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US Navy may station ships in Singapore, Philippines

poor US allies ,Uncle Sam fled to Aussie and only left few tiny warships that can harm No one :coffee:
When did Big Brother fled to the Kangaroo country? I thought he just sent some of his men there, in addition to those in East Asia.
Middle East is bombed to smithereens. Now time to seek a new and bigger target. Good luck US of A.
Singapore and Philippines has joined the USA to contain China. When China goes to war against the US-led alliance, we will need to bomb Manila and Singapore! Fortunately, we can reach both with our strategic bombers and cruise missiles. A few cruise missiles will make them regret trying to contain China.

This news also means that USA does not support Vietnam, because Vietnam hates Philippines. Vietnam has no allies except for india! With Vietnam diplomatically isolated, China can attack Vietnam and annex it to project power deep into SE Asia and South China Sea.

With how many nations you want to fight ???

This attitude of China towards their neighbors providing USA really good chance to encircle China without any problem
With how many nations you want to fight ???

This attitude of China towards their neighbors providing USA really good chance to encircle China without any problem

I thought you understood the different between the freedom of speech of an individual and state policy.
I thought you understood the different between the freedom of speech of an individual and state policy.

But state policy of China not so different

Just tell me one thing why any small nation need US help that make China angry ???
Singapore and Philippines has joined the USA to contain China. When China goes to war against the US-led alliance, we will need to bomb Manila and Singapore! Fortunately, we can reach both with our strategic bombers and cruise missiles. A few cruise missiles will make them regret trying to contain China.

This news also means that USA does not support Vietnam, because Vietnam hates Philippines. Vietnam has no allies except for india! With Vietnam diplomatically isolated, China can attack Vietnam and annex it to project power deep into SE Asia and South China Sea.

USA, Japan and India can divide china in to diffrence countries, like:
East Turkestan (Uighur)
Inner Mongolia (to be join with Mongolia)
NanYue Guo
MenYue Guo
WoYue Guo
JiangYue Guo
DongYue Guo

China's Leaders Increasingly Challenged by Social Unrest

Over the past year, China’s leadership has faced growing eruptions of public discontent over issues ranging from environmental and transportation safety concerns, to labor disputes and local corruption.

Consider the scene in the southeastern fishing village of Wukan, where hundreds of residents, young and old, raise their fists and voices calling for justice and chanting slogans such as the “Blood debt must be paid” and “Return our farm land.”

For months, Wukan residents have been protesting, denouncing local officials they say are corrupt and demanding the return of farm land they say was illegally seized for development.

The protests peaked in December when one of the town’s representatives, Xue Jinpo, died in police custody. Residents took control of Wukan, forcing Communist Party officials to flee and police to cordon off the village. Chinese authorities say Xue died of heart failure, but residents suspect foul play.

Such land grab protests, as they are called, are increasingly common in China. But the situation in Wukan highlights just how far some are willing to go.

Hu Xingdou, a professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology, says that if authorities do not take steps to address the public’s discontent, the unrest could get worse.
"One aspect that makes this a matter of high priority for the central government is that China has entered into a very risky period, not just one of an average risk level," said Hu. "I'm afraid that if the central government doesn't put some measures in place in the next five years or so, the whole
of China could go out of control."
Simmering issues
And it’s not just land disputes Chinese citizens are protesting.
In October, protestors in the central city of Zhili, in Zhejiang province, flipped over cars, smashed public property and clashed with police during a dispute over taxes.

Scenes of the standoff caught on video showed hundreds out in the streets, and later scores of baton and shield-wielding police chasing off protesters.

Chinese economist Luo Xiaopeng says President Hu Jintao has done very little over the past 10 years to control local authorities, and that China now faces a crisis of governance. He believes this will top the agenda of Vice President Xi Jinping when he takes over for Mr. Hu next year.

“All of these environmental issues, education issues, public servant issues, have been accumulating for more than a decade, so it’s not just now," said Luo. "But I think that everybody realizes the crisis is coming, and the new leadership has to deal with it.”

Fears of an economic slowdown next year are also a big concern, says Bonnie Glaser, a China analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

“The Chinese leadership is, I think, very insecure at home, very worried about the domestic situation, the slowdown of the economy, and signs of growing unrest and uneasiness and this could get worse as the economic situation deteriorates," Glaser said.
A restless middle class

China’s booming economic growth over the past decade has swollen the ranks of the middle class, and they, too, are growing restless.

This is one of the Chinese government’s biggest concerns going forward, says Barry Naughton, an economist at University of California San Diego.

“They are not out on the streets throwing rocks through windows, but there is, I think, a sense of restlessness that is significant because these are the well educated people, they are concentrated in cities, they have a lot of skills and a lot of capabilities,” said Naughton.

In August, thousands of residents of the northeastern city of Dalian took to the streets. The protest, widely seen as a middle class uprising, called for the closure of a chemical plant. In the end, authorities gave in and agreed to shut down and relocate the plant.
The online factor

The Internet and social media helped to drive that protest, as it did with a nationwide uproar over a high-speed rail accident in July,

In Dalian, pictures and videos of the protest were posted online and the Internet was used to help organize the rally. In the aftermath of the train wreck, which left 41 people dead, China’s Twitter-like Weibo microblog not only documented details of those involved in the tragedy, but became a posting board for complaints about the government's response and broader concerns about incompetence.

Although China heavily censors the Internet, and critical or controversial postings are quickly removed, authorities remain anxious about what is said online, says Bonnie Glaser.

"At least once a day, and I’ve heard from some people that [it’s] twice a day, the Chinese leadership gets a list of what the most popular topics are that are being discussed on the Internet and the Chinese blogosphere."

In the wake of the train wreck, authorities have increased scrutiny of microblogs and stepped up efforts to control the spread of what they call "online rumors."

But as the protests in Wukan, Zhili and Dalian have shown, authorities are finding it increasingly difficult to keep a lid on everything.
Related Articles

Chinese Village Ejects Authorities in Rare Revolt
Residents of Wukan are angry over alleged corruption by local officials

USA, Japan and India can divide china in to diffrence countries, like:
East Turkestan (Uighur)
Inner Mongolia (to be join with Mongolia)
NanYue Guo
MenYue Guo
WoYue Guo
JiangYue Guo
DongYue Guo

It is ridiculous when chest thumbing viets love to toast about their might but always bring in America into the game! Is that a sigh of weakness and hopeless or even shameless!?

viets little punk just keep that big mouth open wide and dream on!
It is ridiculous when chest thumbing viets love to toast about their might but always bring in America into the game! Is that a sigh of weakness and hopeless or even shameless!?

viets little punk just keep that big mouth open wide and dream on!

KAMPONG SPEU PROVINCE, Cambodia - Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and U.S. Army engineers continue construction of a new school in Taing Sia Village, Kampong Speu Province May 16, as part of the Engineer Civic Action Projects of exercise Angkor Sentinel 11.

Angkor Sentinel 11 is a peace support operations exercise co-sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific and RCAF designed to improve military mission readiness and effectiveness of all participating countries.

U.S. engineers from the 544th Engineer Company, 52nd Eng. Battalion, 555th Eng. Brigade, out of Fort Carson, Colo., have been in Cambodia since late March, often working around the clock to ensure the school is finished on schedule.

"The advanced party got here on the 25th of March and the main body (of Soldiers) arrived on the 15th of April, and we project to have the school finished no later than May 25th," said Cpt. Margaret Maasberg, commander, 544th Eng. Co., 52nd Eng. Bn., 555th Eng. Bde. "We have currently put four welders on site from 6:00 in the evening to 6:30 in the morning to make sure that we meet our deadline."

Maasberg explained that the new building will offer three classrooms capable of seating 60 students each, a new potable-water well, an onsite latrine, as well as a soccer field behind the building.

Working together on construction projects like the Taing Sia School has given both RCAF and U.S. Soldiers valuable experience and has provided a venue for sharing their construction techniques with each other.

"The Cambodian Soldiers\' ingenuity has been really useful to the project," said Staff Sgt. Floyd Wheetley, project supervisor, 544th Eng. Co. He said his Soldiers are going to take home a lot of new techniques and that he feels they have also taught the RCAF engineers a lot about safety measures and technology.

Construction of a new school in the Taing Sia Village has proven to be meaningful to the local community as there has not been an adequate school in that area for more than 30 years.

"I am very pleased to work with the U.S. Army, especially in the construction of a school," said Col. Chancheat Huot, RCAF construction supervisor of the ENCAP. "The people around here are very appreciative because they haven't had a school here since the civil war."

The Soldiers working on the school say they have felt appreciation for their work from the people living in the area, said Huot.

"It's very humbling when you're driving to the project site every day and the villagers are excited to see you," said Maasberg. "I think this is of great significance. (The people) are all very excited, supportive, and very eager to get into the school and start teaching."

In addition to building the school, the engineers renovated the dilapidated Domnak Chan Health Clinic in Trapaing Antong Village, also located in Kampong Speu Province. Renovations included a new roof, a potable water system, solar panels to power the clinic and a fresh coat of paint.

It is pathetic that such Viets are pandering to America. Where is your sense of pride and superiority? lol
Singapore and Philippines has joined the USA to contain China. When China goes to war against the US-led alliance, we will need to bomb Manila and Singapore! Fortunately, we can reach both with our strategic bombers and cruise missiles. A few cruise missiles will make them regret trying to contain China.

This news also means that USA does not support Vietnam, because Vietnam hates Philippines. Vietnam has no allies except for india! With Vietnam diplomatically isolated, China can attack Vietnam and annex it to project power deep into SE Asia and South China Sea.

whoaaa.. your getting to far ahead of yourself.

there is a saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friends.

philippines and vietnam will work together, aswell as with many of the other sth east asian countries

the usa will be beside all of them against china.
It is pathetic that such Viets are pandering to America. Where is your sense of pride and superiority? lol

Not only on the US,
but also on EU
and Russia
and Japan
and SKorea
and India
and Disneyland
and ...
poor US allies ,Uncle Sam fled to Aussie and only left few tiny warships that can harm No one :coffee:

watch your words, you make them upset they won't give a damn care to you anymore! That time don't cry out like a messy baby! :lol:

---------- Post added at 07:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 AM ----------

KAMPONG SPEU PROVINCE, Cambodia - Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and U.S. Army engineers continue construction of a new school in Taing Sia Village, Kampong Speu Province May 16, as part of the Engineer Civic Action Projects of exercise Angkor Sentinel 11.

Angkor Sentinel 11 is a peace support operations exercise co-sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific and RCAF designed to improve military mission readiness and effectiveness of all participating countries.

U.S. engineers from the 544th Engineer Company, 52nd Eng. Battalion, 555th Eng. Brigade, out of Fort Carson, Colo., have been in Cambodia since late March, often working around the clock to ensure the school is finished on schedule.

"The advanced party got here on the 25th of March and the main body (of Soldiers) arrived on the 15th of April, and we project to have the school finished no later than May 25th," said Cpt. Margaret Maasberg, commander, 544th Eng. Co., 52nd Eng. Bn., 555th Eng. Bde. "We have currently put four welders on site from 6:00 in the evening to 6:30 in the morning to make sure that we meet our deadline."

Maasberg explained that the new building will offer three classrooms capable of seating 60 students each, a new potable-water well, an onsite latrine, as well as a soccer field behind the building.

Working together on construction projects like the Taing Sia School has given both RCAF and U.S. Soldiers valuable experience and has provided a venue for sharing their construction techniques with each other.

"The Cambodian Soldiers\' ingenuity has been really useful to the project," said Staff Sgt. Floyd Wheetley, project supervisor, 544th Eng. Co. He said his Soldiers are going to take home a lot of new techniques and that he feels they have also taught the RCAF engineers a lot about safety measures and technology.

Construction of a new school in the Taing Sia Village has proven to be meaningful to the local community as there has not been an adequate school in that area for more than 30 years.

"I am very pleased to work with the U.S. Army, especially in the construction of a school," said Col. Chancheat Huot, RCAF construction supervisor of the ENCAP. "The people around here are very appreciative because they haven't had a school here since the civil war."

The Soldiers working on the school say they have felt appreciation for their work from the people living in the area, said Huot.

"It's very humbling when you're driving to the project site every day and the villagers are excited to see you," said Maasberg. "I think this is of great significance. (The people) are all very excited, supportive, and very eager to get into the school and start teaching."

In addition to building the school, the engineers renovated the dilapidated Domnak Chan Health Clinic in Trapaing Antong Village, also located in Kampong Speu Province. Renovations included a new roof, a potable water system, solar panels to power the clinic and a fresh coat of paint.


So what? :lol: what do you want to refer here? We also corporate with your grand daddy india and russia in many projects that your viets will be never known! :lol:

threatening me or what? :lol:

viets are ridiculous! :tdown:

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