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US Navy?No,this is PLAN.

Our CBG is operating as a whole, there are no mission parameter and then slimline our CBG accordingly, what is the point of breaking it up if we were to use the formation and that advantage from it? It does not make any sense, the only ting I can think of is to detach the LHD group for forward support of landing operation (as carrier cannot get into close shore)

Lol once you got called on and you call people name like loser this and loser that, you Chinese fanboy are sure as he'll funny.

Jhungary is definitely not Chinese.
Just pointing out.

Also, if you look at his posts in different threads, he's buddy with the notorious Gambit.
Jhungary is definitely not Chinese.
Just pointing out.

Also, if you look at his posts in different threads, he's buddy with the notorious Gambit.

Forum must have been a slow days now my nationality has became a topic of PDF forum :)

Lol i can only say i am not a Chinese fanboy, as for whether or not i am a Chinese, thats hardly be able to judge by what i said now dont you think?

Say didnt you were accused not being a filippino just not so long ago? For me, you can be an American and talk trash about america and you can be an Australia and talk trash about Australia, you can be Filippino and talk trash about filippino, why you cant be a Chinese and talk trash about China, so having a different voice is so wrong in this day and age?

I am what i am, nobody, not you, not any superman in this forum can say what i am not, when the Chinese government seems to think otherwise, then probably its time that you shut up and just listen.
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Well obviously it would take time, American navy has more than 100 years of history and major victories along the way, the people's liberation army navy is only taken seriously now for about 20-30 years and no real combat experience.

Americans have 11 operational battle groups, China has one under testing.

But if the past is any indication, the years will go by rather quickly, and soon Chinese battle groups be a match for the Americans.
If the past is any indication? What past are you talking about? WW II was the first time in history that fleets battled each other without getting within sight of each other. Was China in that? So how will China gain combat experience to even 1/10th of the US?
Chinese poster shouldn't care for whatever nationality of any poster on the internet posted their opinion, their opinion are just worthless without any value to their posts, public forum open to all to have their own opinion. There are many none Chinese have far more supportive views on China as a whole compare to many with negative view on China. Take whatever they posts with a grain of salt.
YOU never give up talking nonsense
ALL my photos posted can be traced to links and they were not taken deliberately to downplay the usa navy's CBG sizes
and of course the size of CBG formations will be designed according to mission needs
you american/australian/swedish fanboys may be better playing video games but not talking about military matters
so Chill out!

And I can trace all my photo lol

A full battle group is the full amount of ship, if the ship is in friendly visit, they will not sail as a battle group, cause no country other than the US can host such a fleet, and then the carrier is called detached from battle group

But does that mean that the battle group of a US Navy any smaller? So if liaoning sail alone and visit Pakistan, can I say the CV 16 battle group just of 1 ship?

And seems like this website management like and value this American-Australian-Swedish video gamer opinion then not somebody from China, I have up to 6 article being published from this website, how many of your work got published?

Jhungary 6 : Shuttler 0 :lol:
Chinese poster shouldn't care for whatever nationality of any poster on the internet posted their opinion, their opinion are just worthless without any value to their posts, public forum open to all to have their own opinion. There are many none Chinese have far more supportive views on China as a whole compare to many with negative view on China. Take whatever they posts with a grain of salt.

Don't post in an international forum if you can't take the heat

Here are an forum from around the world, you will bound to hear or see someone who are not gonna blindly sing praise to China

If you want a place that everyone will sing praise to china regardless of what they do or what nationality they are from, there are plenty of forum out there, just for Chinese who enjoy being wipe on the *** by anyone

Go there, stop posting here

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Don't post in an international forum if you can't take the heat

Here are an forum from around the world, you will bound to hear or see someone who are not gonna blindly sing praise to China

If you want a place that everyone will sing praise to china regardless of what they do or what nationality they are from, there are plenty of forum out there, just for Chinese who enjoy being wipe on the *** by anyone

Go there, stop posting here


But by misleading and posting garbage to twist will be another thing. More or less show somebody sourgrape and jealousy. Regards to rise of China.

All Chinese forumer shall watch this video and understand the real motive of this group of anti-China trash.

The US is very worry and frighten of the rise of China. Using force to suppress enemy is not a very popular move becos, it will suffer local backlash and international criticism plus its a expensive venture.

Using cheap method like deploying people like jhungary or some other trash coming to forum to try spread anti China nonsense. Suppress Chinese nationalism and humiliated CCP even they achieve great things that is never witness before in anytime of the history.

The patriotism and the optimistic will be a powerful weapon to help further the rise of China. US knows it and is trying hard to do whatever to counter it. It all Chinese united, it will destroy US in short time especially US is declining with a weak economy and a rising debt.
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And I can trace all my photo lol

A full battle group is the full amount of ship, if the ship is in friendly visit, they will not sail as a battle group, cause no country other than the US can host such a fleet, and then the carrier is called detached from battle group

But does that mean that the battle group of a US Navy any smaller? So if liaoning sail alone and visit Pakistan, can I say the CV 16 battle group just of 1 ship?

And seems like this website management like and value this American-Australian-Swedish video gamer opinion then not somebody from China, I have up to 6 article being published from this website, how many of your work got published?

Jhungary 6 : Shuttler 0 :lol:

First you started with the nonsensical claim about something like this:
Of course it's not US Navy, an USN CBG have a lot more ship that this....lol
Carrier battle group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And I think China should have at least 4 fleet + 1 carrier

Then I have spanked your arse hard
Just on this thread alone at that stage is 1-0 to my favour

second you tried to change directions by switching to camera angle and "no mission parameter" bull sh#t as follows

lol and it also need to consider the photo angle too if you say it like this, if a particular camera can only put 4 ship with the CBG then we will only have 4 ship in a CBG, lol this make a lot of sense

Our CBG is operating as a whole, there are no mission parameter and then slimline our CBG accordingly, what is the point of breaking it up if we were to use the formation and that advantage from it? It does not make any sense, the only ting I can think of is to detach the LHD group for forward support of landing operation (as carrier cannot get into close shore)

Lol once you got called on and you call people name like loser this and loser that, you Chonese fanboy are sure as he'll funny.

And I have pointed out your faults about the nonsense of camera angle and mission assignments determine the size of operations in CBG

On this thread alone it is 2-0 to my favour And you say the delpoyment of US aircraft carriers is always in the same sizes as you have shown in your picture is just nonsense and you have failed to think and compare the Chinese deployment was just on a training mode so you will not expect they have the same no of warships as the us navy. Get it fanboy and loser

so just on this thread alone is 3-0 to my favour

So cumulatively I can roughly reckon from the japs launching of Izumo, to you naivity and ignorance on basic economics, and to the futilities on arguing airplane hard points plus some others you are completely trounced to smithereens at a defeated record of 0 - 6 (at least) to my favour

Get it!You can go back and study hare from you vid games now on warfare!:rofl:

Now, here is the CVBG of the supa pawa: :rofl:

And I can trace all my photo lol

A full battle group is the full amount of ship, if the ship is in friendly visit, they will not sail as a battle group, cause no country other than the US can host such a fleet, and then the carrier is called detached from battle group

But does that mean that the battle group of a US Navy any smaller? So if liaoning sail alone and visit Pakistan, can I say the CV 16 battle group just of 1 ship?

And seems like this website management like and value this American-Australian-Swedish video gamer opinion then not somebody from China, I have up to 6 article being published from this website, how many of your work got published?

Jhungary 6 : Shuttler 0 :lol:
This is typical of the Chinese members' comprehension here -- simple. Philosophically speaking, a battle group's X ship count is the same whether the carrier is detached for some non-combat mission or not. I just find it amusing that they cannot grasp this. The pix are obviously composed and posed and does not necessarily revealed the true complement of the group in times of deployment. So not only is it amazing that they could look at a posed formation for PR purposes and say: 'Ahaa...The American carrier battle group has only a few ships.' It is even more amazing that when confronted with logic from those who have been in military service that they refuse to acknowledge reality.
This is typical of the Chinese members' comprehension here -- simple. Philosophically speaking, a battle group's X ship count is the same whether the carrier is detached for some non-combat mission or not. I just find it amusing that they cannot grasp this. The pix are obviously composed and posed and does not necessarily revealed the true complement of the group in times of deployment. So not only is it amazing that they could look at a posed formation for PR purposes and say: 'Ahaa...The American carrier battle group has only a few ships.' It is even more amazing that when confronted with logic from those who have been in military service that they refuse to acknowledge reality.

you are spewing nonsense again
the mission of Chinese CBG was on mission of a military drill so its formation is not in full strength.
How many aircraft on board when Liaoning was practising on the high sea?
Again, CBG's sizes are deployed according to missions.
When latest tension was tight at the Persian Gulf, how many ships were accompanying the US carriers?

All the pix that I have shown were from sources which have no intention of manipulating the sizes of the us cbgs on mission in the photos. You are trying to accept the truth as shown in and argued your reasons in poor taste!

You keep embarrassing yourself again and again and again ... and this time around trying to salvage from your pal with whom you may be playing vid games together!
Time to take your pills!
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This is typical of the Chinese members' comprehension here -- simple. Philosophically speaking, a battle group's X ship count is the same whether the carrier is detached for some non-combat mission or not. I just find it amusing that they cannot grasp this. The pix are obviously composed and posed and does not necessarily revealed the true complement of the group in times of deployment. So not only is it amazing that they could look at a posed formation for PR purposes and say: 'Ahaa...The American carrier battle group has only a few ships.' It is even more amazing that when confronted with logic from those who have been in military service that they refuse to acknowledge reality.

Lol I don't ever believe they do not know the different between how many ship and the operational side of thing, just they don't know the actual number of ship in a CBG and get butt hurt by being called on and trying to argue (buff) off the humiliation

Maybe their duty supervisor did not supply enough information? I don't know. Beieve me, they know what they say, they just preferred to be folkish then being wrong...lol
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