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US okay with Beijing monitoring Indo-Pak ties

I think China is humbler than India with the following facts:
1) China resolves all its land dispute with all its neighbors except India.
2) India resolves no land dispute with any of its neighbors with various excuses.

This link from Wikipedia was posted earlier on this forum.

List of territorial disputes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do a ctrl+F and search for "China".
Check for territorial disputes between nations.
Hope it helps in clearing your misconceptions!

Make nonsense.

If your India system is so worthy, why didn’t your country open up before China? After all, you gained independence two years earlier than PR China.

This fact itself reveals that the “commie” China is far more innovative than ochlocratic India, far less adheres to ideological purity than India, therefore, is a more advanced system than your democracy.

Man it is so hard to explain things to you... Why the heck you think we respect China for??? Obviously their leaders were more visionary than ours and chosed the path of economic reforms way early than us...Advance system in what sense??? No one including our PM whose posts you have rebuked in another thread has shown even small doubt over China and her economic boom....However being a democracy we get other rights which we don't want to compromise upon...Having said it we are improving and are catching up with China...It is like better late than never...

Now US is a democracy...Are you saying that they should scrap their system and follow China's model??? UK is also a democracy whose model we followed(different than US)...Are you saying they should also follow chinese model???...I can undersatand you saying that we have not yet implemented the model perfectly but your rant about scrapping the system is beyond my understanding....

Able persons find way to work things out; unable persons find pretext to excuse themselves.
What excuses are you talking about...Who has given any excuse..Can you point one to me??? China also faced/facing the same issues that we are...They choose the path of economic reforms earlier than us and thus able to resolve much of their issue...We are on the path of doing it...Where do you see any excuse???

We all know the main border dispute between China and India, in addition to other smaller ones: in the east China claims AP; in the west India claims Aksai Chin.

Now look at India’s imperialistic stance: AP claimed by you is not negotiable, but Aksai Chin claimed by me must be negotiated.

Now that's where your hypocratic attitude comes into picture...Our stand on AP is it is non-negotiable...What is Chinese claim on it??? Are they saying lets divide it?? They are also claiming the whole of it...Now AP is under our control and Aksai chin under theirs...That's where give and take is...

And you call it honesty for Sino-India friendship? What a joke!
Its not me...your Chinese leaders are also saying it....but obviously your hatred towards India is not letting you see it....Have you read the post where i showed you billion dollars trade flourishing between India and China...and is increasing many folds with every passing year....Now if this is not the sign of maturity of two Asian giants complemented by peaceful borders than what else is???
China is a super power militarily and Economically and even in sports they always finish #1 ....

I don't think they need anyone's approval to manage things in Asia they are Super Power of Asia I was bit confused why would the US need to state that ??? Perhaps they realized they really have no option but to admit they are too caught up in fighting sheep hearders that they can't engage China
China is a super power militarily and Economically and even in sports they always finish #1 ....

Are you aware how one country could be classified as a "Super power" militarily?

I dont think you are. China currently is not in a position to project its 'power' far away from its shores. Eventually, it can, it will. And then it can be termed as a super power.

Until then, hold on to your "Super adulation" ! :-)
This link from Wikipedia was posted earlier on this forum.

Do a ctrl+F and search for "China".
Check for territorial disputes between nations.
Hope it helps in clearing your misconceptions!

Did you actually at least READ those notes or you just do (ctrl+F, Next) and count ?
Compare to those sandbars and spots of above-water corals.....the size of the disputed Himalayan areas is huge.

Another major difference is those SE Asian countries don't play the "Tibet card". If there's one thing the Chinese absolutely hate is external power meddling in its affairs, ESPECIALLY on Tibet.
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Did you actually at least READ those notes or you just do (ctrl+F, next) and count ?

Did you actually at least READ the message to which I was replying to?

Gpit has been claiming as a fact that China did not have any territorial dispute with any other country but he has been proven wrong. No ones discussing the "size" of the land here.

Compare to those sandbars and spots of above-water corals.....the size of the disputed Himalayan areas is huge.

Few of the disputes mentioned in that list are not about sandbars and spots of corals ... may I bring to your notice the flag that you are displaying?
Few of the disputes mentioned in that list are not about sandbars and spots of corals ... may I bring to your notice the flag that you are displaying?

Yes, you proved "Gpit" wrong, that the count is not "1" - I was just pointing out those South China Seas disputes are trivial compared to that of the Himalaya.

As to the "thing" between China/Taiwan --- it is just that - a "fight" between husband and wife #3...a toy fight between big brother and little kid brother...or like the squabbling between American Republican and Democrat supporters. --- it is peanuts, not spits/blows.

I'm in IT so I've been working and friendly with many, many Indians over the years so I think I might be more familiar about India and Indian culture than you know about the Chinese and its culture, and I can assure you that - in general -
Mainland and Taiwan Chinese are guess what ? both Chinese and have stronger bond than...say between your Tamils and Marathis.

At the end of day - we share the same culture, language, food, history, lineage...pretty much everything except the f**king politics - and this is no more 1960s so even the politics are just a handshake at a big Chinese-style feast away. LOL

Hope you know what I mean, I hate typing long messages.

PS: One time I read a post (in some other forum) by an Indian guy something like this:
some Indian guy said:
:blah:...we should also establish strategic alliance with Taiwan in dealing with Chinese threat...:blah:.
I almost pissed myself laughing. :lol:
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This link from Wikipedia was posted earlier on this forum.

List of territorial disputes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do a ctrl+F and search for "China".
Check for territorial disputes between nations.
Hope it helps in clearing your misconceptions!


Hello, do you read English?

This is my original statements:

1) China resolves all its land dispute with all its neighbors except India.
2) India resolves no land dispute with any of its neighbors with various excuses.

My misconception? It is your false perception.

Now US is a democracy...Are you saying that they should scrap their system and follow China's model??? UK is also a democracy whose model we followed(different than US)...Are you saying they should also follow chinese model???...I can undersatand you saying that we have not yet implemented the model perfectly but your rant about scrapping the system is beyond my understanding....

No one asks you to follow Chinese model, which is far from good/perfect, and even foolish in some aspects. In fact, you shouldn't.

Be logical. When I say this is not white, doesn't mean this is black. Gee, how pathetic your logical reasoning capability is!

The mere pointing out of your problem doesn't mean you should copy others. In addition, you have already copied your master UK's system. If this doesn't work, how could anyone guarantee other system would possibly work?

What excuses are you talking about...Who has given any excuse..Can you point one to me??? China also faced/facing the same issues that we are...They choose the path of economic reforms earlier than us and thus able to resolve much of their issue...We are on the path of doing it...Where do you see any excuse???

Your whooping 13 years excuses.

Now that's where your hypocratic attitude comes into picture...Our stand on AP is it is non-negotiable...What is Chinese claim on it??? Are they saying lets divide it?? They are also claiming the whole of it...Now AP is under our control and Aksai chin under theirs...That's where give and take is...

Its not me...your Chinese leaders are also saying it....but obviously your hatred towards India is not letting you see it....Have you read the post where i showed you billion dollars trade flourishing between India and China...and is increasing many folds with every passing year....Now if this is not the sign of maturity of two Asian giants complemented by peaceful borders than what else is???

China claims AP is based on the fact that AP is a part of Tibet. And the pain was exacerbated by your Nehru's forward policy. China adopts a stance of solving the overall border issue with one resolution, because this will give a complete solution once for all and ever. India prefers in piece meal, because its imperialistic mentality compels it to grab every possible land that it possibly could.

India once whined to China: why you resolved land dispute with Burma according to McMahon line, but not with me. China said, that was based on negotiation. If you didn't negotiation, the border was still not demarcated, as it had never been demarcated.

So, the Sino-India border today is still not demarcated. In theory, India can advance into China and China can do the same.

I have no hatred toward the people of India. Instead, I have a great respect to them. My hatred if any is directing at your foolish politicians and interest groups. The single most stupid India foreign policy since its independence is to have made China your enemy: you can make any enemy with anybody, and you will not endue the pain and loss brought to you by making China your enemy.

Now, looking at the two countries. China adopts a coordinated development of economy and military. It produces a series of new weapons and needs only import limited more advanced ones. Its military spending is 2% of its GDP. India follows a purchasing policy. A country of 1 b people still has to buy its main military hardwares from foreign countries, spending 2.5% its GDP. If you further consider social development gaps in both countries, the balance is more and more favoring China, unless you are blinded by pure jingoism. So, befriend with China. This is the only point of all my posts in this thread.
Yes, you proved "Gpit" wrong, that the count is not "1" - I was just pointing out those South China Seas disputes are trivial compared to that of the Himalaya.
Yes, I did prove Gpit wrong, thanks for agreeing. But Gpit still has a problem comprehending the meaning of land disputes. If you have noticed the debate going on, its not about the size of dispute, rather, on Gpit's argument that China does not have any land disputes unlike India.

As to the "thing" between China/Taiwan --- it is just that - a "fight" between husband and wife #3...a toy fight between big brother and little kid brother...or like the squabbling between American Republican and Democrat supporters. --- it is peanuts, not spits/blows.

I'm in IT so I've been working and friendly with many, many Indians over the years so I think I might be more familiar about India and Indian culture than you know about the Chinese and its culture, and I can assure you that - in general -
Mainland and Taiwan Chinese are guess what ? both Chinese and have stronger bond than...say between your Tamils and Marathis.

At the end of day - we share the same culture, language, food, history, lineage...pretty much everything except the f**king politics - and this is no more 1960s so even the politics are just a handshake at a big Chinese-style feast away. LOL

Hope you know what I mean, I hate typing long messages.

Great to know that China and Taiwan are like a family, inspite of all those rhetoric, missiles, fighter jets etc. Good to know. However, for someone who hates typing long messages you have given quite a detailed explanation how close you guys are! :cheers: But baconlover, why was this point relevant to this discussion? China still has territorial ambitions and is in dispute with its neighbours. Isnt it?
Hello, do you read English?

This is my original statements:

1) China resolves all its land dispute with all its neighbors except India.
2) India resolves no land dispute with any of its neighbors with various excuses.

My misconception? It is your false perception.

Bravo Gpit bravo ... what a comeback after being proven to be spreading false information. You mean those territories arent land but bubbles of hot air !?

China's so called peaceful rise is for domestic / internal consumption only. When you start believing it and peddling it around as facts, you end having to make statements like above.
Dont you try to take the moral high ground here .. you dont have any.

Attend a couple of reading comprehension classes before you ask others to brush up their English.

Luckily for China, you are no longer "in" China!
India would have no choice to accept China in the region, they wouldnt like growing relations of China and Pak.

India is not child and they are clever. They know China progressing fastly.

May be to target Pak, they will reduce aggressions against China to counter Pakistan and keep aggressive policie against Pak.

That would be the only policy they would have.
India is not child and they are clever. They know China progressing fastly.

China too is not child and they too are clever. They know India progressing fastly and in years to come, will be progressing faster.

I am well aware that China is on its way to become an economic super power. Thats good for the Chinese, good for its neighbours, good for the world. A prosperous and stable China is in India's interest.

India currently is in the position where China was not far long ago. India will be a economic super power on its own right in the years to come. And thats something that will benefit the Chinese.

While its in India's and China's interest if both become strong economies, its another matter if the leadership of both countries have the strength to move closer.
No one asks you to follow Chinese model, which is far from good/perfect, and even foolish in some aspects. In fact, you shouldn't.

Be logical. When I say this is not white, doesn't mean this is black. Gee, how pathetic your logical reasoning capability is!

You are such a big hypocrat....Actually you have no stand...you are just shouting out loud that chinese are humble and India is a fool who do not resolve boundary issues with any one...Then you come up with all sorts of explanation about our system is wrong to such a level that we kill million children etc etc...when countered with arguments you backtrack and start altogther provocative statements of logical reasoning...I will show your hypocratic attitude in the end....

The mere pointing out of your problem doesn't mean you should copy others. In addition, you have already copied your master UK's system. If this doesn't work, how could anyone guarantee other system would possibly work?

Some of your comments are so foolish that i wonder what to write...You were questioning my logical reasoning and see the level of yours....Our system is copy of UK's and China created their own system??? Are you nuts....It was Russia whose system they copied and then made changes to it to suit their needs....As far as india goes we copied UK system(don't need brainer as to why) and then gave a socialistic touch to it....in 1991 we realized its not going to work and opened up our markets..Now your basis of craping our system is poverty that we are facing...but when countered with the fact that chinese people also faced/facing it..you have no answers....and term them excuse...Wonderful...what a great display of logical reasoning....

Your whooping 13 years excuses.
Again another display of your smartness...If this is not a fact than what is????

China claims AP is based on the fact that AP is a part of Tibet. And the pain was exacerbated by your Nehru's forward policy. China adopts a stance of solving the overall border issue with one resolution, because this will give a complete solution once for all and ever. India prefers in piece meal, because its imperialistic mentality compels it to grab every possible land that it possibly could.

Keep your idiotic comments to yourself...If you have a stance on the border issue that doesn't mean its a fact...I have no mood to talk about what the heck this border issue is for...so stop diverting discussion all the times...

India once whined to China: why you resolved land dispute with Burma according to McMahon line, but not with me. China said, that was based on negotiation. If you didn't negotiation, the border was still not demarcated, as it had never been demarcated.

So, the Sino-India border today is still not demarcated. In theory, India can advance into China and China can do the same.

What your overall point on all above??? You are talking about something without source and have shared no comments about the guidelines that i shared for resolving issue that were signed only in 2005.....Let me ask directly(as you tend to ignore uncomfortable questions)...What do you think about china backtracking from the guidelines closed in 2005?? Will it prove contrary to her humbleness or add to it???

I have no hatred toward the people of India. Instead, I have a great respect to them. My hatred if any is directing at your foolish politicians and interest groups. The single most stupid India foreign policy since its independence is to have made China your enemy: you can make any enemy with anybody, and you will not endue the pain and loss brought to you by making China your enemy.
You have no hatred for India and have great respect for them??? On what basis is your respect.....Any ways i have no interest in finding out your love or hatred for india....Its your foolish thinking that we made china our enemy....

Now, looking at the two countries. China adopts a coordinated development of economy and military. It produces a series of new weapons and needs only import limited more advanced ones. Its military spending is 2% of its GDP. India follows a purchasing policy. A country of 1 b people still has to buy its main military hardwares from foreign countries, spending 2.5% its GDP. If you further consider social development gaps in both countries, the balance is more and more favoring China, unless you are blinded by pure jingoism. So, befriend with China.

What's your point????...See your pathetic level of discussion...You are again and again writing stuff that no-one has challenged...I have already said you don't even know how to discuss things...Couple of corrections for you...Not even chinese people know how much china spend on military equipments..its a big secret kept by their govt...so keep your idiotic comment on 2% of GDP to yourself...As far as India being on the buying spree ...yes you are right...as of now we have the luxury to buy latest weapons from EU, USA, Israel and Russia...This will help us in catching up with China in a shorter run...however there is a realization that we need to have self-sufficiency in weapons making...we are working on it so wait and watch...

P.S : You won't find a single indian saying that China has not surpassed us in growth...They gave us a bloody slap in 1962(implying they bettered us) and have progressed a lot as compared to us..All i am saying is the big factor is the 13 years that we lost in opening up our markets...Who is giving you an excuse...It is a fact...That's where i even went up to the length of saying their leaders were more visionary that ours..Where do you see excuse??? Please use your great logical reasoning skills and explain...

This is the only point of all my posts in this thread.
really??...thanks for sharing your hidden agenda of all the posts after all the rant...

Here's is the level of your hypocracy....

Hello, do you read English?

This is my original statements:

1) China resolves all its land dispute with all its neighbors except India.
2) India resolves no land dispute with any of its neighbors with various excuses.

My misconception? It is your false perception.

You were very quick to pin-point India land dispute with Nepal where disputed terrirtory is just 52 KM...Land or sea a dispute is a dispute...If you can point miniature disputes like India-Nepal as your basis of India's poor show then why not other issues that china has??? Anyways since you are backtracking most of the time...I again would like to ask from where we started...

Why do you think China is a Humble country and India not?? I am asking because all that you claim about bad things in India..China has faced/facing....China has used brute power to solve most of her land disputes and not just mere negotiations..So on what basis is China a humble country???...
Bravo Gpit bravo ... what a comeback after being proven to be spreading false information. You mean those territories arent land but bubbles of hot air !?

China's so called peaceful rise is for domestic / internal consumption only. When you start believing it and peddling it around as facts, you end having to make statements like above.
Dont you try to take the moral high ground here .. you dont have any.

Attend a couple of reading comprehension classes before you ask others to brush up their English.

Luckily for China, you are no longer "in" China!

oh please, Gpit was correct that china has ended all land dispute expect for that with India, those other ones are considered naval/sea disputes(yes that includes islands and the like) and any idiot with 3 days schooling can find out via google or what ever.

and yes peaceful rise it has nothing to gain by forcing others to following ideology it itself has gone off the communist path. and we all know its loans/aid without conditions and lack of meddling in the internal politics of others what can the west point to other than its military modernization which is badly needed and in-fact the military grows proportionally to the economy even with western guess at its spending it is no more per percent of GDP than ~4% officially its around 2% and considering its interest have grown to include safe passage of materials and fuel through sea lanes naval growth is perfectly normal and its army and navy until recently is very backwards there is nothing in china that is explicitly aimed at expansionist policies and in-fact much of it is needed anyways

and whats wrong with being in china, i visit every year and its doing just fine.
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