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US Politics

Live: The Presidential Inauguration Of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. | NBC News:

What's a good name for this, the final flight of shame?


At least Mike Pence had the decency to show up at the inauguration like a true American who respects the long-standing traditions of this country. And this donkey thinks he was making America great again loool. He did exactly the opposite because his outlook is not that of patriotism. It's not that of what this country represents. It's what a fringe of this society would want it to be and he brought division and divisiveness and hatred and negativity and bigotry, not greatness. Nothing even close to that. A form of the old, bigoted America is what he and his supporters wanted to make this country. Good riddance.
What's a good name for this, the final flight of shame?


At least Mike Pence had the decency to show up at the inauguration like a true American who respects the long-standing traditions of this country. And this donkey thinks he was making America great again loool. He did exactly the opposite because his outlook is not that of patriotism. It's not that of what this country represents. It's what a fringe of this society would want it to be and he brought division and divisiveness and hatred and negativity and bigotry, not greatness. Nothing even close to that. A form of the old, bigoted America is what he and his supporters wanted to make this country. Good riddance.

We elected him. We removed him. We, the people.
There's a plaque here in Boston commemorating one of the greatest lines in a presidential speech in history, made on this day of his inauguration in 1961.

Congrats to USA, the era of the Orange Menace is now over. Hopefully normality will return to the USA and they can focus on fighting the pandemic.

As Biden said, more people have been lost to COVID than during WWII for the USA. Think of that !!!
Congrats to USA, the era of the Orange Menace is now over. Hopefully normality will return to the USA and they can focus on fighting the pandemic.

As Biden said, more people have been lost to COVID than during WWII for the USA. Think of that !!!
Unfortunately this nightmare will continue. Trump is like an evil cockroach that always comes back. He will start his own news network and political party. His kids will also get involved. The Trump family is now the face of right wing lunatics in America.

Only silver lining is that republican party will be shattered as a consequence. Trump's "Loony Tunes Party" will take at least a third of current republican voters, probably more. I am personally shocked at how many middle age white people believe in Trumps conspiracy theories and support his racism.
Congrats to USA, the era of the Orange Menace is now over. Hopefully normality will return to the USA and they can focus on fighting the pandemic.

As Biden said, more people have been lost to COVID than during WWII for the USA. Think of that !!!

I'm sorry to say this: but the country is no less divided after Biden's election than before it. Democrats might control the White House and both houses of the legislature, but it's hardly a mandate. Their lead is razor-thin and can be easily lost in two-years time.

It will be interesting to see what the Democrats will do to make sure another Trump will no happen, but if they lean toward socialism, then all bets are off. I'm hearing rumors that Biden is thinking amnesty for illegal immigrants, but if that's the case, the Democrats will be toast.

And I'll be one of them. No amnesty for illegal immigrants.
The Senate once again acquitted Trump during his second impeachment trial, with 57 Senators voting to convict the racist traitor and 43 Republican cowards voting against it. Seven Republicans (sided with America over the traitor) joined the Democrats in voting to convict, but unfortunately, they fell short of the 67 votes needed for two-thirds majority. Once again, the traitor got away for betraying his oath and his country!

His inauguration speech was really good.
I agree. And this is what Fox News Chris Wallace said: “I have been listening to these inaugural addresses since 1961…” “I thought it was a great speech… I thought this was the best inaugural address I have ever heard.” “The theme of the inauguration was America United, a subject that holds greater weight than it normally would considering that exactly 2 weeks ago there was a mob of thugs, of insurrectionists, of domestic terrorists on the inaugural stand.”

“Joe Biden was saying that democracy prevailed, we were able to get through that.” “And he was talking about how we need to get through that in the future if we are going to be a united country.”

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It's an interesting dynamic for sure. YOU have percentage of people struggling and those getting by pretty well and they're no even in the 91t par of the 1 percent either; Look at us for example, yo0u won't find q harder working guy than this kid {btw, does turning 55 on the the7th of this month still considered a kid? never mind} but we enjoy taking our boat out a lot but I would never consider myself doing well enough to think about retiring and time soon.
Pres. Biden signed 17 executive orders on day one (January 20) as president. Promises kept!


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