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Damn wow, looks likes Trump supporters have gone insane, some of them are behaving like Hillary is already dead and Trump has become the president of United States.

And as usual they’re spreading all kinds of conspiracy theories and are totally ignoring the simple fact that Hillary became overheated and dehydrated at the 9/11 ceremony.

Sorry to disappoint you people, but here’s Hillary after relaxing at her daughter’s apartment:

what else, Rabzon, that she only a stumbled because she got "overheated", really ? in 28 degrees heat :P

she passed out because she has serious neurological issues.

crooked ILLary is done for, game over.

meanwhile Trump destroyed her in his speech to the national guard:

and at another huge rally:


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@Desert Fox :P

@MarkusS I was wondering what you think of Trump and Hillary
bit of a shame that with one of the biggest and most consequential events unfolding in this current US general election cycle, there is such poor participation in this thread from Americans on the forum.
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crooked Hillary's doctor had her take a squeeze my fingers neurological test moments before she collapsed:


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she was also seen disrespectfully chatting away while Mr Trump stood solemnly listening as they were announcing the victims' names.

There is a problem that people with Parkinsons have....if they stay silent/still for long periods of time....they go into a bit of a comatose state that takes time for them to recover from (and it will be obvious to everyone watching). So she has to keep fidgeting/talking basically to prevent that....its a coping mechanism. But her collapse definitely has everyone asking questions now anyway.....can't hide forever!
Hillary was diagnosed with pneumonia, she will recover with medication and some rest, but on the other hand, we have a racist demagogue madman with the horrible temperament, the choice is clear, Hillary for president!

Hillary powers through pneumonia — because that’s what women do

Why is it surprising that the presidential candidate kept working even while ill? Women do it every day



Hillary Clinton waves after leaving an apartment building Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016, in New York. (Credit: AP/Andrew Harnik)

As the cover of nearly every newspaper and news site in America made abundantly clear Monday morning, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate for president of the United States, cut short her appearance at 9/11 memorial ceremony on Sunday and later disclosed that she’d been diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia. In a more normal world and in a more normal year, that information might receive a public round of supportive get well wishes, and then we’d move on. But these, as we are painfully aware, are not normal times.

Clinton’s health has been a front and center topic of public speculation and armchair diagnoses for several months now, all couched in the vague concern about whether this woman — this woman with actual political experience and knowledge — is less qualified to run the country than her Twitter-troll reality-show-star opponent.
It’s a popular old ploy: Ladies, aren’t you too weak to do this stuff? Why don’t you just sit down and have a lemonade and leave the heavy lifting of running the world to the menfolk, dear? To which I say: You have got to be kidding me.

Powering through is what women do. Last month, Chinese Olympic swimmer Fu Yuanhui managed to shock the world by admitting that she’d had her period and had been feeling “a bit weak and really tired” during a medley relay. It was as if the reality that most of the 12- to 55-year-old female population of the planet still manages to get stuff done every single month was a revelation.

Three years ago, Jennifer Lawrence was diagnosed with pneumonia at the height of awards season, and though she scaled back some on her public appearances, she still managed to show up looking stellar in time to pick up her “Silver Linings Playbook” Oscar. Read more

While the desperate trailer trash supporters of the madman were all over the web disgracefully celebrating Hillary’s illness and a million conspiracies, Hillary (the next president) emerged from her daughter’s apartment about two hours later, looking upbeat and healthy waved at the crowds, telling them, “it’s a beautiful day in New York”, and a reporter asked her if she feeling better, a smiling Hillary said, “yes thank you very much”.

Now think about it people, how can someone “seriously ill”, recover in two hours, walk on her own, smile and wave at the crowd?!

@CBU-105 @Nilgiri, you both talk about temperature, but very conveniently forgot that Hillary was diagnosed with pneumonia and was taking antibiotics, and one does not have to be a doctor to know when you are taking antibiotics and have pneumonia you are not supposed to stand in the sun, don’t forget she was standing there for 90 minutes before she felt sick.
For Indian Americans, hate finally has a name: Trump :haha:
This was his first Thanksgiving and the first time his white hosts had seen an Indian man. Before dinner, he was invited to the grocery store and his friend’s father grabbed a rifle off the shelf and placed it in the bed of his truck. This was the South, my dad was told, and others might not like him because of the color of his skin. So he went to the store and faced a few mean stares, but was ignored. Welcome to America.

Indian Americans are lucky. Police aren’t killing us in unprecedented numbers, and government policy isn’t designed to kick us out. Some of the insults hurled my way growing up—sand nigger, camel jockey, raghead—show a lack of understanding of who we are by clumping us with others who are more persecuted. Our history in this nation is not marked by civil rights milestones. Perhaps because of this, we are often seen as soft, a minority that should be pleased with its good position in America.

I thought about this a few months ago at a Donald Trump rally in Chicago. It was as advertised: a white supremacist fever dream, like a hyper-stylized cartoon version of hate. Mobs of white men and women yelled at crowds of young black and Muslim and Mexican protesters who told me they felt like caged animals on display at the zoo. To first-generation Indian Americans like me, Trump is that racist white guy: a villain in a Bollywood movie making life unsafe for those with brown skin. He’s tapped into a fear that despite growing up in this nation, we still don’t belong. And yet, in a campaign dripping with explicit xenophobia, he’s done all this while mostly ignoring us.

We are from India,” Trump said in Delaware, pretending to be a call center worker in an accent that was actually not that bad, more Amitabh Bachchan than Kwik-E-Mart. Our only other mention came earlier this year when he said that “India is doing great. Nobody talks about it.” Well, yeah. (Likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was photographed carrying to-go bags of tandoori and chicken makhani, but that doesn’t count.)

If you listen closely, though, Trump’s said some things. He’s proposed a ban on Muslim immigration (10% of Indian Americans are Muslims, and there are 180 million Muslims in India); mocked a Sikh man in a red turban who was kicked out of a rally (“He wasn’t wearing one of those red hats, was he?”); and answered a town hall question about hate speech against religious minorities like Sikh Americans by talking about ISIS. “I was stunned,” Brian Murphy, a police lieutenant who survived a mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin despite being hit 15 times, and who asked Trump the question, told me. “It really had nothing to do with the question whatsoever.”

But for a man preoccupied with size, we’re just not big enough. Asian Americans only made up 3% of voters in 2012, and Indian Americans—despite being one of the largest immigration populations, with 3.2 million people (1% of the nation)—only constitute a fraction of that number. Campaigns are also less likely to court citizens who haven’t voted in past elections, and the overwhelming majority of Indian American adults are first-generation immigrants, who vote at a lower rate than second- and third-generation immigrants. And historically, we’ve been overwhelmingly Democratic: A whopping 84% of Indian Americans voted for Obama in 2008.

Still, Indian Americans possess characteristics that would make them natural Republicans: a high level of income (in 2010, the median income was $88,000) and culturally conservative views. A study by the National Asian American Survey after the 2012 election found that “if either major party made significant investments to engage with Asian American and Pacific Islander voters, they could reap significant advantages over the next decade.” (I’m not including the sort-of-real PAC Indian Americans for Trump, whose leaders told me they don’t raise money, are “loose” with membership numbers, and peddle conspiracy theories about Clinton and Huma Abedin being in bed with Pakistan.)

In another study, Asian Americans were pushed to the left by racial micro-aggressions, or harmless statements that implied that they are not true Americans (“You would love my Indian friend!” for example), or when clumped under restrictive legislation with other minorities (like when reminded of a law that requires immigration checks for both Mexicans and Indians). “The Republican Party could try to capitalize on divisions between Asian Americans and other minorities, emphasizing how Democratic policies benefit other groups at their expense,” the paper concluded. “But doing that successfully would require a level of political dexterity that Republicans haven’t shown much of late.” Neil Malhotra, a professor of political economy at Stanford and one of the authors, told me that Republican rhetoric, especially on immigration, makes Indian people feel unwelcome.

Jay Caspian Kang wrote in The New York Times that immigrant populations like us, who believe they are on the “march to whiteness,” “seldom engage in the sort of political advocacy and discourse that might explain, or even defend, our odd, singular and tenuous status as Americans.” As we defend this fragile position as Americans while also finding our own political voice, the illusion that Indian Americans stand squarely on the side of African Americans and Muslims and Mexicans will be challenged. Was Peter Liang, the Chinese American cop who shot an unarmed black man to death, a scapegoat because he was Asian, or was his lack of prison time an injustice? Is keeping ISIS and jihadis out enough of a reason to racially profile Muslims? Is immigration—where Indians have accounted for more than 56% of all H1-B visas, or visas for specialized jobs like science and tech—a common racial justice issue, or are voters held hostage by Democrats fighting to pass legislation for low-skilled immigration?

What does this mean for 2016? Trump is not the man to win any Indian American voters. But since both candidates stand to gain few votes by engaging us nationally, the best political course is to ignore us. As the saying goes, Indians don’t complain, we adjust and assimilate.

Remember, November is not a referendum on racism. If we consider the Trump campaign as not just a means to the presidency, but an end itself, then he has already made his mark. Sure, he’s damaged the way we talk about race in this country. But he’s also accurately displaying the level of racial discourse in America right now. He has shown us so clearly that a huge portion of this country is stuck in 1916. Black people are thugs. Mexicans take jobs and are rapists. Muslims should be kept out, and Sikhs and Indians look like Muslims. Asians are good and obedient.

In the setting of a Make America Great Again rally, this obedience means shutting up and letting the audience soak up Trump’s vision of exclusivity. It means shaving before to look less Middle Eastern, and thinking that Trump supporters would recognize a “harmless” Indian, when I looked every bit as brown as those there to protest. It means, even for a moment, buying into the idea that any hard-earned progress made in this country will be wiped away by standing up against discrimination that doesn’t include me.

For a people who are at once too “white” and whose self-identity crisis is too inconsequential to be visible in the national conversation about race, Trump has done something spectacular. For the first time in my lifetime, at least, the hate my parents warned of has a name. It’s in big letters on a skyscraper on the Chicago River a few dozen miles from where I grew up. It hung outside a high-rise I lived in years ago by the Hudson River—a tiny one-bedroom apartment turned into two by the construction of a wall that cut the living room in half, blocked the windows, and blotted out the sun. It’s a reminder of how my dad felt at that grocery store 37 years ago, and every single slight since. Soon, it might be in the White House.
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Good news for the US, good news for Pres. Obama, good news for Hillary Clinton, but bad, bad, bad news for Donnie.

Middle-class incomes had their fastest growth on record last year, according to the Census Bureau. Median household income increase from $53,700 to $56,500 in 2015, the 5.2% increase was the largest in percentage terms since 1960s.

The poverty rate fell by 1.2% points, improved job market and low inflation. Link

easy, they pump her full of drugs to get through a 2 minute scripted media appearance where, as usual, she doesn't take any questions.
Below the belt, I think you can do better than that.
Wow, some interesting stuff, the former (Republican) Secretary of State Colin Powell calls Trump a “national disgrace”.

The former secretary of state also blasted the Republican nominee for president for embarking on a “racist” movement, according to his private emails seen by BuzzFeed News.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a retired four-star general who served under three Republican presidents, slammed GOP nominee Donald Trump as “a national disgrace” and an “international pariah,” according to his personal emails seen by BuzzFeed News.

“Yup, the whole birther movement was racist,” Powell wrote. “That’s what the 99% believe. When Trump couldn’t keep that up he said he also wanted to see if the certificate noted that he was a Muslim.”

“As I have said before, ‘What if he was?’ Muslims are born as Americans everyday,” Powell wrote to his former aide. Link

"Colin Powell, a retired four-star general who served under three Republican presidents, slammed Donald Trump’s closest military adviser, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, as “right-wing nutty” and “a jerk” according to the former secretary of state’s personal emails seen by BuzzFeed News." Link
Told you, he is a damn Russian agent, it’s time to bring him to justice.

WikiLeaks drops latest Guccifer 2.0 data on Hillary Clinton, DNC, Democrats

The organisation posted a tweet at around 9am on Wednesday Sydney time, with links that promised access to 678.4 megabytes of new "DNC documents".

Other slides discuss the outcome of past get-out-the-vote campaigns.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was US secretary of state when WikiLeaks released hundreds of thousands of State Department emails in 2010.

The latest document dump comes after an earlier tranche of emails, reportedly hacked by Guccifer 2.0, prompted the resignation of politicians within the Democratic Party on the eve of the party's convention.

WikiLeaks, in the guise of transparency, has emerged as a key antagonist in the US election, publishing information mixed with speculation and conspiracy theory material on social media, aimed at embarrassing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

In the earlier event, the data is thought to have been acquired by hackers associated with Russia.

WikiLeaks, too, has been suspected of working to advance Russian talking points in recent years.

US officials are now investigating whether Russia is pursuing a campaign to influence the outcome of the US presidential election between Ms Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump.

US-based intelligence expert Malcolm Nance said WikiLeaks is acting as a conduit for Guccifer 2.0 which, he says, is a joint operation for Russian intelligence groups, the FSB and the GRU.

Nance said Assange has a long history of dislike for Clinton.

"He's in FSB hands and he doesn't care," Nance said.

WikiLeaks denied the claims that the organisation was being manipulated by a nation state.

"The accusations are false and defamatory," a spokesman for WikiLeaks said.

"The motivation for them is transparent: our pending publications on Hillary Clinton's campaign."

WikiLeaks also defended the quality of the information it disclosed.

"WikiLeaks has a perfect record for verification," the organisation told Fairfax Media.

In response to the latest data exposure via WikiLeaks, interim chairwoman of the DNC Donna Brazile said the Democratic Party was "the victim of a crime - an illegal cyber attack by Russian state-sponsored agents who seek to harm the Democratic Party and progressive groups in an effort to influence the presidential election."

"There's only one person who stands to benefit from these criminal acts, and that's Donald Trump," she said, pointing to his rhetorical "embrace" of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Trump often spoken highly of the Russian president. The Republican's public admiration of the Russian leader has caused consternation across the political spectrum in the US.

The DNC's legal team was reviewing the "private documents" and attempting to confirm their authenticity, "as it is common for Russian hackers to forge documents."

Brazile took over as the DNC chairwoman in July after Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned in the wake of an earlier Guccifer 2.0 data release.

Brazile added that "We would urge anyone attempting to access these documents to proceed with extreme caution given the potential malware risks."

Australia-based information security researcher Lee Johnstone also expressed concern about the possibility of malware on hacked and leaked documents.

"Checking documents and leaks like this should always be conducted in a safe environment on a decentralised virtual machine," he said. Link
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While the desperate trailer trash supporters of the madman were all over the web disgracefully celebrating Hillary’s illness and a million conspiracies, Hillary (the next president) emerged from her daughter’s apartment about two hours later, looking upbeat and healthy waved at the crowds, telling them, “it’s a beautiful day in New York”, and a reporter asked her if she feeling better, a smiling Hillary said, “yes thank you very much”.

Now think about it people, how can someone “seriously ill”, recover in two hours, walk on her own, smile and wave at the crowd?!

@CBU-105 @Nilgiri, you both talk about temperature, but very conveniently forgot that Hillary was diagnosed with pneumonia and was taking antibiotics, and one does not have to be a doctor to know when you are taking antibiotics and have pneumonia you are not supposed to stand in the sun, don’t forget she was standing there for 90 minutes before she felt sick.

Typical Liberal Hilary supporter. Everyone that supports trump is "trailer trash" and racist white trash :lol: See the irony? Looking at dozens of videos of trashy Hillary supporters use violence and racial slurs at trump supporters is epic.

Hilary is great...great at lying, everything she says is literally a lie. She is corrupt and she complained about being "not well off" despite Bill Clinton making well over 100 millions from just speeches. Not to mention Hilary's speeches (political bribery), their books, and taking in hundreds of thousands in benefits from hard working tax payers each year.

Reading your trash here is comical, Trump is "racist" because he wants strong border security and he wants a wall....guess what Hilary advocated for the same thing.

Then the conversation is, Trump is a racist because of his speech about Mexicans. You either can't comprehend his speech or you havnt listened to the entire speech. Reading your post here literally made my lose some brain cells. In his famous speech he spoke about a subgroup of illegals and not Mexicans in general but who cares about facts.

Hillary is great, she is pro war and has threatened countries like Russia and Iran with war but this is ignored in the media and idiot liberals are instead claiming,.....'can you imagine what would happen if trump had the nuclear codes'
Independent Voters Are Overrated

SEP 15, 2016
By Harry Enten

Some election watchers treat independent voters like the golden key to open up Star World in “Super Mario World.” If you know who is winning independents, the thinking goes, then you know who is going to win the election. There’s an appealing simplicity to the logic of this: If Democrats vote for the Democrat and Republicans vote for the Republican, then whoever wins independents wins. The problem: It just isn’t true historically, and it may be wrong this election, as well. Donald Trump is currently winning independent voters and is still trailing Hillary Clinton in the polls.

Clinton leads Trump by 3 percentage points in an average of live-interview telephone polls conducted over the last three weeks. In the same nine polls, Trump is carrying independent voters by an average of 7 points.

Although the results differ from poll to poll, a clear pattern emerges: Trump does better with independents than he does with the electorate at large. Clinton is still winning overall because she is doing better with Democrats than Trump is with Republicans.

Clinton is doing better among her base than Trump is among his

Clinton leads among Democrats by an average of 81 percentage points, while Trump is ahead among Republicans by 76 points. That’s not a huge difference, but it’s meaningful. Trump has had problems with the GOP base since the primary season. Meanwhile, Clinton was cleaning up with self-identified Democratsduring the Democratic primaries, even as Bernie Sanders was doing well with independent voters. It’s also possible that Trump’s association with the Republican Party has caused some traditional Republican voters to call themselves independents, which makes the pool of independent voters more conservative leaning.

Indeed, many self-identified independents are not the moderate, persuadable swing voters they are often portrayed to be. As Amy Walter from the Cook Political Report has pointed out, independents usually lean towards one party or the other, even as they claim a nonpartisan label. Some lean Democratic or GOP. As Walter discussed, true independents only make up about 10 percent of all voters. Read more

Typical Liberal Hilary supporter. Everyone that supports trump is "trailer trash" and racist white trash :lol: See the irony? Looking at dozens of videos of trashy Hillary supporters use violence and racial slurs at trump supporters is epic.
Where did I say that “everyone that supports Trump is a trailer trash” and racist white trash”?

I absolutely did not say that all of Trumps supporters are trailer trash, that would be stupid. I was criticizing his supporters who were disgracefully celebrating a person’s illness and spreading conspiracies on the web, how many can they be, 5000, 10,000? So please, don’t put words in my mouth.

I don’t know which videos you are referring to, but I do not condone violence.

Then the conversation is, Trump is a racist because of his speech about Mexicans. You either can't comprehend his speech or you havnt listened to the entire speech. Reading your post here literally made my lose some brain cells. In his famous speech he spoke about a subgroup of illegals and not Mexicans in general but who cares about facts.
Yes, I strongly believe Trump is a racist, here are few examples:

The Justice Department twice sued Trump and his dad for housing discrimination against black and other colored people.

He criticized a judge (calling him a Mexican) because of his Mexican heritage, even though the judge was born and raised in America.

He was also one of the leaders of birtherism movement, the racist conspiracy theory that Pres. Obama was not born in the United States and is thus an illegitimate president.

Hillary is great, she is pro war and has threatened countries like Russia and Iran with war but this is ignored in the media and idiot liberals are instead claiming,.....'can you imagine what would happen if trump had the nuclear codes'
Give me some examples?
bit of a shame that with one of the biggest and most consequential events unfolding in this current US general election cycle, there is such poor participation in this thread from Americans on the forum.

That's because many of us hate them both. They are terrible candidates and will likely be poor Presidents as well.

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