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US Politics

Fetterman worked hard to get elected, but his life history is anything but having to work for anything. On the other hand, Oz actually accomplished something with his life. One cannot be a surgeon and a TV star by being stupid. But yes, Oz is seen as more outsider than native to PA and I understand that.
Well, I think being smart or stupid didn't really count in election nowadays...I mean look at who we voted in. B & G, then you have AOC, and then the big man Trump himself. Don't get me wrong, they are smart, but all of them are also idiots, if you know what I mean...

Cynically speaking, the Repugs do not a 'mandate' level majority to derail Biden's agenda. Even just one will suffice. All they need is to remove Pelosi from the Speakership. Then they can lame-duck Biden for the next two yrs and that will stress him enough that either he will not seek reelection or will be so mentally feebled from the stress that the DNC will push him out. If the House falls into the Red, Biden is done and the DNC knows it.
If the house turns red, and not the way Republican wanted, I think the entire US political system is done until 2024, there aren't going to have anything done in the house anymore. It will just be a bunch of filibuster and motion raise over and over again. Neither side will work for the other side, as a result, nothing will be done.

So I don't know which is worse. actually.
Well, I think being smart or stupid didn't really count in election nowadays...I mean look at who we voted in. B & G, then you have AOC, and then the big man Trump himself. Don't get me wrong, they are smart, but all of them are also idiots, if you know what I mean...
I wonder if Trump is the nadir of American politics. I sincerely hope he is. We, meaning all of us, have to experience those we elect into office in order to know what they are like. We have to put into office the likes of Boebert, Greene, Occasional-Cortex, and Trump to find out how low can we go. I honestly thought Nixon was the lowest we could go. Yeeecchhh...
Best thing I read all today :

- who the heck conducts these polls and how?
Do they realize neither most late Gen X or millennials will rather pick up a pinless grenade before they answer a call from an unknown number.
I wonder if Trump is the nadir of American politics. I sincerely hope he is. We, meaning all of us, have to experience those we elect into office in order to know what they are like. We have to put into office the likes of Boebert, Greene, Occasional-Cortex, and Trump to find out how low can we go. I honestly thought Nixon was the lowest we could go. Yeeecchhh...
That's how election works.

We vote in a bunch of morons, and those morons bring the country down to a new low, and then generate another generation of morons, and then they vote in another bunch of morons......

IT's always been like this. I mean, how many people do you think they read the policy of those candidate before they vote? I do, you probably did, majority don't. That's the problem.

Saw in news he and Trump is having some issues, honestly I thought he would lose.
Nah, Trump is so past tense, he is the reason why Republican underperform in this mid-term.

DeSantis has a very large base in FL, there are NO WAY he could have lose that election.
That's how election works.

We vote in a bunch of morons, and those morons bring the country down to a new low, and then generate another generation of morons, and then they vote in another bunch of morons......

IT's always been like this. I mean, how many people do you think they read the policy of those candidate before they vote? I do, you probably did, majority don't. That's the problem.
Regarding Trump, if you separate the man from the policies, his policies are not that radically different from mainstream conservative, which consists of a strong military, low taxes, enforced immigration, and energy independence. I heard that on/off for decades before Dump came on the political scene. Put aside the environment issues, Raygun wanted energy independence. But I think Frump underestimated how morally and personally distasteful he is to many Americans of all social strata, and that disgust overwhelmed their intellect, otherwise Clump would have been reelected. I think Chump did not know how much Americans would dissect his life the moment he entered political life, whereas, people just tolerated him as another celeb when he was on TV.

Regarding Trump, if you separate the man from the policies, his policies are not that radically different from mainstream conservative, which consists of a strong military, low taxes, enforced immigration, and energy independence. I heard that on/off for decades before Dump came on the political scene. Put aside the environment issues, Raygun wanted energy independence. But I think Frump underestimated how morally and personally distasteful he is to many Americans of all social strata, and that disgust overwhelmed their intellect, otherwise Clump would have been reelected. I think Chump did not know how much Americans would dissect his life the moment he entered political life, whereas, people just tolerated him as another celeb when he was on TV.
You can say that to just about any politician.......

Their policy is the same, but how they get there is the heaven and earth...

On the other hand, the way Trump undermine Democracy is something people are not going to forget.....
After today, the Repugnicans will quietly reassess their association with Trump.
I think you are underestimating the Trump fan base, his minions (Election results Deniers) are getting a lot of votes, and many are winning and coming to senate.

Nah, Trump is so past tense, he is the reason why Republican underperform in this mid-term.

DeSantis has a very large base in FL, there are NO WAY he could have lose that election.
I have a strong feeling that Trump will bounce back, because his ideology is still popular.

I think DeStantis got much popularity from Endorsement from Trump, and later when he introduce the bill to prevent sexually explicit material getting into the school, Woke people called it " Don't say Gay Bill ".
I have a strong feeling that Trump will bounce back, because his ideology is still popular.

I think DeStantis got much popularity from Endorsement from Trump, and later when he introduce the bill to prevent sexually explicit material getting into the school, Woke people called it " Don't say Gay Bill ".
You do know DeSantis is rumoured to be the one that replace Trump on 2024, right??

Trump warn DeSantis numerous times, so did Trump minion, not to run on 2024 election, and sabotage his 2022 election effort immensely, Trump is scare of DeSantis, and after today, he should be, because unless DeSantis did anything stupid in the next 2 years, he is the one for Republican.
I think you are underestimating the Trump fan base, his minions (Election results Deniers) are getting a lot of votes, and many are winning and coming to senate.
No one is elected by the base. What appears to be the base is actually the base + the middle. Some of the middle will go for one side and some for the other side, but essentially, it is the base + the middle that will propel the candidate to victory. Those in the middle who chose one side is often mistaken for member of the base. And that is the problem for the pollsters.

You can say that to just about any politician.......

Their policy is the same, but how they get there is the heaven and earth...

On the other hand, the way Trump undermine Democracy is something people are not going to forget.....
That is why I said Trump is TEMPERAMENTALLY unfit to be president.

1. a person's or animal's nature, especially as it permanently affects their behavior.

Trump supporters drastically lowered their expectations and in many ways, I understand why. It is less about policies and more about putting a shock into the political system and Trump, with his crassness, was the perfect candidate.
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You still have time, my friend.

B and G needs to go, and you know who am talking about. Nevertheless, the Repugnicans are still on course to take the House, which is their original goal to start.

Fetterman worked hard to get elected, but his life history is anything but having to work for anything. On the other hand, Oz actually accomplished something with his life. One cannot be a surgeon and a TV star by being stupid. But yes, Oz is seen as more outsider than native to PA and I understand that.
trump is not a surgeon :enjoy:
6 out of 7 Trump endorsed Governor failed at 2022 Midterm Election....

Only Kari Lake remain, and she is not looking good. Would that make 7 of 7??

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