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US Planning to Snatch Pakistan's Nukes

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Maybe, but everytime such articles come out, the outrage and explosion of emotions makes one wonder whether "Nukes" are among the very few things which define Pakistan.

Pakistan is SO much more than mere atomic weapons. It has a rich history, vibrant culture and a loving, albeit somewhat emotional, people. A little bit of education and stability, and this nation will rise up like the proverbial rocket.
Maybe, but everytime such articles come out, the outrage and explosion of emotions makes one wonder whether "Nukes" are among the very few things which define Pakistan.

This must be put in mind by this evil US ....even a small threat to our existence or our Nukes will Insha-Allah will pay the worst out of the US/NATO countries......Alhamdolillah! we love to die for our Islam, sovereignity and freedom......We will take the life of the threat producers as well no matter what......Insha-Allah.................. :woot:
Its in the interests of US/NATO not to even think anything about our Nukes......maybe they will never know that they might not even wakeup the next day..........Insha-Allah................:)
Only thing they can try to confiscate is whatever amount of N. bomb grade Uranium you have enriched. Smoke from your reactors has day and night over watch. They know how much you can enrich or have enriched; with very little margin of error. You can not hide your reactors but can hide your fuel. If your reactors are working it means you are enriching uranium, this what you have been doing (electricity production is just an excuse), it also means they are letting you enrich, it means they are not after your nuclear weapon program, period.

At the time of acute necessary when you will be assembling or arming your arsenal that would be the another window when they can capture or destroy it; if they want. You can keep your arsenal at ready to go status, but that would be different ball game which Pakistan can afford to do at present.
Pakistan is SO much more than mere atomic weapons. It has a rich history, vibrant culture and a loving, albeit somewhat emotional, people. A little bit of education and stability, and this nation will rise up like the proverbial rocket.


I hope people in power learn to pay more attention to these aspects than other things.

The point I was trying to make was how people get riled up reading such reports (which may or may not be true ;)) while any articles on social injustices or law and order problems or day to day governance hardly makes any difference.

I hope people in power learn to pay more attention to these aspects than other things.

The point I was trying to make was how people get riled up reading such reports (which may or may not be true ;)) while any articles on social injustices or law and order problems or day to day governance hardly makes any difference.

Gubbi: Thanks! I note your point, but also please note there is a good reason I have described the loving Pakistani people the way I described. :D
These nukes are distributed over 796,095 square kilometres and their locations vary, some could be inside a mountain compound whereas some could be right under you favourite "Dahi Bhalay Wala's" store. Only a few souls out of the 180 million that constitute this nation know of their locations and no one person knows the location of all the nuclear facilities. Even if 1 or even 2 are compromised, the others won't be.
That being said and done, let's move on to the hypothetical scenario if a nuclear facility is compromised and the US decides to storm it.
They can't enter with helos unless they use the stealth helos as in Abbotabad, which can only hold a few soldiers per helo. Supposing they use 4, that's about 16 soldiers. Now they will have to face defences that will make look Bagram Airbase look like a game show. Air defences, pill boxes, electric fences, mines, hundreds of dedicated soldiers, among many other measures that I am not at liberty to mention.
Moral: It's impossible to de-nuke Pakistan through forces, international pressure is a bigger threat.
Moral: It's impossible to de-nuke Pakistan through forces, international pressure is a bigger threat.

....or economic collapse, whether engineered or self-inflicted.
....or economic collapse, whether engineered or self-inflicted.

The military's money is largely self-generated and a complete economic collapse in Pakistan is impossible because we have a semi-agrarian economy. Owing to which we will be able to sustain our nuclear facilities even in the face of economic trouble.
The military's money is largely self-generated and a complete economic collapse in Pakistan is impossible because we have a semi-agrarian economy. Owing to which we will be able to sustain our nuclear facilities even in the face of economic trouble.

Difficult: yes. Impossible? No.
Like they say, nothing is impossible but let's say it's very unlikely.

For an estimate of how likely or unlikely it may be, please consider the Pakistani economic situation and its trends in an impartial way. Numbers don't lie.
I do, and with a "Stable" outlook by Moody's, I see no sign of any impending economic collapse.

Neither do I. It is not impending for sure, but the trends are not all that rosy either, are they?
The nuclear weapons are not 'a single', one unit assembly that can be taken away just like that. Pakistan's nukes are not lying 'assembled' at one location - the warhead is in one facility, the guidance system in another, the launcher in another, the delivery vehicle in another. That is the 'beauty' of the system. It's a totally 'different' ballgame than penetrating an air-base. Nukes are not stored in one facility, & the US does not have the locations for many secret locations. Then there are uranium/plutonium enrichment sites as well, & production sites as well the US doesn't know about.

The US, or any other entity trying to neutralize Pakistan's nukes, would only focus on the warheads.

Separation of warhead and delivery system is advantageous from a 'security and safety' POV, in terms of accidental launch or 'takeover' by a hostile entity, preventing the hostile entity (terrorists for example) from being able to 'launch the nukes'.

Separation of warheads and delivery systems is not advantageous from the perspective of increasing the risks for an entity like the US thinking about targeting the nukes, since the 'mating time/process' would allow the US additional time to target the nukes before they are launched. That is why, IMHO, some of Pakistan's warheads SHOULD BE (if they are not already) mated to delivery vehicles for a rapid launch in case of any 'operation to neutralize Pakistan's nukes'.
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