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US needs Pakistan more than Pakistan needs US.

small correction, US needs pakistan land for its military base's and pakistan requires US sanctions not land.

I wish and hope that the evil countries like US shold die here in Pakistan/Afghanistan........Insha-Allah......:what:

One thing is very certain that this love between USA and Pakistan will not have a happy ending.:rolleyes:

Dear readers, is it not our cooperation which will lead us to victory over terrorism? TTP and their counterparts remain fully focused on dividing our alliance and taking over Pakistan. The regular attacks on both our interests prove that these insurgents view us as a common threat. Do not Taliban have our collective blood on their hands? Should we not honor each other’s sacrifices and make full use of the benefits of working side by side! The recent decision by both our governments to form a joint anti-terror squad shows the strong desire combine forces to eliminate terrorism.

US-Pakistan form an anti-terror squad: report | World | DAWN.COM

During the recent meeting between our officials: Navy Admn. Mike Mullen stated, “But I do leave here with a sense that General Kayani and other Pakistani military leaders share my commitment to that task and share my desire to look for ways to advance the relationship,” and “There’s no better time for that sort of partnership than right now.” Defense.gov News Article: Clinton, Mullen Meet With Pakistani Leaders

Dear readers, the truth still remains; we have a common terrorist enemy and a common goal of defeating terrorism. We would like to reiterate what Senator Kerry said during his recent meeting with Pakistani officials: “We must never lose sight of this essential fact, we are strategic partners with a common enemy in terrorism and extremism” and “both of our countries have sacrificed… so much that it just wouldn’t make sense to see this relationship broken or abandoned,” .

CDR Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
I do not like Islam, because it is unfair to women.

Muslim women not equality with men.

sorry you. maybe. I do not understand about Islam

Thats a very sweeping statement that needs a retort. Firstly if you want to start a new thread by all mean do so but dont come here and take us completly of this strand. Secondly you are only exibiting your ignorance, you accept you dont know much about islam but then suggest that islam is unfair to women. I am a muslim but no means an expert but I can assure you that Islam clearly gave rights to women hundreds of years ago. You have to remember that women were not even given the right to vote in elections in the uk until about 80 years ago.

I abhor domestic and any other abuse of women. However this is not something that muslim men have a monoply on. I think that this is an issue that needs addressing all over the world including the west eg according to amnesty int statistics state 1 in 4 women england are victims of abuse. Yet England claims to a christian enlightend and moderate country.

Lastly i just googled domestic violence and vietnam and found the following article which suggests that you have this problem in your country too:

Hanoi - Domestic violence is a serious problem in Vietnam that is damaging the physical and mental health of many women, the government and the United Nations said Thursday.

One in three married women report that they have suffered physical or sexual violence from their husbands at some time in their lives, according to the first National Study on Domestic Violence against Women in Vietnam, a joint effort of the government and UN.

"It is a stark fact that women in Vietnam are at more risk of experiencing violence in their homes than anywhere else," said Jean Marc Olive, representative of the World Health Organization in Vietnam.

Almost one in four women with children under 15 years of age reported that their children have been abused physically by their husbands.

When three main types of domestic violence - physical, sexual and emotional - are considered, 58 per cent of Vietnamese women report experiencing at least one type in their lifetime, according to the study.

Overall, 32 per cent of women currently or formerly married reported having experienced physical violence in their life and six per cent had experienced physical violence in the past 12 months.

Ten per cent of those women reported that they experienced sexual violence in their lifetime and 4 per cent in the past 12 months.

The study also says 54 per cent of women report lifetime emotional abuse and 25 per cent current emotional abuse, perpetrated by husbands.

Pregnant women are also at risk. About five per cent of women who had been pregnant reported being beaten during pregnancy, the report found.
Posted by Earth Times Staff
I do not like Islam, because it is unfair to women.

Muslim women not equality with men.

sorry you. maybe. I do not understand about Islam

Then you should learn about it rather then disliking it at first if you like so you can debut .. in reality it is not a unfair religion yet a strict one which i agree with reailty is my friend in todays muslim world women are moving ahead slowly but surely some things are just how they are no matter how much we like them or dislike them but as per me men and women are on the same level when i get married this will remain the same .
I wish and pray that we never need US for good............Insha-Allah....:)
cuz its such an evil country......hungry for power
I wish Pakistan and the US had a more honest working relationship, because there is much to be gained from Pakistan's extensive knowledge of the region, its people, and the various terror networks present, while the Americans have the fire power to obliterate these foes. Consider me one of those short term thinkers, I see people in Pakistan dying for no fault of their own, I would much rather see the terror threat dealt with, those drone strikes that kill Pakistanis are often the result of the inability of our side to do anything about those targets...if we were so capable, we would have never needed America in the first place...i wish we would put our ego aside and deal with the true threats we face, which are largely internal and of our own creation.
I wish Pakistan and the US had a more honest working relationship, because there is much to be gained from Pakistan's extensive knowledge of the region, its people, and the various terror networks present, while the Americans have the fire power to obliterate these foes. Consider me one of those short term thinkers, I see people in Pakistan dying for no fault of their own, I would much rather see the terror threat dealt with, those drone strikes that kill Pakistanis are often the result of the inability of our side to do anything about those targets...if we were so capable, we would have never needed America in the first place...i wish we would put our ego aside and deal with the true threats we face, which are largely internal and of our own creation.

I dont think ego has anything to do on pakistans part. The problem is not happening just in Pakistan, innocent muslims are being killed in several countries and American army is directly or indirectly involved. They have launched a human rights effort to save libyans that is killing on both sides the rebels and the regime. yet they dont offer this type of human rights of a no flight zone over lebanon when the israelis killed 1400 with their indiscrimiante and disproportionate. They ar ehypocrites and unless they change their ways we can never be freinds with them.
And then you say we are obsessed by India, I am not a pakistani or of pakisatni origin on an Indian websites am I?

If by the above post it is implied that I am obsessed with Pak , the ans is Obsessed -No,interested - yes.

I am also on BD , Aus & so many other forums not because I am obsessed as you put it but interested . Today what someone thinks or does at any end of the globe impacts us.

As regards your not being on an Indian forum, it your call and quite frankly your problem.

They say ' you must keep your friends close to you ,but keep your enemies ( read possible competitors) even close'r.
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