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US Military to Defeat Iran Military in Three weeks

Iranian wet dream

Syria >> russia + china poped up

Iran >>> WW3 but this time more of a covert support
It is really funny that Iran is the one who is threatened to be attacked everyday,then some people here accuse Iran and blame Iran.Ridiculous.

Why so much hate?You have no difference with your dear Arab sheikhs.May God resurrect you together.

Iranian proxies pose no threat to any one in the region except Hezbollah to Israel, and Hezbollah will be neutralized If the Assad regime falls. So, I doubt the US is going to bomb Iran giving their unwillingness to support the FSA.

So Iranian proxies pose no threat to any country except Israel?You are a genius.That's what Iran is saying for years while the fat Saudi princes are drinking oil,become fatter and dance with U.S and Israel's songs.
Iranian proxies pose no threat to any one in the region except Hezbollah to Israel, and Hezbollah will be neutralized If the Assad regime falls. So, I doubt the US is going to bomb Iran giving their unwillingness to support the FSA.
US will never allow that to happen. You have to understand the US policy in the middle east. They won't allow either Sunnis or Shias to completely overwhelm the other. Their interest lies in balancing Shia and Sunni influence while pretending to cover Sunni's back (as covering Arab's backs now). This is so that both Shias and Sunnis can be in covert war and exhaust themselves over time.

Recently, we saw how US worked for Iran's strategic interests while pretending to be friends with the foolish Arabs. Iraq is now Iran-friendly and Iran musters considerable influence over Iraq which was governed by a radical sunni terrorist Saddam once upon a time.
Interesting assessment.

However, you are overlooking some ground realities in this case.

1. GCC nations are important business partners for US.
2. GCC nations have contingency plan to supply OIL in case of closure of Hormuz route. Check this source: http://studies.aljazeera.net/Resour...812148318734Blocking the Strait of Hormuz.pdf
3. The downfall of Saddam was in the interest of the entire Middle East and not just Iran.

USA can never defeat Iran. They already tried when they backed Saddam Hussein.
Saddam' military machine represented US military might?

US did clashed with Iran during this war on one particular occasion; Operation Praying Mantis

Even if it takes another 8 year war with massive causualties, Iran will be able to survive because it is self-sufficient in food and basic natural resources.
USA is significantly more powerful then Iraq.

Also, if I spin your logic; Iran can militarily defeat China too. Willing to accept? :)

Besides, China and Russia would never let Iran go down.
No nation will come to aid of Iran.
This is SAD. :confused:

Let us hope that Iran and USA manage to iron out their differences through diplomatic means.

Militarily speaking, Iran stands no chance against USA. CENTCOM assessment should not be taken lightly. However, this war will have consequences; loss of Iran will significantly weaken Islamic front and will leave too much power in the hands of some rich Arabs.

True, Iran stands no chance against the USA, but the assessment says it will take at least 3 weeks to a month. Dude, thats ALOT of time for Iran to do ALOT of damage. Iran's missile system is slick and huge and there is no saying who they will hit. UAE, KSA, Baghdad, Israel, any place with American assets is in serious trouble. And knowing the Iranian penchant for irregular warfare, u can certainly expect them to go suicidal on these places FIRST. Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, they have another whole Hezbollah in Lebanon that will definitely lodge itself in the Iranian camp. So yes, they would certainly go down, but not without taking out key areas, economic assets and causing massive damage. If I were those guys in Dubai, I'd close shop, relocate to HK or Singapore and invest over there:guns:

The problem with countries like Iran is, they are simply too big to be governed. All the way from Germany to Afghanistan, we can tell that occupation has always been a disaster in most places creating more problems than actually solving. Neither can they just be left to their own devices after toppling the regime. Any outcome of war will certainly be of no benefit to anyone especially the Iranians. And the US will face a far more disastrous backlash than they ever saw in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Firstly Iran's alot larger than both and second, its also the Holy Land for the large Shia population worldwide. Expect that to blow up.

I believe the regime has to go too, but its up to the Iranian people entirely to decide what they want. Though political repressions are extreme there, they have always proven to be politically conscious as well. Should leave it to them to decide if they want the current regime to stay or go.

Hope dialogue works.
True, Iran stands no chance against the USA, but the assessment says it will take at least 3 weeks to a month. Dude, thats ALOT of time for Iran to do ALOT of damage. Iran's missile system is slick and huge and there is no saying who they will hit. UAE, KSA, Baghdad, Israel, any place with American assets is in serious trouble. And knowing the Iranian penchant for irregular warfare, u can certainly expect them to go suicidal on these places FIRST. Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, they have another whole Hezbollah in Lebanon that will definitely lodge itself in the Iranian camp. So yes, they would certainly go down, but not without taking out key areas, economic assets and causing massive damage. If I were those guys in Dubai, I'd close shop, relocate to HK or Singapore and invest over there:guns:

The problem with countries like Iran is, they are simply too big to be governed. All the way from Germany to Afghanistan, we can tell that occupation has always been a disaster in most places creating more problems than actually solving. Neither can they just be left to their own devices after toppling the regime. Any outcome of war will certainly be of no benefit to anyone especially the Iranians. And the US will face a far more disastrous backlash than they ever saw in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Firstly Iran's alot larger than both and second, its also the Holy Land for the large Shia population worldwide. Expect that to blow up.

I believe the regime has to go too, but its up to the Iranian people entirely to decide what they want. Though political repressions are extreme there, they have always proven to be politically conscious as well. Should leave it to them to decide if they want the current regime to stay or go.

Hope dialogue works.
Wars can destabilize the regions where they happen. Iraq got destablized too after the invasion but US managed to contain its problem.

Of course, Iran will put its ballistic missile arsenal to you. However;

1. Events like these will take place:


2. Under overwhelming firepower of US, Iran will find it very difficult to effectively respond. Once the Iranian 'command and control system' will be down, which will take some hours or a day at maximum, Iranian war machine will become disorganized and loose its effectiveness.

3. GCC countries are not so defenceless any more. And Israel also have significantly improved its defensive capabilities since 2006.

The objective of US for Iran is similar to that of Libya. Regime change might not be on cards for now. However, Iran will be militarily crippled and Iranian industrial capability will be hit hard. The fate of Iran will be similar to that of sanction-proned Iraq after Persian Gulf War 1991.
Interesting assessment.

However, you are overlooking some ground realities in this case.

1. GCC nations are important business partners for US.
2. GCC nations have contingency plan to supply OIL in case of closure of Hormuz route. Check this source: http://studies.aljazeera.net/Resour...812148318734Blocking the Strait of Hormuz.pdf
3. The downfall of Saddam was in the interest of the entire Middle East and not just Iran.

And I already know those factors. However, you should remember that actions speak louder than words, or 'agreements', for that matter.;)
And I already know those factors. However, you should remember that actions speak louder than words, or 'agreements', for that matter.;)
For this, I will cite the example of Libya.

No one ever thought that Gaddafi will be taken out in the manner it happened. Gaddafi has a long history of enmity and also friendly ties with WEST. However, it took just one excuse to seal his fate forever.

Actions certainly speak louder then words. And US history is filled with action.
For this, I will cite the example of Libya.

No one ever thought that Gaddafi will be taken out in the manner it happened. Gaddafi has a long history of enmity and also friendly ties with WEST. However, it took just one excuse to seal his fate forever.

Actions certainly speak louder then words. And US history is filled with action.

Maybe it did not cross your mind but US always betrays its friends, especially when they are muslims. It has a history of doing so. Have you forgot history? Take lessons from pak-US relationship and India-USSR's unbreakable bond. Don't forget Saddam was US' darling when he was gassing the Iranians. For almost 30 years, Gaddafi converted the poorest country in Africa to richest country being opposed to US. As soon as he abandoned nuclear program and turned pro-west, you know what happened to him. ;)

Yes, US history is filled with action when for the last 5 years or so, pakistan's intelligence apparatus has been aiding US adversaries covertly. When for the last 30 years, Iran is getting away with whatever it does and we only see a few barks here and there in response. ;)

I have been following your posts. While your posts are closer to reality than other emotional posters, I notice you tend to elevate US to the status of "GOD". Learn to be critical of every side, dear. Nobody is infallible. Not even your supposed God, United States.:usflag:

one of this would be more than enough to wipe the mullah of iran and his country in short period of time

The US Missile capabilities would defiantly do the job in less than 3 weeks.
I have been following your posts. While your posts are closer to reality than other emotional posters, I notice you tend to elevate US to the status of "GOD". Learn to be critical of every side, dear. Nobody is infallible. Not even your supposed God, United States.:usflag:
I am muslim and I believe in one true God. DO NOT ever question my faith.

However, I am a 'neutral observer' of things. I do not mix well with emotional fools for sure.

And Yes! US is certainly not invincible but it is an INCREDIBLY POWERFUL nation, and has destroyed 3 Islamic nations in a row to date under the banner of WOT. And Iran does not have the power to handle it. This is what this thread is about and you should stick to this topic.

Furthermore, if Iran attempts to widen the conflict with its missile strikes, it will manage to involve GCC and Israel along with USA. Do the math.

My 'concerns' are associated with vulnerability of the Islamic world against 'threats' of the modern age. The Islamic world is disunited and lags behind in field of science and technology.
I am muslim and I believe in one true God. DO NOT ever question my faith.

However, I am a 'neutral observer' of things. I do not mix well with emotional fools for sure.

I am also a "neutral observer" of things and I draw the conclusion of your "faith" after much careful scrutiny of your previous posting record. ;)

And Yes! US is certainly not invincible but it is an INCREDIBLY POWERFUL nation. However, Iran does not have the power to handle it. This is the point and you should stick to this point.

Furthermore, if Israel attempts to widen the conflict with its missile strikes, it will manage to involve GCC and Israel along with USA. Do the math.

No, the point here was your claim that US is addicted to "action" and your analogy of "Gaddafi" comparing it with Iranian scenario. So, you better stick to the point yourself, son. :rolleyes:
I am also a "neutral observer" of things and I draw the conclusion of your "faith" after much careful scrutiny of your previous posting record. ;)
You are trying to make things personal now. This can get delicate, mind you.

And no! You are not nuetral by any means. I see you in cahoots with Iranians all the time.

Trying to act more Iranian then Iranians here?

No, the point here was your claim that US is addicted to "action" and your analogy of "Gaddafi" comparing it with Iranian scenario. So, you better stick to the point yourself, son. :rolleyes:
Perhaps, you do not have the IQ to comprehend my responses.
They defeated Saddam army in 21 days but that does not mean end of hostilities.
They defeated Saddam army in 21 days but that does not mean end of hostilities.
Iraq was powerless after Persian Gulf War 1991. Invasion was not necessary. But Saddam is gone for good.

And they also disintegrated USSR with our help. Great victory for Pakistan.
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