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US, Pakistan NSAs meet in Washington to discuss Afghan security situation

OFF TOPIC but who remembers last year when all the indians here on PDF used to claim that the americans would NEVER pull out of Afghanistan even after 100 years.............. :lol:
OFF TOPIC but who remembers last year when all the indians here on PDF used to claim that the americans would NEVER pull out of Afghanistan even after 100 years.............. :lol:

We remember it very vividly bro. Look at them now LOL The Taliban have changed is the new Indian theme.
We remember it very vividly bro. Look at them now LOL The Taliban have changed is the new Indian theme.

Now the gangus are claiming that they have an alliance with the Taliban.............. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
We aren't a prediction forum nor we will risk or beat drums of war against Pakistan foreign policy. Please, don't further the rumors here. Title updated.

I don't see the point of changing the title of the thread.. The threads entire purpose is to beat the war-drums. We are finally here and time to stretch legs... The time is here...
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I don't see the point of changing the title of the thread.. The threads entire purpose is to beat the war-drums. We are finally here and time to stretch legs

This is not how the Forum works neither, we are Indians beating the war drums or unless, you are here to challenge and Pakistan Foreign Policy for Afghanistan. Pakistan has no intention to attack Afghanistan. We will continue with official line instead of becoming a rumor mill like this. There's no intention neither any reason nor benefits to attack Kabul. We are not expansionists.
This is not how the Forum works neither, we are Indians beating the war drums or unless, you are here to challenge and Pakistan Foreign Policy for Afghanistan. Pakistan has no intention to attack Afghanistan. We will continue with official line instead of becoming a rumor mill like this. There's no intention neither any reason nor benefits to attack Kabul. We are not expansionists.

Well that is your opinion.. I beg to differ completely whatever you are saying is contradiction towards pakistan stragetic interests how about yeah no..
Well that is your opinion.. I beg to differ completely whatever you are saying is contradiction towards pakistan stragetic interests how about yeah no..

Share a source where Pakistan says we are attacking Afghanistan?
It will be over in a fukin week. We won't fight IEA but just clean house on the regime that support BLF.. Nobody I mean nobody can defy Pakistan on Afghanistan if it takes unilateral decision and rolls in.. Not a single soul will defy Pakistan nobody will risk Nuclear war for Afghanistan just not worth enough for anyone and everyone will cut their losses short and live for another day to tell the tale

This 100%... I say release the beast.. The strength of Pakistan will be on display here and works as muscle flexing.. Pakistan is a superpower in the making and mighty.. It has come of age and ready to roll.. I 100% back this and the timing is right.
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This will 100% guaraante Pakistan going in Afghanistan faster than Usain Bolt militarily to eliminate Ghani's extremely weak and fragile regime.
It's the sleeper cells 'inside' Pakistan that are causing disruption. Going in and removing ghani force is a useless thing to do when there is already someone there that can do this job better way. Once Ghani is removed do u think everything will be fine and dandy? Well no.. we have to clean our area and make sure the allegiances dont shift from kabul to delhi.
What I predict from this is that Pakistan is putting pressure on Washington that they won't accept Civil war in Afghanistan and the connectivity part because Pakistan and Uzbekistan are building a road... Pakistan NSA meet with US NSA Yesterday.. What I understand is that the Afghan gov't is a security risk for Pakistan now while not previously and the same to China. There will also likely be pressure from Beijing to Islamabad if Kabul attempts to insert unwanted elements in the region.. This will 100% guaraante Pakistan going in Afghanistan faster than Usain Bolt militarily to eliminate Ghani's extremely weak and fragile regime. The death sentence can sometimes come from places you don't expect. A move Beijing will give standing ovation and this move has entirely nothing to do with US interests but securing it's backyard backdoor against foreign hostile elements like India. My understanding is that Pakistan has already pulled back the para-military guarding the borders and deployed regular army across the entire border and they deployed massively if the Afghan gov't doesn't take distance from such elements it will 110% end with Pakistani intervention. At the event of slightly suspicion could become the blow that broke the camels back.. Ghani is walking on a very very thin rope here

US, Pakistan NSAs meet in Washington to discuss Afghan security situation

Anwar IqbalPublished July 30, 2021 - Updated a day ago
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A combination photo of Pakistan National Security Adviser Dr Moeed Yusuf (L) and his American counterpart Jake Sullivan (R). — APP/Reuters

The national security advisers (NSA) of Pakistan and the United States met in the US capital on Thursday, where they discussed the "urgent need for reduction in violence and a negotiated political settlement in Afghanistan".

NSA Moeed Yusuf and his American counterpart Jake Sullivan waited till Thursday evening to confirm their meeting, posting brief tweets stating that their talks also covered other issues of mutual interest.

This was the second meeting between the two officials who first met in Geneva in March.

“Had a positive follow-up meeting with NSA Jake Sullivan today in Washington,” Yusuf said in his tweet. “Took stock of progress made since our Geneva meeting and discussed bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest.”

Yusuf also said that the two sides “agreed to sustain the momentum in Pak-US bilateral cooperation”.

He did not mention Afghanistan among the issues discussed in the meeting but Sullivan devoted half of his tweet to the Afghan issue.

“I met with Pakistan’s NSA today to consult on regional connectivity and security, and other areas of mutual cooperation,” he said.

I do not think PA wants to take on any adventure in Afghanistan. It is a never ending war for which we do not have the money, nor the will power nor the justification. Our only objective would be to prevent India from stepping in and if they hav3 balf a neuron functioning they will give the idea a wide berth.
The gist of this meeting is Pak side saying we have done the best we could. We are not going to sit by and let Afghanistan get destabilized as we bear the cost of this. The US has taken on that responsibility and needs to finish the job.
The US will play the blame card again and ask Pakistan to force the Taliban on the negotiating table to allow a power sharing formula. Its counter card will be we will otherwise get the Indians to walk in. Pakistan would say that would be fine but we will then have to strengthen the Taliban as the sole power in Afghanistan which will only create a humanitarian disaster.
From this position initial negotiations will start as to what the US could do and what Pakistan can do? To be honest there is not much the US can do other than get out of Afghanistan as quickly as it can. Pakistan will want it to abide by the conditions of its withdrawal, the first being leaving Afghanistan in stable hands. Tbe next question would be who is a stable hand and Pakistan's answer would be the Taliban. The US would want the current setup to stay as its lap dogs and Pakistan would then say we cannot assure that. The US would then ask Pak to provide guarantees that it would not interfere and Pakistan would agree provided the/Indians do not jump into the fray otherwise it will be a Turkey shoot. The US WILL agree to that as the Indians are wise enough to not come to Afghanistan in any case.
Frankly I dont see the US with much options here. They will cut their losses and run as this is the current line of thinking in the US admin. Idont think there will be a support package from the US for the beseiged Afghan govtt. Without that it will be a matter of months.
The Taliban if they are sensible will engage the NA in some form of loose coalition and power sharing. If they can do that it will be curtains for Ashraf Ghani and his poodles and they will either escape or be hunted down like vermin and exterminated.
This 100%... I say release the beast.. The strength of Pakistan will be on display here and works as muscle flexing.. Pakistan is a superpower in the making and mighty.. It has come of age and ready to roll.. I 100% back this and the timing is right.
That was what the Russians and the USA said and look at what happened to both! It would be foolhardy to enter Afghanistan and a far better approach would be to mine and fence our borders, and negotiate with Taliban to guard their side of the border. This would build trust and we can support their infrastructure with projects which will build their nation and stabilize the country.
That was what the Russians and the USA said and look at what happened to both! It would be foolhardy to enter Afghanistan and a far better approach would be to mine and fence our borders, and negotiate with Taliban to guard their side of the border. This would build trust and we can support their infrastructure with projects which will build their nation and stabilize the country.

You are overlooking what he actully said. He never said lets enter in a war with Taliban that would be suicidal and frankly speaking IEA are legit Afghani people who just want their country and there is no chance Pakistan will try to disrespect them or do things against their will and only issues here is Afghan gov't and the reason for that is due to the vile bharat this will without doubt make pakistan intercept the filth militarily and end them within weeks if necessary.. This will not be some dragged out conflict etc etc it will end immediately.. Ghani regime is very weak and standing on it's last legs basically in coma and Pakistan will by no means accept elements that is outlawed in pakistan in there that is just no no.. If I have to make a guess Pakistan will go in bomb Kabul and overrun with conventional forces secure the country than leave it to IEA.. Unfortuantely Afghan gov't commited suicide on the Pakistan sentiment because of that and not because of the statements coming out of Kabul but solely on that front they commited political suicide...

Pakistan is Dhul-Qarnain and they are keeping Gog and Magog locked in all this years and Dhul-Qarain gotta do Dhul-Qarnain job which is locking in Gog and Magog within their limited barriers and that is exactly why Pakistan's will roll in with certainity 100% there is no doubt about this
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Lol.. If you were there I would have been there by now... But Afghan gov't will never commit that suicide plus there is no land corridor for your bantu..

It will be over in a week. We won't fight IEA but just clean house on the regime that support BLF.. Nobody I mean nobody can defy Pakistan on Afghanistan if it takes unilateral decision and rolls in.. Not a single soul will defy Pakistan nobody will risk Nuclear war for Afghanistan just not worth enough for anyone and everyone will cut their losses short and live for another day to tell the tale

Oh sorry, i realized late that you just reached your puberty. My bad.....

Go on kid. Conquer the world.
If Pakistan want an all out peace then the first thing they should do is by removing afghan refugees from our territory once for all, no more brotherhood, remember afghan talibans are after all afghanistanis.

Forget about of sending out our boys to kabul , what makes delusional people here think that by sending our boys we will be able to bring lasting peace in that shit hole. Super powers like USSR and USA could not do anything how can we do that with weak economy
. No sir we have had enough of our share of blood shed, its time to let them bleed, just throw out all the refugees, these afghans were never been your friend and they never be. My two pennies.
If Pakistan want an all out peace then the first thing they should do is by removing afghan refugees from our territory once for all, no more brotherhood, remember afghan talibans are after all afghanistanis.

Forget about of sending out our boys to kabul , what makes delusional people here think that by sending our boys we will be able to bring lasting peace in that shit hole. Super powers like USSR and USA could not do anything how can we do that with weak economy
. No sir we have had enough of our share of blood shed, its time to let them bleed, just throw out all the refugees, these afghans were never been your friend and they never be. My two pennies.

What? kind of mental retardation is this.. Are you even mentally capable to come to a computer.. Why would anyone sane expel our Afghan brothers.. But however you are useless and would happily have expelled you to the indian border area specifically in LOC by stripping you naked calling the Indian side to give them head-up we are handing over a terrorist who was involved in the mumbai attack and writting on your chest Laskha Taiba it would be equal to putting blood in the water for multiple sharks they will eat you like animals while I film it with a drone to be later be used as propaganda you can't splid a milk8-) They will be thinking killing someone else but they will be venting on an outcast traitor
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