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but some on the right also jump to wrong conclusion

Hence no one should come to conclusions on small clips played by media. Its often best to follow 48 hr policy to see what actually the whole picture is. Media (and twitter mobs) are culprit here...they blew it out of proportion so quickly....just like they did with the Buzzfeed "trump ordered cohen to lie proof"...that Mueller team itself had to slap down hard.
Roger Stone indicted. :D
Nancy Pelosi wins again! :D

Trump is reopening the government without any money for his border wall.

Clearly, it was a win for Nancy Pelosi, who had insisted on no negotiation until Trump reopened the government.

Roger Stone indicted. :D
I am loving it.
Nancy Pelosi wins again! :D

Trump is reopening the government without any money for his border wall.

Clearly, it was a win for Nancy Pelosi, who had insisted on no negotiation until Trump reopened the government.

I am loving it.

Uh wrong. 3 week reopening means the dems have to get a wall in there (just like their position under Bush AND Obama) and prove they negotiate in good faith.

This is not a 6 month or 1 year reopening "continuing resolution" usual blah crap....its just to get the SOTU in so trump can get some good coverage right in front of the dems faces. He always wins those handily (in case you forgot the debates with killary too lol)....I wont forget schoomer and pelosi blank expression "response" and those twitter memes following haha. More moments like that to follow for SOTU.

Roger Stone indicted. :D

Zero crimes during the actual election period that the whole dem, MSM, deep state have gone all in for...and are now going to reamed by US public when the mueller report comes out lol.

All these non-relevant indictments will easily be defeated by Roger Stone...its becoming increasingly clear what this actually is about ever since what they did to General Flynn (and even the FBI agents who interviewed him literally admitted he did no crime....definitely nothing that comes close to bit bleach servergate of uranium-one killary...i.e destroying subpoenaed evidence and claiming no intent = no crime :D ).
Nancy Pelosi wins again! :D

No, she won this round. Now comes the next. And the one after that. It is a never-ending game.

Zero crimes during the actual election period that the whole dem, MSM, deep state have gone all in for...and are now going to reamed by US public when the mueller report comes out lol.

All these non-relevant indictments will easily be defeated by Roger Stone...its becoming increasingly clear what this actually is about ever since what they did to General Flynn (and even the FBI agents who interviewed him literally admitted he did no crime....definitely nothing that comes close to bit bleach servergate of uranium-one killary...i.e destroying subpoenaed evidence and claiming no intent = no crime :D ).

The full report will be interesting either way: bombshell or damp squib.
Heh you have taken over for me while I was away. Good job bud.

No problem. That's what we're here for my friend :cheers:

Oh come on! You guys give out a membership to this little self-stroking click you got going on, here? :lol: Is there a fee join in or you just have to be some right-wing nut and that suffices? lmfao!

Trump will definitely get a 2nd term. Did you see schoomer and pelosi in the white house ...."lets not disagree so openly on policy in front of the public mr president" :rofl:

Well, all I can say is I'm glad you don't have an official say in the matter! :-)

Looks like Trump has met his match. :lol:

Great job keeping up the work in my absence, Rabzon. :yahoo: And way to go Pelosi! :tup: Keep that shyster mobster in check, him and his clown of a gumba attorney who does nothing but shoot himself in the foot every time he opens that stink mouth of his. :lol:
Oh come on! You guys give out a membership to this little self-stroking click you got going on, here? :lol: Is there a fee join in or you just have to be some right-wing nut and that suffices? lmfao!
Well, as they say, it takes one to know one. :cheers:

Oh come on! You guys give out a membership to this little self-stroking click you got going on, here? :lol: Is there a fee join in or you just have to be some right-wing nut and that suffices? lmfao!

Well, all I can say is I'm glad you don't have an official say in the matter! :-)

Great job keeping up the work in my absence, Rabzon. :yahoo: And way to go Pelosi! :tup: Keep that shyster mobster in check, him and his clown of a gumba attorney who does nothing but shoot himself in the foot every time he opens that stink mouth of his. :lol:

Welcome back! Its been while eh?
Credit to Vice, they actually explored some of the other side perspectives somewhat neutrally:

Most of legacy media wouldn't even think to do this... and have just bunkered down on their SJW-leftist-NPC only overton window side (and let the trend of dissatisfaction and disenchantment with the democrat party grow).
Cartoons of the week




Great job keeping up the work in my absence, Rabzon. :yahoo: And way to go Pelosi! :tup: Keep that shyster mobster in check, him and his clown of a gumba attorney who does nothing but shoot himself in the foot every time he opens that stink mouth of his. :lol:
Welcome, good to see you back. :enjoy:
Uh wrong. 3 week reopening means the dems have to get a wall in there (just like their position under Bush AND Obama) and prove they negotiate in good faith.

This is not a 6 month or 1 year reopening "continuing resolution" usual blah crap....its just to get the SOTU in so trump can get some good coverage right in front of the dems faces. He always wins those handily (in case you forgot the debates with killary too lol)....I wont forget schoomer and pelosi blank expression "response" and those twitter memes following haha. More moments like that to follow for SOTU.

My friend, you are far more intelligent than that right-wing hippie -looking guy. I watched the clip the guy lied several times in that six-minute clip.

Let’s recap: Trump had agreed on a bipartisan Senate short-term spending bill that was passed in December, it would have kept the government open till February 8, and during that period Democrats and Republicans were going to negotiate on more funds for the border security, but then the right-wing extremist, especially Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News hosts and guests rebelled, Trump got scared and pulled 180- degree U-turn and refused to sign the bill without $ 5.7 billion.

And then, week after week, he said government will stay partially shut down until Democrats agreed to pay 5.7 billion for his wall. He even rejected a proposal from Republican Sen Lindsey Graham to reopen the government for three weeks.

He ignored several polls that showed American people were not buying his exaggeration, lies and fear mongering, but when six Republican senators voted for Democrat’s bill to reopen the government without wall funding and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told him that he had no way out. Finally, Trump came to see what many had known for weeks that he was fighting a losing battle.

He has lost the battle, his SOTU speech will make no difference.

Bottom line, after 35 days of chaos, Trump ended up signing the same bill that was offered to him before all this drama began. He gained nothing, not a single dime for his wall, lost bigly!

There is a Punjabi proverb for a situation like this: Jithay di khoti uthe aan khaloti.
Meaning, (khoti is a female donkey in Punjabi) the donkey has come to stop at the very place it started off from.:D

Credit to Vice, they actually explored some of the other side perspectives somewhat neutrally:

Most of legacy media wouldn't even think to do this... and have just bunkered down on their SJW-leftist-NPC only overton window side (and let the trend of dissatisfaction and disenchantment with the democrat party grow).
in 2016 election, 8% blacks voted for Trump, good for them. :D
than that right-wing hippie -looking guy.

He's not "right wing actually"....he has several left wing tendencies too. I like to keep tabs on people that are gathering large audiences now, thanks to MSM failing repeatedly and not learning.

Trump had agreed

Who fed you that? CNN? LOL. There was a reason the bill was given back to house to put the wall in it...and they did and passed it. The senate vote never got done on the revised one...because Mitch did not want to use the nuclear option.

So Trump was right in that the issue needed to be made....and made again to show its the democrats that are completely being unfair (this is literally the stuff they were supporting under Bush and Obama). Its literally 5.7 billion dollars out of 4 trillion spending. AND he threw in a DACA extension.

Anyways he will get the SOTU now (to make his case again in front of grumpy hostile non-clapping dems), and gives plenty of time to these dems to literally agree to what they agreed under the last 2 presidents. If they do not go for it yet again with ball in their court (that Trump has handed them back craftily to show some responsibility from their side), they lose the argument (in their own setting) and Trump will simply not entertain anything they need him for from their end after that....and get the wall done through Executive actions, come what may.

He ignored several polls

Oooooh polls! Polls STRONK! How was Reagan doing polls wise 2 years in?

He ignored several polls that showed American people were not buying his exaggeration, lies and fear mongering, but when six Republican senators voted for Democrat’s bill to reopen the government without wall funding and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told him that he had no way out. Finally, Trump came to see what many had known for weeks that he was fighting a losing battle.

He has lost the battle, his SOTU speech will make no difference.

Bottom line, after 35 days of chaos, Trump ended up signing the same bill that was offered to him before all this drama began. He gained nothing, not a single dime for his wall, lost bigly!

Whooo CNN STRONK! Why don't you actually wait to see the 3 weeks (notice thats not a CR of 6 months or a year) first? I mean you waited (with bated breath and huge anticipation that MSM was feeding you feelz wise) 2 years for the lovely Mueller report that CNN et al. already walking back big time now (and derpy little buzzfeed left charging into the windmills alone hahaha). It was supposed to deliver a crime and impeachment!...but now even pelosi crying that the house will "continue" looking into it past the mueller report....dayum! Guess it was a nothing burger after all.

If the dems don't put a wall in in these 3 weeks, Trump is proven right that the original shutdown was the right call. If the dems want to be proven correct that there was no need for the shutdown to happen....they have to put a wall in this time. Either way Trump wins in the end with his base and what his team say are significant pockets of support in swing states and crucial suburbia for 2020 (but of course thats all fake compared to the MSM polls that got the last federal election so spot on lol).

An Actual AG (Barr) hopefully gets things rolling soon to get things done on the demoscum (and their FBI "insurance plan" cabal in hot water now). Stuff like bleach bit on subpoenaed evidence by a certain actual witch....that claims intent is all that matters in a crime. Stuff like laundering dirty dossier through the clinton foundation + FBI to both spy on political opponent and hamstring him should the unthinkable happen (i.e the fake polls/MSM blah dont do their job to depress turnout on opponents end just like witch's basic look and bernie-rigging did to her end...i.e the "insurance plan").

in 2016 election, 8% blacks voted for Trump, good for them. :D

More than McCain and Romney. Same thing with hispanic vote. Are those two more WAISSSIST than Trump or something or what? :D Lets see 2020...I'm sure the trend will be quite clear. Its why Dems go "all in" these days with all the conspiracy theories....they got the MSM in their pocket...its the typical predictable move for gated elites against the plantations they have made when they see its enforcement fraying.
Senator Cory Booker announces 2020 presidential campaign

Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey said Friday that he will seek the Democratic nomination for president, adding his name to a growing and increasingly diversified field of 2020 candidates intent on taking on President Trump.

Booker made his announcement via an email and video to supporters, and he had interviews scheduled throughout the day.

“The history of our nation is defined by collective action; by interwoven destinies of slaves and abolitionists; of those born here and those who chose America as home; of those who took up arms to defend our country, and those who linked arms to challenge and change it,” Booker said in his video, which made repeated references to Trump and his actions as president.

“I believe that we can build a country where no one is forgotten, no one is left behind; where parents can put food on the table; where there are good paying jobs with good benefits in every neighborhood; where our criminal justice system keeps us safe, instead of shuffling more children into cages and coffins; where we see the faces of our leaders on television and feel pride, not shame,” he said.

Booker joined a race already occupied by three other senators — Kamala D. Harris of California, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York — as well as several other candidates.

That same day, Harris announced that she was running for president. Booker’s entry makes this the first nomination contest with at least two major African American contenders. Former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is also considering a run.

Booker’s announcement came toward the close of a week that raised the prospect of a significantly more complicated 2020 campaign. Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz confirmed on CBS’s “60 Minutes” that he was considering an independent run for the presidency.

Good job CNN, reporting accurately as always:

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