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Let's hope Bernie gets knocked off that list too. Bernie is the only candidate with potential to challenge Trump.
A part of me wants Bernie to get elected and have his base get disappointed like the MAGA crowd did when Trump became President this in a way shows the exact reason American Liberal Democracy is a farce
Joe is unstoppable!

A new CNN/SSRS poll shows.

52% support Joe and 36% Bernie.


(CNN)Former Vice President Joe Biden has a double-digit lead over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination, a new CNN poll of Democratic voters nationwide conducted by SSRS shows.

Biden is now the choice of a majority of Democratic voters nationwide, according to the poll, which was taken in the days after the former vice president's stronger-than-expected showing across Super Tuesday contests and as the field of Democratic contenders with a realistic shot at winning the nomination narrowed to two.

The poll finds 52% of registered voters who are Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents say they want to see Biden win the nomination, while 36% say they'd rather see Sanders win.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who dropped out of the race on Thursday, lands at 7% in the poll. That is largely due to her 18% showing in interviews conducted on Wednesday, before she ended her campaign. Among those interviewed after she left the contest, Biden's support rose to 57%, Sanders stood at 36%, while 2% volunteered that they still backed Warren. Another 6% chose someone else or were unsure about who they would support.

Biden's successful Super Tuesday appears to have led to a rebound in his favorability rating (48% overall now hold a positive view, up from 39% in December), while Sanders has hit his highest unfavorability rating yet in CNN polling back to 2015 (52% hold an unfavorable view of him, up from 44% in December).

Warren is the only candidate of the four Democrats who recently ended their campaigns who earns largely positive favorability ratings from both backers of Biden and of Sanders. Warren has yet to endorse a candidate in the nomination fight, while former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar have all thrown their support behind Biden and receive mostly positive views from Biden's backers. They receive less positive views from those supporting Sanders.

Overall, Biden holds a nearly 20-point edge among white voters and 10-point one among non-whites, as Sanders' strength among Latino voters cancels out a bit of Biden's edge among African Americans. But there remain sharp divides within the party across age groups, ideological views and party affiliation. Among those under age 45, Sanders tops Biden by 26 points, 57% to 31%. Among voters age 45 or older, it's a 72% to 17% advantage for Biden. Source
I voted for Joe Biden in the Washington State Primary. Feeling good!



Today is another important Tuesday for the Democratic primary. There are six states, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Washington (where I live), Michigan and Democrats Abroad (overseas Democrat voters), with 352 delegates up for grabs.

All eyes are on the key battleground state of Michigan one of the most important states. In 2016 primary Bernie won the state and in the general election, Trump flipped normally a blue state by winning with only 12,000 votes.

Joe is favorite to win Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri and North Dakota.

Bernie has a better chance in Idaho, Washington and Democrats Abroad.
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Another Sweet Victory!

Joe won four out of the six states primaries- Mississippi, Missouri, Idaho and the very important state of Michigan. Bernie won North Dakota. Votes are still being counted (my home state) Washington.



According to NPR's delegate tracker, Biden had 847 delegates as of Wednesday morning and Sanders had 685. These numbers are expected to grow as results continue to trickle in over the coming days. To secure the nomination, a candidate needs to win a majority of delegates, meaning at least 1,991.

Now, this is what I will call a comprehensive and commonsense plan.

Biden's plan calls for a number of measures, including the establishment of an effective national response to the virus through making testing free and widely available, as well as the establishment of 10 mobile sites and drive-thru facilities per state.

“We’ll never fully solve this problem if we’re unwilling to look beyond our own borders and engage fully with the rest of the world,” Biden said. “We have to confront the coronavirus everywhere.”

Biden also rightfully criticize the Trump Administration lousy response, “unfortunately, this virus laid bare to serve shortcoming current administration. Public sphere are being compounded by the pervasive lack of trust in this president.”

Biden is absolutely right, every time Trump opens up his mouth, the damn stock-market nosedives, yesterday he announced some useless measures and today the stock market plunged 10%, and now officially is a bear market. The bottom line, market has no confidence in this crown in chief.

“Neither should be panic or fallback on xenophobia,” “Labelling COVID-19 a foreign virus does not displace accountability for the misjudgments that have been taken thus far by Trump administration. Let me be crystal clear: the coronavirus does not have a political affiliation.” Said Biden. In response to Trumps typical racist and political BS. Trump has referred to the virus as “foreign”, and had retweeted a racist tweet from one of his brain-dead follower who referred to coronavirus as “China Virus”. Trump in one of his rally criticize the Democrats for questioning his handling of the coronavirus, by saying “this is their new hoax”.



The American people deserve an urgent, robust, and professional response to the growing public health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. That is why Joe Biden is outlining a plan to mount:

  • A decisive public health response that ensures the wide availability of free testing; the elimination of all cost barriers to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the full deployment and operation of necessary supplies, personnel, and facilities.
  • A decisive economic response that starts with emergency paid leave for all those affected by the outbreak and gives all necessary help to workers, families, and small businesses that are hit hard by this crisis. Make no mistake: this will require an immediate set of ambitious and progressive economic measures, and further decisive action to address the larger macro-economic shock from this outbreak.
Biden believes we must spend whatever it takes, without delay, to meet public health needs and deal with the mounting economic consequences. The federal government must act swiftly and aggressively to help protect and support our families, small businesses, first responders and caregivers essential to help us face this challenge, those who are most vulnerable to health and economic impacts, and our broader communities – not to blame others or bail out corporations.

Public health emergencies require disciplined, trustworthy leadership grounded in science. In a moment of crisis, leadership requires listening to experts and communicating credible information to the American public. We must move boldly, smartly, and swiftly. Biden knows how to mount an effective crisis response and elevate the voices of scientists, public health experts, and first responders. He helped lead the Obama-Biden Administration’s effective response to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic and the 2014 Ebola epidemic. Biden also helped lead the response to the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and ran point on implementation of the Recovery Act. He knows how to get relief out the door to families, as well as resources to state and local officials to deal with the challenges they are facing.

And, even as we respond to this crisis, we must prepare for the next one. As President, Biden will establish and manage a permanent, professional, sufficiently resourced public health and first responder system that protects the American people by scaling up biomedical research, deploying rapid testing capacity, ensuring robust nationwide disease surveillance, sustaining a first class public health and first responder workforce, establishing a flexible emergency budgeting authority, and mobilizing the world to ensure greater sustained preparedness for future pandemics.

Congress has taken a step forward by passing an initial bipartisan emergency plan to combat COVID-19. The Trump Administration must now heed the calls of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer to put the health and safety of the American people first. Much more needs to be done, now, to bring our country together, respond to this emergency, and set the groundwork for bold, long-term reforms, including ensuring quality, affordable health care and a comprehensive paid leave program for every American.

Biden will be ready on Day One of his Administration to protect this country’s health and well-being. But he is not waiting until then to communicate his views on what must be done now to properly serve the American people. Biden believes the following steps must immediately be taken. If Trump does not take them, Biden will on Day One as President.

The Biden Plan calls for:

  • Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.
  • Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
  • Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.
  • Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.
  • Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.

Biden understands that this is a dynamic situation. The steps proposed below are a start. As the crisis unfolds, Biden will build on this policy to address new challenges.


Stop the political theater and willful misinformation that has heightened confusion and discrimination. Biden believes we must immediately put scientists and public health leaders front and center in communication with the American people in order to provide regular guidance and deliver timely public health updates, including by immediately establishing daily, expert-led press briefings. This communication is essential to combating the dangerous epidemic of fear, chaos, and stigmatization that can overtake communities faster than the virus. Acts of racism and xenophobia against the Asian American and Pacific Islander community must not be tolerated.

Ensure that public health decisions are made by public health professionals and not politicians, and officials engaged in the response do not fear retribution or public disparagement for performing their jobs.

Immediately restore the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, which was established by the Obama-Biden Administration and eliminated by the Trump Administration in 2018.


Make Testing Widely Available and Free

Ensure that every person who needs a test can get oneand that testing for those who need it is free. Individuals should also not have to pay anything out of their own pockets for the visit at which the test is ordered, regardless of their immigration status. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must draw on advice from outside scientists to clarify the criteria for testing, including consideration of prioritizing first responders and health care workers so they can return to addressing the crisis.

Establish at least ten mobile testing sites and drive-through facilities per state to speed testing and protect health care workers. Starting in large cities and rapidly expanding beyond, the CDC must work with private labs and manufacturers to ensure adequate production capacity, quality control, training, and technical assistance. The number of tests must be in the millions, not the thousands.

Provide a daily public White House report on how many tests have been done by the CDC, state and local health authorities, and private laboratories. Read more
Two weeks ago, Trump called coronavirus a “Democrat hoax” at a South Carolina rally. And now he is forced to declare a state of emergency, what a loser.

When he was elected, I knew he was going to be bad for the country, but even I didn’t think he’ll be so bad. Most Americans do not trust him because he’s such a notorious liar. He does not take responsibility for anything he does. The “stable genius” always blames others, nothing is ever his fault. The hallmark of a loser mentality!

His handling of coronavirus has been so bad that even one of the most powerful financial Corp JPMorgan has given up on him. I’m loving it.

JPMORGAN: The best case scenario for stocks is a Biden presidency with a Republican Senate

A Joe Biden presidency would be better for markets than a second Trump term, but only if Republicans keep the Senate, JPMorgan analysts said.

The bank laid out its best- and worst-case scenarios for the "wildcard" 2020 elections in a Wednesday note. A Biden presidency with a Republican Senate would best serve markets as the Trump tax regime would likely continue, the analysts wrote. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act boosted the historically long bull market, lowering corporate taxes and triggering increased stock buybacks.

A Biden presidency with a divided government would do away with Trump's "randomly-timed disruptions from foreign/trade policy" while keeping his market-friendly economic policies, JPMorgan wrote. Source

. . .
The race is over! Joe is unstoppable! It’s high time for Bernie to end his campaign. All Democrats need to focus on our common enemy.

Biden has broken all the 'rules' of presidential primaries

Albert Hunt, opinion contributor


Joe Biden continued his once-improbable march to the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, trouncing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in major primaries, with a decent turnout despite the coronavirus pandemic.

A landslide in Florida, with the third-most Democratic convention delegates, and a decisive victory in Illinois, with the sixth-largest bloc, gives the former vice president a delegate lead of more than 300, and he'll rack up even more with a clear win in Arizona - a clean sweep.

Because of the deadly pandemic, Ohio called off its presidential primary yesterday, and the Georgia contest next week also has been postponed. In that context, turnout was surprisingly high in Florida and Arizona. This reflects the intensity Democrats feel this

It is virtually impossible for Sanders to catch Biden now, regardless of when primaries are held. The Vermont socialist will likely now focus on pressuring Biden and the party to move left.

Barack Obama's vice president will have to delicately handle his appeal to the Sanders wing while not turning off independent-minded voters who want to get rid of Trump.

But wrapping up the nod this early makes the task easier.

The Biden turnaround, going from front-runner a year ago to a failed candidacy a month ago, to inevitable nominee today, is unprecedented in American politics.

Every rule I learned in covering presidential politics for almost a half century has been broken, including:

No one loses both Iowa and New Hampshire and wins the nomination. An also-ran in these first contests loses momentum, money and political support. Serious contenders failed miserably to jump start campaigns.
For the Democrats in 1976, Sen. Henry Jackson skipped New Hampshire - and when Jimmy Carter won the Granite State, it effectively ended Jackson's hopes. In 2008, the early Republican front-runner Rudy Giuliani - really he once was a serious person - figured he'd take off in the big Florida primary. But after John McCain won New Hampshire, support for "America's Mayor" plummeted; he dropped out nine days before the Florida primary. Biden, however, finished fourth in Iowa, fifth in New Hampshire and is now on his way to November.

Endorsements don't really matter in the modern media age. Witness the last two presidents. In 2007, the establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton, cornered scores of high-level endorsements - far more than Barack Obama - to little avail. Four years ago, about the only top Republican to endorse Donald Trump was Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions. (The president showed his sense of loyalty this month by endorsing Sessions' opponent in a primary.) Then there was Jim Clyburn. Joe Biden might have won the South Carolina primary last month anyway - but the eloquent endorsement of Rep. Clyburn, the most important African American office holder in the party, generated the Biden avalanche in South Carolina, carrying over to Super Tuesday three days later.

Money is the mother's milk of politics, especially if one candidate has a lot, the other very little. By Super Tuesday, Mike Bloomberg was spending more than a half a billion dollars, while Biden was too strapped to even have offices in some of the states in play. Biden won 10 of 14 states that day, picking up 632 delegates. Bloomberg won American Somoa. The "Big Mo" triumphed - momentum not money.

Democrats - in a change election - turn to younger, outside-the-Beltway candidates. Think Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama. They conveyed change, a new day. This time, the party is turning to a 77-year-old who was first elected to the Senate before any of the current members of Congress arrived.

The answer lies in Democratic voters who passionately want change - to defeat the incumbent.

They've come to see Biden as the antidote to Trump: honorable, experienced, sound and decent. Source

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I voted for Joe Biden in the Washington State Primary. Feeling good!

View attachment 612626


Today is another important Tuesday for the Democratic primary. There are six states, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Washington (where I live), Michigan and Democrats Abroad (overseas Democrat voters), with 352 delegates up for grabs.

All eyes are on the key battleground state of Michigan one of the most important states. In 2016 primary Bernie won the state and in the general election, Trump flipped normally a blue state by winning with only 12,000 votes.

Joe is favorite to win Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri and North Dakota.

Bernie has a better chance in Idaho, Washington and Democrats Abroad.
Thas very bad
As far as Pakistan is concerned Trump was way better than Obama every time Democrats come in power they try to **** us over.

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