Russia has used its military in Georgia, Ukraine, Syria. Russia was successful in all of these operations. Broke up Georgia, got Crimea, saved Assad. Massive sanctions were applied each time. Russia hasn’t collapsed.
Russia is already under the sanctions of the West yet still growing. China is already under the sanctions of the West yet still growing. You know why? 1.Sanctions need to be implemented strictly to be effective. It is very difficult to fully implement it. 2.Economies the size of Russia and China arent as effected by sanctions and become ‘sanctions resilient’ after a while. Sanctions are about dependence on markets and technology. For example, Russia was banned from issuing bonds in Western capital markets, guess what, they issued bonds in Hong Kong and Shanghai to Chinese investors. Russia was banned from buying oil and gas drilling equipment, guess what, Russian companies developed the technology themselves and bought from Chinese companies. In fact after a period of adjustment, Russia and China has thrived.
“I’m done here”
Running away from me AGAIN?