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US Naval War College Professor: China would crush Vietnam and Philippines

Chinese navy is huge when comparing Vietnam navy.....there lot of difference is there between having the capability and doing it...one thing that Vietnamese got and Chinese doesn't -guts........may be Chinese can crush VN today but not there spirit...surely Vietnamese will take revange... And presence USN 7th fleet in the region is hell for Plaan...

Vietnamese invited to see USA carrier.




why this bharti thing shows primitive missles to chest thumber? when your primitive country can produce standard good quality bullets and rifles then come back to bark, otherwise, you just like a monkey weilding a stick thinks its master in toolling like a human`lol

ha ha ha...silly and jealous Chinese :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:...well,use your specs and you'll see its Brahmos...not a primitive missile.but we cant sell our long range missiles to Vietnam due to MTCR.else we'll sell them Agni-V.nice try..my 2 cents... :rofl: :rofl:
Did US get defeated by Iraq too? Because in 1979, PLA killed more Vietnamese per unit time than US did to Iraq.

If you remember, I posted last time in PDF about it. It is OK for me to let you one more time. Killing unarmed civilians that PLA needed for 28 days that took too long. Same that time, [1979] Vietnamese troops needed 27 days to sweep out Polpot completely and less casualties of killing unarmed Cambodian/civilians.

If just massive killing for unarmed Chinese/civilians Vietnam troops does not need 28 days for killing. Do you see when Vietnam troops withdraw in Cambodia, the Cambodian hailed at our troops and show their loved to our troop?
How many times do you see U.S. fight for other small countries with a big country directly???

When Russia bombed Georgia, besides lip service, did U.S. do anything helpful really???

When China punished vietnam, did U.S. do anything helpful really besides lip service???

When China sunk vietnam ships and philipine ships, did U.S. do anything helpful really???

When Russia carpet-bombed chechen, did U.S. do anything helpful really besides lip service???

U.S. even dare not touch n.k. yet, you want U.S. risk everything for his small concubines there???

Last time U.S. tried similar stuff, that was about 60 years ago, U.S. has regretted ever since.

Saying vn spanking China in 1979 is just like saying india spanking China in 1962. Please forward it to joke forum.

What document you based on and make you ask/question like that? (bold part)

1973 US complete withdraw from Viet Nam, in 1979 China and Vietnam war, what make you think to be ask your question like that? I think your special medical treatment needed.

"After a 20-year hiatus of severed ties, then-U.S. President Bill Clinton announced the formal normalization of diplomatic relations between the United States of America and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on July 11, 1995. Subsequent to President Clinton's normalization announcement, in August 1995, both countries upgraded their Liaison Offices opened during January 1995 to embassy status. As diplomatic ties between the nations grew, the United States opened a consulate general in Ho Chi Minh City, and Vietnam opened a consulate in San Francisco."

Quote from:WIKI
Not true. You must've fallen asleep in analytical mechanics. Orbits naturally precess over time, and anyhow, at the size of a fridge, sensors still need to acquire targets in real time.

What the path prediction IS true for is ballistic missiles. They're called ballistic for a reason - they follow a ballistic trajectory. Yet the US system couldn't intercept a single stone age SCUD from Saddam.
LOL gambit's just some enlisted man, just some guy who couldn't get a job out of high school and filled out some forms at the local military recruiting station, and on PDF he's talking like he's a six star general!
Your Uncle Sam will take care your big fish doesn't eat recklessly and greedy :lol:


Again you mentioned the story we were helping Cambodian to overthrow the genocide Khmer Rouge regime?

This said from Cambodian PM Hun Sen: " I’d like to send my regards and gratitude to all Vietnamese people, Vietnamese veterans, and those who died in the war for the sake of Cambodian people. We will forever remember the Vietnamese soldiers who sacrificed their lives for Cambodia.
I cannot express how meaningful the word “Vietnam” is. But I can put it simply this way: Vietnam means the revival and development of Cambodia"

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily | Vietnam the only country that helped Cambodia during its darkest hours: PM Hun Sen

Did Uncle Sam told you that to save you some islands...you need to offer entire Vietnam in exchange???

Technically, China navy with full scale could crush Vietnam Navy easily but fact China dare not due to many problem its going to face off with Vietnam Navy. Please read

Vietnam prepares to better protect its S. China Sea claims - The China Post

Technically....Vietnam Navy are so brave as they claim to be since millenium...but each boat is equiped with S.O.S broacasters
Chinese navy is huge when comparing Vietnam navy.....there lot of difference is there between having the capability and doing it...one thing that Vietnamese got and Chinese doesn't -guts........may be Chinese can crush VN today but not there spirit...surely Vietnamese will take revange... And presence USN 7th fleet in the region is hell for Plaan...

Talking about Gut...LMAO...You Indians still have the fresh memory about 1962...We decide to go to war with gut...unlike Indians that was waiting for knock india's outposts then send S.O.S to get help.

Bragging the bravery of vietnames or invoking USN 7th fleet won't help your cure your 1962's sickness...try harder

I loved how Viets spanked Chinese in 1979 and i love how they spank chinese propaganda members here on this forum.:yahoo:

have you get over with your 1962 sickness yet???
Talking about Gut...LMAO...You Indians still have the fresh memory about 1962...We decide to go to war with gut...unlike Indians that was waiting for knock india's outposts then send S.O.S to get help.

Bragging the bravery of vietnames or invoking USN 7th fleet won't help your cure your 1962's sickness...try harder

have you get over with your 1962 sickness yet???
mr KD.....get well soon......you might be sick that is why your brain struck in 1962....its good if you woke up now....anywayz this is 2012 bro....
How many times do you see U.S. fight for other small countries with a big country directly???

When Russia bombed Georgia, besides lip service, did U.S. do anything helpful really???

When China punished vietnam, did U.S. do anything helpful really besides lip service???

When China sunk vietnam ships and philipine ships, did U.S. do anything helpful really???

When Russia carpet-bombed chechen, did U.S. do anything helpful really besides lip service???

U.S. even dare not touch n.k. yet, you want U.S. risk everything for his small concubines there???

Last time U.S. tried similar stuff, that was about 60 years ago, U.S. has regretted ever since.

Saying vn spanking China in 1979 is just like saying india spanking China in 1962. Please forward it to joke forum.

US is p$$y...it will only fight when it saw trimendious advantage...with overhelming power...when the fire power is not clear cut in their favor...they will take "wait and see" attitude.

Such WWII, US just let entire Europes fought in a chaotic war...when all parties (Germany, FRance, England, Russia) are exhausted..then they walked in, so people portayed them as hero and savor of WWII....it was only change for US to take over England as world superpower, they certainly didn't want to miss...so much for been a Brother country...American interest come first.

Same in Pacific war...in tactical fight, those stuburn Japaneses have not gave Yankees a break...and the only way out is using NUKE.

Korean war, such WWII hero as Mac Artur claimed that Korea war is cake walk..he could finish and go back home for Xmas...LMAO

Vietnam war...those G.I tasted the attrition war and smell everyday the smoke of battle and see no exit Until U.S secretly dispatch Kissnger to China to sort thing out.

mr KD.....get well soon......you might be sick that is why your brain struck in 1962....its good if you woke up now....anywayz this is 2012 bro....

I know this is 2012..but you guys still have nostalgy of 1962 event...no wonder you guys are the #1 military importer...the reason is so simple...want to overcome 1962's sickness to prevent that trauma happened again.
I know this is 2012..but you guys still have nostalgy of 1962 event...no wonder you guys are the #1 military importer...the reason is so simple...want to overcome 1962's sickness to prevent that trauma happened again.

Pakistan is ready to join you from the West. And I think Sri Lankans for human rights reasons will come from South. Also you could use your troops that are based in North of Pakistan
Pakistan is ready to join you from the West. And I think Sri Lankans for human rights reasons will come from South. Also you could use your troops that are based in North of Pakistan

Obama would probably say "let's wait and see" if someone desperately begging for helps.
"K300P Bastion-P is mobile launchers for surface anti-ship missile Yakhont (P-800 Oniks) of Russia. These missiles are said to be the root of India's missile Bahmos, or Bahmos is copy of the Yakhont. System missile ship (missiles shore-Mobile Bastion-P using rocket Yakhont are designed to destroy surface ships, transport ships on the payroll unit shock, landing or sea transport as well as enemy targets with large radar reflector area on the mainland. Each Bastion-P system when deployed with an overview of an area to 300.000km2 area. This is the system Removal ship missile with precise control, a supersonic cruise in every state, capable of "fire and forget." missile defense system this coast is a lot of attention. But new, with only Vietnam has ordered the deployment and combat training after a system is transferred in May this year (2010), while the country of origin is Russia not even equipped. sources (especially the statistics are very reliable SIPRI) said that Vietnam has ordered two systems totaling $ 250 million. Vietnam has equipped this kind can confirm that BrahMos will not be buying anymore, at least in the near future.

Configuration of the Bastion-P for Vietnam
- Go to 4 free car price K340P SPU pedestal mounted on the truck chassis MZKT-7930 Vietnamese wild four axles (8x8). Each vehicle K340P tonnage 41 tonnes and can carry two missiles.
- Go 2 car rounds TZM K342 is also based on the chassis, equipped with cranes used to load 5.9 tons for cars K340P rounds.
- 1 MBU K380 command vehicle on the 25-ton truck chassis MZKT-65273 may be preparing to fight in 3 to 4 minutes.
LOL a handful of imported weapons will not change the overwhelming military advantage of PLA.

You don't have to wait.

Russia to Help Vietnam Produce Anti-Ship Missiles, RIA Says - Bloomberg

Ok, so it wasn't Yakhont but Uran. My screw up. But doesn't matter, Chinese fleet's air defense cannot intercept.
LOL at imaginary future Vietnamese missiles. Russia doesn't even support Vietnam on the South China Sea, so they can keep dreaming.

We have no dreams other than to preserve Vietnam's territory and peaceful coexistence with our neighbors in the world of justice, civilization and respect for international law...

We're not very smart but very brave. We kick out any enemy who wants invade the territory, territorial waters of Vietnam...
LOL no wonder we call you southern barbarians.
Where China will have to confront the US

1. Philippines. Philippines is protected by the US defense treaty, and the US forces will automatically engage the Chinese forces if the PLA decided to attack Philippine held territories in the South China Sea.
We will carpet bomb Manila first and intimidate the population into kicking out pro-USA regime of Aquino.

2. Diaoyutai. The US officially acknowledges Diaoyutai as a Japanese territory and is legally obligated to intervene if China attempts to reclaim it by force.
China can fire massive numbers of missiles at any Japanese ships that approaches Diaoyutai. It's closer to mainland China than home islands of Japan.

3. North Korea. China will have to battle the UN forces again if China decides to intervene in North Korea during its final hours. The original UN coalition is supposedly still obligated to send troops back if something was to happen in North Korea as the war was never over, so I saw Australians disturbed by this reality a few years ago.
LOL at Australians disturbed by Korean's imaginations. Korean War 2 is the easiest for PLA because there's no naval element needed. Just PLA rolling over anything USA, Japan or South Korea can muster. Pity nothing can stop North Korea from pumping Seoul full of nerve gases and biotoxins in the opening hours of the conflict.

Where China can go wild

1. Vietnam
2. Indian border
The Russians will be giving China the nod very soon.


1. Taiwan
Taiwan already surrendered to mainland China. Taiwan proposes unification.
Talking about Gut...LMAO...You Indians still have the fresh memory about 1962...We decide to go to war with gut...unlike Indians that was waiting for knock india's outposts then send S.O.S to get help.

Bragging the bravery of vietnames or invoking USN 7th fleet won't help your cure your 1962's sickness...try harder

have you get over with your 1962 sickness yet???

maybe we forgot about 1962...but our memories of 1979 is still fresh as new....but i think you guys forgot about it...i can help you to remember that.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

We will carpet bomb Manila first and intimidate the population into kicking out pro-USA regime of Aquino.

China can fire massive numbers of missiles at any Japanese ships that approaches Diaoyutai. It's closer to mainland China than home islands of Japan.

LOL at Australians disturbed by Korean's imaginations. Korean War 2 is the easiest for PLA because there's no naval element needed. Just PLA rolling over anything USA, Japan or South Korea can muster. Pity nothing can stop North Korea from pumping Seoul full of nerve gases and biotoxins in the opening hours of the conflict.

The Russians will be giving China the nod very soon.

Taiwan already surrendered to mainland China. Taiwan proposes unification.

bed time baby...good night...sweet dreams...and dont wet your bed like last time... :lazy: :lazy:
maybe we forgot about 1962...but our memories of 1979 is still fresh as new....but i think you guys forgot about it...i can help you to remember that.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


As I said bragging about others such 1979 won't help you much to cure your 1962's trauma
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