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Bombshell from yesterday’s testimony, first time it shows Trump guiding his cronies to carry out his corrupt agenda. Trump by the way, as usual, is denying about the phone call, of course yes, it’s just a matter of time before his lie is exposed.

Bill Taylor dropped a bombshell in his impeachment hearing opening statement

He said a member of his staff gave an account of a previously unknown Trump phone call.

By Andrew Prokop

Toward the end of his opening statement in the first public impeachment hearing Wednesday, diplomat Bill Taylor dropped a bombshell.

Last week, Taylor testified, a member of his staff told him of a previously unknown phone call involving President Donald Trump — one that points to further personal involvement by the president in pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

This call took place on July 26, the day after Trump’s now-infamous phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Taylor’s staff member told him that Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland had called Trump on the phone from a restaurant; the staffer was present for that call. During the call, the staffer heard Trump ask Sondland about “the investigations,” and Sondland replied that the Ukrainians were ready to move forward.

“Following the call with President Trump, the member of my staff asked Ambassador Sondland what President Trump thought about Ukraine,” Taylor said. “Ambassador Sondland responded that President Trump cares more about the investigations of Biden, which Giuliani was pressing for.”

It’s yet another damning revelation in the scandal, one that further debunks the president’s defenders’ argument that there was nothing to see here. And it’s momentous because it suggests that Trump was very personally involved in what Sondland was telling the Ukrainians.

There are many witnesses and documents attesting that, over a period of several months, Sondland repeatedly told the Ukrainians and his American colleagues that Ukraine needed to commit to investigations Trump wanted — first in exchange for a White House meeting, and later to get military aid Trump was holding up.

These witnesses said Sondland frequently claimed to be carrying out Trump’s wishes — but the extent to which he was simply interpreting his boss’s desires versus personally consulting with Trump hasn’t been clear.

This account, though, would suggest it was Trump all along — that the president was indeed instructing Sondland (a donor who had given $1 million to his inauguration committee) on what to tell the Ukrainians. Furthermore, Sondland was openly saying this was all about the Bidens, according to this staffer. Source
Yet another sweet victory! I am loving it!

Incumbent Democratic Gov. John Edwards defeated Trump supported Republican gubernatorial candidate in Louisiana, which is a Deep South red state, Trump carried it by 20 points in 2016 presidential election. He went there three times to support his candidate and in his last rally before the election, as usual, called Democrats, “a bunch of bad people”…..“ and now the absolutely crazed lunatics, the Democrats, the radical left are pushing the deranged impeachment witch hunt, for doing nothing wrong. We did nothing wrong.”

And in the end, he pleaded:

“You got to give me a big win, please, O.K.“ :lol:

Trump’s Efforts Fall Flat in Louisiana

Democrat John Bel Edwards won another term as governor, despite national support for the Republican.

By Louis Jacobson, Contributor Nov. 18, 2019

DEMOCRAT JOHN BEL Edwards won another term as Louisiana’s governor on Saturday, frustrating President Donald Trump’s hope – backed by multiple visits to the state – of avenging the loss of the Kentucky governorship not even two weeks earlier.


As was the case in Kentucky’s gubernatorial race, Edwards’ victory demonstrated that Trump’s efforts to nationalize the contest by focusing on impeachment and other hot-button issues have limits, even in solidly red states.

After failing to reach 50 percent in the all-party primary, Edwards defeated Republican businessman Eddie Rispone in Saturday’s runoff, 51 percent to 49 percent – a margin of just 40,000 votes, and one that came despite steep challenges for the incumbent.

Edwards, a West Point graduate, Army veteran and longtime state legislator, won his office in 2015 by defeating Republican Sen. David Vitter, who was hobbled by his past ties to prostitutes. This year’s opponent, Rispone, had no such personal baggage. Read more

and he got owned:

That ending especially :rofl::rofl:
"He got owned", really? all I saw was Jordan was speaking fast, loud and misleading. So what was I missing?
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Watch Live: Trump Impeachment Inquiry Hearings - November 19, 2019 (Day 3) | NBC News


Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is testifying before House impeachment investigators. He heard the call on July 25 between President Trump and President Zelenskiy of Ukraine. He's active-duty Army.

He was wounded in Iraq leading infantrymen in 2004 before becoming a foreign area officer specializing in Eurasia, earned the Purple Heart, a Ranger tab and the Combat Infantryman Badge, all before he served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a Russia expert when the Pentagon was writing its strategy to compete against near-peer adversaries.

Vindman now serves with President Donald Trump’s National Security Council, and he was subpoenaed to appear before Congress on Tuesday. He testified to impeachment investigators that he twice raised concerns over Trump’s push to have Ukraine investigate Democrats and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden.


Jennifer Williams. Foreign Service Officer is also testifying.

U.S. Department of State

Special Advisor for Europe and Russia, Office of the Vice President Pence (April 2019-present)

Press Officer and Deputy Spokesperson at the U.S. Embassy, London, UK (July 2016-March 2019)

Graduate student, Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Master of Public Policy program (July 2015-May 2016)

Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of State (July 2014-July 2015)

Senior Syria Program Officer in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) in Washington, D.C. (July 2013-June 2014)

Refugee Program Officer in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) in Washington, D.C. (July 2011 - June 2013)

Assistant Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy, Beirut, Lebanon (June 2009 - 2011)

Vice Consul at the U.S. Embassy, Kingston, Jamaica (July 2006 - June 2008)

Special Advisor for Europe and Russia, Office of the Vice President (April 2019-present)

Press Officer and Deputy Spokesperson at the U.S. Embassy, London, UK (July 2016-March 2019)

Graduate student, Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Master of Public Policy program (July 2015-May 2016)

Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of State (July 2014-July 2015)

Senior Syria Program Officer in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) in Washington, D.C. (July 2013-June 2014)

Refugee Program Officer in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) in Washington, D.C. (July 2011 - June 2013)

Assistant Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy, Beirut, Lebanon (June 2009 - 2011)

Vice Consul at the U.S. Embassy, Kingston, Jamaica (July 2006 - June 2008)
A new ABC/IPSOS poll found that 70% of Americans disapprove Trump’s actions with Ukraine. Looks like majority of Americans are not buying Trump and his cronies’ false propaganda.

Trump has repeatedly said he hasn’t done anything wrong…. Only 25% agree with him. :lol:

According to the poll:

· 70% said Trump's request was wrong.

· 25% think Trump did nothing wrong.

· 51% said his actions were both wrong and he should be impeached and removed from office.

· 19% think his actions were wrong and he should be impeached but not removed.

· 19% believe Trump should be neither impeached by the house or convicted by the Senate.

One of the most important hearing. One of Trump’s point man, US Ambassador Gordon Sondland is throwing him under the bus:

Ambassador Sondland: "Members of this Committee frequently frame these complicated issues in the form of a simple question: Was there a quid pro quo? ... With regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes."

LIVE: House Impeachment Inquiry Hearing - . Ambassador Gordon Sondland Testimony

Amb Gordon gave one million dollar to Trump’s campaign and in return Trump made him US ambassador to EU. Little did the poor Gordon knew what he was getting in. Today he had a choice either go to jail or to tell the truth, so far it looks like he's telling the truth. Trump and his cronies will have to come up with new lies. :lol:

"Mr. Giuliani's requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for Zelenskiy,' EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland testifies"

Trump just found out some of the details of Gordon’s testimony. This was his reaction:

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s reply draws applause at impeachment hearing. In reply to Democrat Rep. Sean Maloney of New York question, Lt. Col. Alexander said: “Congressman, because this is America. This is the country I have served and defended. That all my brothers have served. And here, right matters.”

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D., N.Y.) opened his questioning of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman by remarking, "This may be your first congressional hearing like this."

"Hopefully the last," quipped Col. Vindman.

After criticizing Republicans for their treatment of Col. Vindman, Mr. Maloney asked him how he felt when he listened to the July 25 call.

"There was probably an element of shock. ... my worst fears of how our Ukrainian policy could play out, was playing out," he said.

So you reported it, Mr. Maloney said.

"I did," Col. Vindman said. "Because that was my duty."

Mr. Maloney asked Col. Vindman to reread the part of his opening statement where he told his father not to worry about him. The congressman asked Col. Vindman why his father might be worried.

"He's deeply worried about it because in his context (in the Soviet Union) it was the ultimate risk," Col. Vindman said.

Mr. Maloney asked Col. Vindman why he told his father not to worry, that he would be fine by telling the truth.

"Congressman, because this is America," Col. Vindman said. "This is the country I've served and defended. That all my brothers have served. And here, right matters." Spontaneous applause broke out in the hearing room.


Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., questioned Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, an Army officer who works for the National Security Council, and Jennifer Williams, an aide to Vice President Mike Pence, on Nov. 19, in a public hearing as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Vindman and Williams both listened in on a July phone call in which Trump asked the president of Ukraine to investigate former vice president and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

U.S. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi of Schaumburg centered on insinuations against Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's loyalties during the impeachment inquiry into whether President Donald Trump withheld military funding to Ukraine for political gains.

Vindman, the National Security Council director for Europe, testified Tuesday during a packed day of hearings for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

"I am concerned that your loyalty has been questioned, not just because you're bringing forward evidence of wrongdoing against the president of the United States but because you're an immigrant," Krishnamoorthi said.

He quoted a Fox News host who said that, because Vindman immigrated from the former Soviet Union, he "tends to feel simpatico with Ukraine.'"

Krishnamoorthi said, "I find this statement reprehensible because it appears that your immigrant heritage is being used against you."

Vindman's family immigrated when he was 3½ years old; Krishnamoorthi came to the U.S. when he was an infant.

"I understand that your father worked multiple jobs while also learning English?" Krishnamoorthi asked. "Your father stressed the importance of embracing what it means to be an American, correct?"

"That is correct," Vindman said.

"From one immigrant American to another immigrant American, I want to say that you and your family represent the very best of America," Krishnamoorthi said.
Keep in mind folks, almost everyone who have testified in the impeachment hearings works for Trump, but thank goodness their loyalties are with the United States of America. :usflag:

LIVE: House Impeachment Inquiry Hearing

Fiona Hill, a former National Security Council senior director for Europe and Russia, and David Holmes, counselor for political affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine testify at a House Intelligence Committee impeachment hearing.


Fiona Hill is the former Deputy Assistant to the President Trump and Senior Director for Europe and Russia on the National Security Council staff. In this role, she is the lead interagency coordinator for U.S. foreign policy relating to Europe and Russia.

Prior to joining the NSC, from 2009-2017, Hill was a Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on the United States and Europe at The Brookings Institution.

From 2006 to 2009, she served as national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia at The National Intelligence Council. She is a frequent commentator on Russian and Eurasian affairs, and has researched and published extensively on issues related to Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, regional conflicts, energy, and strategic issues. She is co-author of the second edition of “Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin” (Brookings Institution Press, 2015).

Hill holds a master’s in Soviet studies and a doctorate in history from Harvard University where she was a Frank Knox Fellow. She also holds a master’s in Russian and modern history from St. Andrews University in Scotland and has pursued studies at Moscow’s Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages.
Oh, my goodness, what have United States become under Trump.

Breaking News: Lev Parnas an indicted associate of Trump’s long-term buddy/lawyer Rudy Giuliani was secretly working with Devin Nunes the top Republican ranking member of House intelligence committee to help get dirt on Joe Biden.

Lev Parnas and his partner Fruman were arrested a few weeks ago at Dallas International Airport with one-way tickets out of the country. Both of them are accused along with two other guys of funneling foreign money to Trump and other Republicans.

Just damn wow, Devin Nunes sat at the House intelligence committee impeachment hearing all this time knowing he himself is involved in this unlawful conspiracy.

Time for Nunes to immediately resign and openly testify to the House intelligence committee.


Lev Parnas Says He Has Info on Devin Nunes’ Role in Trump’s Ukraine Dirt-Digging Mission

Lev Parnas, the Soviet-born businessman whose involvement in helping the president's personal attorney seek out kompromat on Joe Biden in Ukraine is at the center of an impeachment inquiry, is reportedly prepared to testify to Congress about Rep. Devin Nunes meeting with a Ukrainian official as part of the same dirt-digging mission.

Nunes, the top-ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, has been a staunch defender of President Trump throughout impeachment hearings. But Joseph A. Bondy, an attorney representing Parnas, has said his client has information about Nunes himself being directly involved in at least some aspects of the political pressure campaign for which Trump is under scrutiny, according to CNN.

The news comes after The Daily Beast broke the news earlier this week that Parnas helped Nunes arrange meetings in Europe late last year to investigate the origins of the Russia probe.

Parnas has said he also helped connect Nunes to Ukrainians who could provide information on Biden and Democrats in Ukraine. According to Bondy, Parnas said he was informed by Ukraine's former top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, that he met with Nunes in December, CNN reports. Read more
Denying the truth doesn’t change the facts. :D

There were a total of 12 witnesses at the impeachment hearing, including some Republican witnesses. Watch this Morning Joe mashup of the Key moments during the hearing:
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