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US navy completes first UAV carrier based landing

Of course the Chinese always manage to find a way to steal others technology make simple modifications and give it a Chinese name even the Russians were getting irked at them for that since they copied their Sukhoi fighters lets not forget about when that F117 nighthawk went down in Serbia the Chinese sent their "red squad" to bribe the local country folk for parts of that wreckage if that new J-20 or whatever its called technology stems from our 1970's stealth technology then the Chinese are not as technological as they perceive themselves to be.

Of course, their technology is of inferior design. Period.
hahaha, they have to copy our technology. pathetic. Americans never copy, we design new technology and lead the way...

Lol, Americans invente nothing, your so call high tech are mostlyl invented by immigrante people, it should call "immigrant tech", every year U.S import over ten thousands of immigrants with high degree diplomats in Science and engineering, you Americans are only good to be lawyers and sue each other. And please dont add insult to injury, you pathetic Amercans can't even pin point the location of Tibet let alone of bragging of high tech achievement...you're nothing but a laugh stock of 21st century.

Back to the subject, with Chinese UAV ,and our first carrier aviators experience, we will be able to fine tunning the software to program the landing our UAV to the carrier...I expect China to do this in few years time.

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Lol, Americans invente nothing, your so call high tech are mostlyl invented by immigrante people, it should call "immigrant tech", every year U.S import over ten thousands of immigrants with high degree diplomats in Science and engineering, you Americans are only good to be lawyers and sue each other. And please dont add insult to injury, you pathetic Amercans can't even pin point the location of Tibet let alone of bragging of high tech achievement...you're nothing but a laugh stock of 21st century.

Back to the subject, with Chinese UAV ,and our first carrier aviators experience, we will be able to fine tunning the software to program the landing our UAV to the carrier...I expect China to do this in few years time.


I'm sure the F117 technology you guys acquired from the wreckage in Serbia can help you in your rudimentary ambitions to build such a craft.
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I'm sure the F117 technology you guys acquired from the wreckage in Serbia can help you in your rudimentary ambitions to build such a craft.

F-117 is too old, what Snowden provided China is better :azn:

Hey idiot, they already have one and our UCAV will fly in two years:)

do you have any artistic concept of Russia's UAV or pictures?
Yes, the natives are apparently very useless :rofl:

My previous video prove the general population in america are pretty retards despite of claiming the most powerfull nation, these guys in the forum like to bragg about American's greatness and military technology but if they walk into behind scene, they will realise that most the jobs are done by Immigrants such our rocket father Tsien Hsue-shen and other Immigrants from Russia, Germany....

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Very interesting, China and Russia 's UAV are designed and built by Chinese and Russian respectively, American's UAV are built by immigrants :lol:

Actually the US has gone down in its ability to compete with China and Russia ever since the immigrants started working there. Back in the 60's and 70's when the US dominated it was mostly white Americans working in those fields. Not Indians, etc.

Now Nasa is done for, the latest "F" series of planes have been complete disasters. Same goes for US civil aircraft industry.
My previous video prove the general population in america are pretty retards despite of claiming the most powerfull nation, these guys in the forum like to bragg about American's greatness and military technology but if they walk into behind scene, they will realise that most the jobs are done by Immigrants such our rocket father Tsien Hsue-shen and other Immigrants from Russia, Germany....
You have nothing, no hard data to back that up. No one has ever done a comprehensive analysis of the ethnic origins, not just of notable figures in STEM, but also of the vast unnamed talents whose contributions helped those notable figures to their fame.

The fact that you think that the only way for technology to progress is through revolutionary breakthroughs when the reality is that progress is incremental and actually very boring under observation mean you are not the kind of immigrant we want in the US. I have no problem declaring right now that you have no experience in real world R/D and manufacturing to know better.

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