spl on foreign policy, hillary resorted to her usual "racist, sexist, blabla" nonsense.

He'll kill her if one of the next two debates is exclusively on foreign policy because her record of supporting terrorists and insisting on regime change in Libya, Syria etc is completely indefensible.
Hillary won the debate, big time, watch, her poll numbers are going to go up! :usflag:
Hillary kicked his AZZ,he better give up or go hang himself.

I think Trump came out trying to look presidential unlike his republican debates which were aimed at right wingers. But after the first 15-20 mins the usual Trump appeared, it had to. Trump will keep his voter base but that's not enough for him to win. He failed to win over undecided voters with this performance. They will still vote for Clinton as the lesser of the two evils.

Hillary won the debate, big time, watch, her poll numbers are going to go up! :usflag:

I do expect to see her poll numbers to go up. She did alright, stayed on course and let Trump self destruct with his usual rhetoric.
I think Trump came out trying to look presidential unlike his republican debates which were aimed at right wingers. But after the first 15-20 mins the usual Trump appeared, it had to. Trump will keep his voter base but that's not enough for him to win. He failed to win over undecided voters with this performance. They will still vote for Clinton as the lesser of the two evils.
He was right about the creation of ISIS though,not that anyone took it serious but he was right.

He'll kill her if one of the next two debates is exclusively on foreign policy because her record of supporting terrorists and insisting on regime change in Libya, Syria etc is completely indefensible.
He is impulsive,such people always make mistakes and are easy to trap.
He doesnt stand a chance.
Hillary will win but in the long term the VP matters more because....


Just a flu....
. .
I actually thought Donald started out well, then 30 minutes in he started to implode. Hillary was calm, cool, and collected the entire night.
. . .
LOL the way he whined about Hillary's attack ads being "not nice" :rofl:
This is going to be a really close race!

I think Trump started off well but lost the plot in the second half of the debate.

You can never write him off though, he always rises from the ashes like a Phoenix!
LOL the way he whined about Hillary's attack ads being "not nice" :rofl:
part of his holding back fire, in an interview right after he said he's glad he didn't bring up bill clinton's sexual stuff but he was planning to LOL :lol:

debates 2 and 3 will have some serious fireworks, cant wait.
Hillary destroyed him. Honestly trump was just rude, obnoxious and flat out disrespectful. He has good points but he doesn't know how to convey his message in a manner that someone will take him seriously. Also he beats around the bush too much. He doesn't get to the point and after a while sounds like he has no idea what he's taking about.
Bernie, the same guy that said this:

What a joke he has become lol.

Trump is a far bigger joke than Sanders will ever be.

He's making an issue of Bill Clinton's past sexual scandals, but he himself was making excuses for him back in 1998 and considered him "a friend" while insulting the women involved:

"Yet nearly two decades ago, Trump verbally abused the very people he purports to defend—and even suggested Clinton was a “victim.”

During an August 1998 appearance on Fox News, the real estate mogul was asked about then-President Clinton’s multiple alleged extramarital affairs and sexual harassment cases. Trump proceeded to rail against the Clinton accusers.

“The whole group, it’s truly an unattractive cast of characters—Linda Tripp, Lucianne Goldberg—I mean, this woman—I watch her on television, just vomiting. She is so bad. The whole group—Paula Jones, Lewinsky—it’s just a really unattractive group.

“And I’m not just talking about physical, but I am also talking about physical.”

Trump noted, however, that if the accusers were supermodels they “would be more pleasant to watch.”

He also expressed some sympathy for Bubba: “I don’t necessarily agree with his victims. His victims are terrible. He is really a victim himself. But he put himself in that position.”


He is also the same guy who had this to say about Hillary when she was running for President in 2007:

"Very Talented. Very Smart. She's friend of mine, so I'm a little bit prejudiced. She's a very, very capable person."

He also recently blamed her for helping create ISIS because of the withdrawal of most US forces from Iraq despite the fact that he was strongly advocating for the same thing back then (even more so than her at the time):

He also had the Clintons come to his wedding (and they chose to come):

But they supposedly hate each other and everything that the other stands for. Funny that they were fraternizing with each other for so long before this election cycle. A fake Republican who is a Manhattan billionaire is running against a fake Democrat who is a Westchester multi-millionaire---originally from a rich Republican family in the Chicago suburbs. Yet both candidates claim to represent the working class and the downtrodden. What a joke. Look at their past and their positions on economic issues. They both lie so much, it's not even surprising anymore.

Bernie Sanders Gives Millennials 4 Big Reasons Why They Should Vote For Hillary Clinton

By Jason Easley on Sun, Sep 25th, 2016

Sen. Bernie Sanders made the choice for millennial voters by listing four important reasons why younger Americans should support Hillary Clinton.

Transcript via Face The Nation:

DICKERSON: Welcome back to the FACE THE NATION. We’re here with former presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders.

Senator, I want to start with millennial voters. They represent now about 30 percent of the voting-age population. That’s about the size of baby boomers. That was a group you were very strong with. Hillary Clinton is having trouble with that group of voters. Why is that do you think?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I), VERMONT: Well, I’m not sure, but I think the antidote is that she has got to make it clear to not only the millennials but every American the difference that she has, not just on personality issues, which is what the media focuses on, but the real issues impacting the middle class and working families of this country.

When you talk about the economy, Donald Trump wants to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthiest people in this country. Clinton understands that at a time of massive income and wealth inequality, the people on top are going to have to start paying their fair share of taxes.

John, young people are very concerned, appropriately so, about the crisis regarding climate change. Clinton has a pretty strong program which says we have got to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energies, like wind and solar. You know what Donald Trump’s position is on climate change? He thinks it’s a hoax. And that is really frightening for the future of this planet.

One more really important issue that I think has got to be talked about a whole lot, Clinton has said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices, nominate Supreme Court justices who will overturn this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision which allows people like Sheldon Adelson last week to put $45 million into the political process to buy elections. Billionaires should not be buying elections. Clinton wants to stop that. Trump will appoint more conservatives to the Supreme Court.

In terms of the issue of bigotry, and the younger people are more than any generation I think, John, in American history, are sick and tired of discrimination and racism. On that issue, I think the points of view of Clinton and Trump are pretty clear. Trump is running his campaign, the cornerstone of his campaign is bigotry, is dividing us up. That is certainly very different from what Clinton believes.

So I think if she focuses on the issues, she will do just — really well with the American people and certainly with younger people.

Sanders gave four important reasons why millennials should support Hillary Clinton, the economy, the environment, Citizens United, and her stance against discrimination and racism. I would add Clinton’s free college tuition plan, and her plan to deal with student loan debt as two other very large reasons. Plus, Clinton’s plan on healthcare would make it easier and cheaper to get coverage, while Trump intends to throw Americans under age 25 off of their parents’ health insurance.

There is no contest on the issues for younger voters, and once they see their options side by side on the debate stage, the choice should be an easy one for millennial voters. Sen. Sanders has been true to his word, and his doing his part to help get Clinton elected, but it will be up to the candidate herself to close the deal.


Hillary's not much better.

Millennial voters? People do realize that most of his voters were not millennials, right? Earlier you were mocking Sander's plan for free tuition, but now you are highlighting Clinton's supposed support for it (we'll see what actually happens if she becomes President). I like that Bernie didn't mention economic issues, probably because of her poor record and/or inability to commit to specifics on those. Such as her flip-flopping on trade deals and the minimum wage.

I also like that you didn't choose to highlight the part about Citizen's United and how billionaires should not "buy" elections. Maybe because of the vast amounts of money that her campaign has accepted from corporations and wealthy donors. Or maybe because of the millions that's she's made from "speeches" at investment banks that have gone directly into her pocket. And that's not even mentioning the Clinton Foundation and the potential conflicts of interest that will arise from it if she becomes President.

Hillary won the debate, big time, watch, her poll numbers are going to go up! :usflag:

And then they'll come right back down again, as they have before. Enjoy it while you can. The fact that the race is this competitive with Trump as the Republican nominee is incredibly sad. But I guess with a nominee like Hillary, people should be feeling lucky that she's winning at all. He was probably the only candidate that she could beat.
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