Really? You are going to tell us, the Americans on our political and democratic system? What's the alternatives? Become like China and have no internet or have the local government decide if I should drink Starbucks or just water today? Or my tv should be censored? Or become like the ME, where either dictators rule and people are miserable, or dictators leave and people are still miserable? Or become like Pakistan where a system is never allowed to complete its terms under the failed "slogans" of "the other side is corrupt" and sit-ins and political violence is so ingrained that you wonder what century you live in?
And now the last question, out of which of the examples above, has a system worked to grow to be the biggest over centuries and has created a top line nation, economy and associations to the world? You are right, it is the American system!! If I, today, am authorized to find people for a US visa, citizens from any of the countries I mentioned above, would love to take that visa to the US. Now you'll tell me that our system doesn't work
When you use comments like "half a brain", you may want to add yourself to that list also. Thanks