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US Politics

He is a smart businessman and no businessman ha

May be Trump supporters are more mature than you think

Mature? What has maturity got to do with all of this? Why did trump make the false promise in the first place? You are backtracking now. I expect trump to fulfill the promises he made.
Basically it was the Europeans that wanted to do that and Obama followed. Breitbart, Pamella Geller, Jihadwatch etc etc all are far right sites that have the only task of creating hatred against muslims to justify eternal bombing by the US. Unfortunately they are quite popular and they succeed on misleading western public. They all support Trump and this means that his policies will be Bush-like

France (the nation that initiated the anti-Ghaddafi campaign) has little, if any, bearing on US internal politics. To put things in the right shoe, do recall that it was President Obama who called for cruise missile strikes into Libya on top of Hillary's lobbying; right-wing newspapers had little to do with the decision to go to war.
France (the nation that initiated the anti-Ghaddafi campaign) has little, if any, bearing on US internal politics. To put things in the right shoe, do recall that it was President Obama who called for cruise missile strikes into Libya on top of Hillary's lobbying; right-wing newspapers had little to do with the decision to go to war.

The right-wing has already caused enough damage by going into Iraq if you recall. Of course, the right-wing is going to remain silent now after causing the sh!t storm in the first place. In all fairness, Obama made it worse when he was thinking that he was doing a splendid job. However, Obama simply inherited the mess from the Republicans.

I hope Trump delivers on his promise by making America great first instead of meddling in other nations. That will be one heck of a good thing for the world.
Trump will tear the Iran deal apart... fyi
he's a smart man, first he'll leverage them to fight isis, you watch.

if there are any big losers tonight, it is the so called Syrian rebels and the countries that back those terrorists.
Mature? What has maturity got to do with all of this? Why did trump make the false promise in the first place? You are backtracking now. I expect trump to fulfill the promises he made.
Only foolish can believe in all the promises made by a politician..when I voted for modi I didn't vote him because he is going to solve all the india problems or he will fulfill even 10 percent of his promises but I voted for him because he was the best alternative at that time so is Trump for america far better than clinton
Arrogant mad man trashed manipulating female liar. Meanwhile Canadian immigration website is choked with inquiries by Americans seeking immigration.

And stock markets around the world are crashing down, down and down.
Which is a good thing as that globalist nonsense has failed. Let countries trade with each other all they want to but internal matters should be internal matters. We don't need Clinton's or other "Saints" telling the entire world how to live, act, what to think, do etc. in the name of "democracy" or whatever label is convenient to mention. With all due respect. Liberals of today do not even follow traditional liberalism anymore but some allen socialistic/communistic blend.

Globalization will prevail in the end, its inevitable. Its just the fact that history hasnt got a linear path(but goes 5 steps forward and 3 backwards in order to move forward again). The French revolution occured but some years later monarchy was restored. Then the monarchy was overthrown only to be restored again etc etc. Today France doesnt have a monarchy. The same will happen with globalization. After some ups and down it will prevail
All this supposed anti-Muslim rhetoric (which is in fact misunderstood) is a election tactic to appeal to the average White Republican voter in the Bible Belt, Midwest etc. whose knowledge about foreign policy is as big as the Grand Mufti of KSA's knowledge of French wines. That type of voter sees conflicts and terrorist attacks in the Muslim world and occasionally in the West and naturally is scared/worried. I have never seen Trump being against the average Muslim. If he was such an anti-Muslim he would not have done business with Muslims or have had investments in Muslim countries or travelled to Muslim countries. Mostly the GCC but other areas too.

Anyway I could care less if he loves, hates, dislikes or is indifferent to Muslims. What I care about is him not pursuing a similar disastrous policy in the MENA region as Bush Jr., Obama and Clinton did. I doubt this as he has put a lot of emphasis on criticizing such failed policies so it would be an own goal to follow it unless the powers behind him are simply too strong to combat.

Obama/Clinton are the foremost reason for the chaos to begin with. They are also responsible for prolonging the Syrian war by their indifference. You must be extremely naive to think that Obama was pro-anything in Syria. In fact I believe that every regional power and world power is perfectly fine with sacrificing Syria to accomplish their own agendas which vary.

Anyway I do not believe that it can be any worse than under Obama/Clinton or Bush Jr.

Trump has his faults like everyone but the reason why he was elected to begin with was due to his opposition to the establishment. Now copying them after becoming the president would be a gigantic own goal.

As for Israel, US would support them regardless of who would have been elected. Even if an Muslim Arab-American of Palestinian origin was elected as the president.

Of course I could very likely be wrong but I doubt so.

Anyway Trump was not elected by the American voter due to those reasons but many others which have more to do with local issues. Many times more.

And most importantly, president or not, he is just the figurehead. Behind him is the biggest political machinery on the planet. They make the choices for him. It is not like in the MENA/China etc. were most leaders can mostly decide on their own and decide/sack all officials at will without any or little accountability from the people. Which is why a well-run dictatorship is always better than a badly run democracy.

Anyway most importantly us conservatives/liberal conservatives will always prefer a leader in the mold of Trump rather than liberal socialists like Hillary, globalists and neocons. Besides Trump is good entertainment and I like the fact that a showman could become the president and beat people who have been politicians their entire adult lives almost. It is a big middle finger to the liberal/socialist establishment in the West and everywhere else where so-called "progressives" are trying to poison others with their moronic ideas.
He is putting Rudy Giuliani as his chief Justice... enough said.
he's a smart man, first he'll leverage them to fight isis, you watch.

if there are any big losers tonight, it is the so called Syrian rebels and the countries that back those terrorists.

Can you name those countries? I'm interested.

Only foolish can believe in all the promises made by a politician..when I voted for modi I didn't vote him because he is going to solve all the india problems or he will fulfill even 10 percent of his promises but I voted for him because he was the best alternative at that time so is Trump for america far better than clinton

That is BS and you know it. The Muslim ban and Mexican wall is something that Trump has made his election motto. He will have to deliver. No ifs and buts.
Can you name those countries? I'm interested.
Saudia and Turkey, who he has repeatedly called out for their horrible cultural practices and apparent support for ISIS.

He'll reign them in and deal directly with Russia, who are the real major power in the region to deal with the terrorism issue.
he's a smart man, first he'll leverage them to fight isis, you watch.

if there are any big losers tonight, it is the so called Syrian rebels and the countries that back those terrorists.
Not sure about the smart part... he will try to prove he is a better negotiator... hence the tear apart... agree with the Isis part. Put he will align with the Russians while taking iran out of the nexus.

Ultimately Trump will hopefully get the world rid of Isis and al Qaeeda...
Saudia and Turkey, who he has repeatedly called out for their horrible cultural practices and apparent support for ISIS.

He'll reign them in and deal directly with Russia, who are the real major power in the region to deal with the terrorism issue.

Interesting times ahead. Turkey and Saudi don't have a repulsive culture.

This is my prediction. Trump is going to worsen the conflict and ISIS and AQ will flourish under his rule. Simply because collateral damage will create only more resentment and fuel more vengeance. Trump is going to outsource the ISIS war to Russia.
Saudia and Turkey, who he has repeatedly called out for their horrible cultural practices and apparent support for ISIS.

He'll reign them in and deal directly with Russia, who are the real major power in the region to deal with the terrorism issue.
Turkey's repulsive culture?... pretty sure it's more progressive than most of Christian Africa, Christian South America, etc.
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