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US military urges repeal of gay ban



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Jan 27, 2010
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US military urges repeal of gay ban

Pentagon figures show 428 military service members were dismissed for being openly gay in 2009.

Senior Pentagon officials have been testifying before the US Congress on reviewing a policy that prohibits openly gay men and women from serving in the armed forces.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, announced on Tuesday plans to loosen enforcement rules involving the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that requires service personnel to keep their sexual orientation secret.

"No matter how I look at the issue, I cannot escape being troubled by the fact that we have in place a policy which forces young men and women to lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens," Mullen said at the senate armed services committee hearing on Capitol Hill.

"For me, it comes down to integrity, theirs as individuals and ours as an institution."

Policy review

Barack Obama, the US president, has called for a repeal of the policy that was introduced in 1993 as a compromise between then president Bill Clinton's desire to lift the ban, and concerns from Congress and the military that lifting it would be disruptive.

Appearing before the same panel, Robert Gates, the defence secretary, announced a year-long policy review.

If the ban is revoked, it would mark the biggest shake-up to military personnel policies since President Harry Truman's 1948 executive order integrating the services.

"You don't have to be straight to shoot straight"

Mark Udall, Democratic senator
But some high-ranking military officers are reluctant to embrace the change.

John McCain, a Republican senator, said he was "deeply disappointed" at the Pentagon's decision to the survey.

"Has this policy been ideal? No, it has not,'' McCain, a former Navy officer, said.

"But it has been effective."

Several other Republicans sided with McCain, warning Mullen and Gates not to pursue a change at a time when the US was fighting two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and facing a continuing threat of terrorism.

Democrats said they would back a change in policy.

Mark Udall, a Democratic senator, said his Colorado constituents pride themselves
on allowing others to live and let live.

"You don't have to be straight to shoot straight,'' Udall said, quoting libertarian Barry Goldwater.

'Voting against soldiers'

Gay rights activists have complained that Obama has been slow in fulfilling a campaign promise to eliminate the policy.

Dan Choi, an Iraq war veteran and a gay rights activist who publicly challenged the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, told Al Jazeera he is facing discharge from the army after announcing that he was gay.

"I'm not satisfied with what happened today," Choi said.

"Soldiers who are gay have to lie about who they are. Unless we repeal the law today and the president uses his authority to stop firing people for their honesty, we've lost all moral high ground in the world.

"When they [the military] presume that our soldiers will lose all control once you allow honesty to swell the ranks that really is voting against our soldiers.

"It's saying our soldiers aren't dependable or professional or disciplined enough to handle the truth."

Under the 1993 law, engaging in homosexual conduct - even if the person concerned does not tell anyone - can be enough to qualify a person for dismissal.

Recent figures from the Pentagon show that 428 service members were dismissed for being openly gay in 2009, down from 619 dismissed in 2008.

The number is by far the lowest since 1997, when 997 service members were dismissed.

Overall, more than 10,900 troops have been dismissed under the policy.

Al Jazeera English - Americas - US military urges repeal of gay ban
objectively speaking gay does cause some problem... within the army.
unless they are willing to have a separated gay only division.
Just like man and woman, but now they should add, gay and lesbian.
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God knows why people want to be gay man and which pleasure they get to be a gay man. They are so misguided but have amazing strength. Why?
Actually US soldiers should be allowed to be "gay" and I bet Afghans would start loving this war against terrorism :D
THIS IS SOOO GAYYY.....Gay cause problems in war. eg. There is a firefight going on. Your sniper team is hiding in the bush. And when you needed them most you find them kissing in that bush. YUCK.......because of their kissing all other soldier will be FUBAR.
Why do "you people" have such homophobic views ?? Homosexuality is not considered a choice. And as it is, there are many homosexuals serving in the US and other European militaries. They are openly homosexual in European militaries, in the US military they asked not to disclose their sexual orientation. That is the only difference and that is what they are trying to change.

Its NOT about allowing gays and lesbians into the military, there are already many homosexuals in the military and the US military is running just fine!

Homosexuals or Heterosexuals doesn't matter when you have a 2000lb JDAM dropped on your head by a US bomber. It also won't affect how the US military functions in terms of skill etc because as it is, male and female soldiers work together in the field, having gays and lesbians to that mix isn't going to change a damn thing.
The US is one of the most gay unfriendly countries on the planet. The majority of conservative Christians will never accept this repeal. Mike Mullen's disguised "don't ask, don't tell" policy is enough indication how divided this country is over such sensitive issues. The Europeans and Americans are light years apart from each other as far as homosexuality policy is concerned.
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Why do "you people" have such homophobic views ?? Homosexuality is not considered a choice. And as it is, there are many homosexuals serving in the US and other European militaries. They are openly homosexual in European militaries, in the US military they asked not to disclose their sexual orientation. That is the only difference and that is what they are trying to change.

Its NOT about allowing gays and lesbians into the military, there are already many homosexuals in the military and the US military is running just fine!

Homosexuals or Heterosexuals doesn't matter when you have a 2000lb JDAM dropped on your head by a US bomber. It also won't affect how the US military functions in terms of skill etc because as it is, male and female soldiers work together in the field, having gays and lesbians to that mix isn't going to change a damn thing.

You should first pose that question to your beloved Christian Republican brethren before worrying too much about people on this forum. Also, stop generalizing by using terms such as you people. There might be some, but surely not many homosexuals serving in your army so stop exaggerating. Yet, the few homosexuals and lesbians still have to face prejudice on a daily basis as described in the article. That I'm afraid isn't going to change any time soon so please stop painting rosy pictures. You're not that gay friendly as you pretend to be. In fact, you're very far from being a gay friendly nation. Mentioning US and EU in one breath in this regard is totally misleading and a blatant lie. This is just a PR stunt by Obama to please the so-called liberals. What you so conveniently forgot to mention is that the change is immensely unpopular and controversial in the Christian circles which btw form a good slice majority of the American population.

People here aren't negating the fact that homosexuals are part of US army so stop throwing fits.

Well, we're too familiar with US army killing innocent children, women and elderly so there's hardly any need for you to highlight the shock and awe muscle flexing. Not a surprise that you're so proud of your lame army fighting wars on false pretences and killing innocent folks in foreign land. Homosexuals being on the battlefield and that not changing a damn thing is totally irrelevant and beside the point as far as this discussion is concerned. Just stop throwing fits and stay on-topic.
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Must be election time coming up soon:hang2:

Please its unnatural - and also makes no biological sense - as you can't make babies y being hobo ... if there were some wired crossed as you claim at birth , please

Come close.... .. bit close ... little more ....

Whack .... there that should have fixed any lose ends - ^_^ no go find yourself a nice girl
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