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US Military Deaths in Afghanistan at 2,126

@Abdaali .... Salam Bhai Jan,

The Government, Army or the Establishment that did this act of terror was Dictator General Musharraf .... with continuation from Murdari (Zardari)..... We have high expectation from PML (N) and PTI ...... but as for the nation of Pakistan ... we were always with Afghans and will always be with Afghans... we have spilled our blood for Afghans and are doing it and will keep on doing it till the invaders leave our brothers in peace ,,,, no matter which government or whoever comes....

We as a Neighbor are proud to have Afghans as our neighbors.... A proud to be Nation....

Your answer (iii) ... yes but time is best healer and now the things will change and everything will insha allah become normal .... it was hard time for afghanistan and pakistan did play a very important role in supporting the Terrorist States which invaded Afghanistan... Me as a Pakistani cannot ever forgive what we have done as a muslim country where thousands of muslims have been killed for no reason at all..... May Allah guide us in the righteous way....

Dear Bahi jan isa hai na ke
This is a conflict of the crusader forces(NATO) to establish their permanent military bases in Afghanistan, when they Got the permission to settle here for ever they will soon vanish Islam, Pakistan helped NATO more than Israel to Achieve their Goals.
to give answer to question (i):
Pakistan will behave as your lord(US) wish against Afghanistan, for the sake of $ (Pak army receive $950m military aid from us, civil government get more than this amount, NGO's e.g. USAID and etc... spend billions to change the thoughts of Pakistan's Muslim Nation)

The current Hired Regime in Kabul is not able to control their own Capital from Taliban(funded by CIA through ISI) so Answer (ii):
Expecting Assuage from employee is madness this is what their lord(US) of Pak army and karzai's government will decide about it because slaves don't have the authority to decide their future.
Ans (iii): The Noble Nation of Pakistan is our brother with our less power Afghans won't permit Any country or Nation to Attack or hurt the Muslim nation live in Pakistan. If it comes to government and ISI, we will never ever forget and forgive them for their Betrayal with Islam and the Islamic ummah live in the region.
I hope with few words I have answered your questions
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Mullah nazir group, hafiz gul bahadur group and other smaller groups of FATA do fight against NATO in Afghanistan, these groups were once against pak army before non-aggression pacts, now they are only targeted by drones. TTP itself provides various kinds of help to haqqani network which is most deadly group against NATO. Some times TTP also provides suicide bombers to haqqani network.

They should get lost to afghanistan... or eliminated... but we have a fag in power now... worst than zardari... read news tht the bastard has put the death sentence for the so called "dr usman" terrorist... after threats from punjabi taliban turds.. but again what can you expect from a coward aka kuni.
FATA is not Pakistan... We have no business in FATA ... and neither does PAK Army..... we should have stayed out of this war s .... We as pakistanis have sold our religion ethics, even our mother land to terrorists like US of A and NATO for a few dollars ......

If u sow potatoes donot expect to harvest mangoes.... it will never happen ..... we need to regain confidence with Afghans they are our neighbors and are here to stay ... US of A and NATO just came here to loot and to kill and to de-stabilize the region which they have done very successfully.....

making war is very very easy ... living in peace and harmony is very very difficult... wake up please

They should get lost to afghanistan... or eliminated... but we have a fag in power now... worst than zardari... read news tht the bastard has put the death sentence for the so called "dr usman" terrorist... after threats from punjabi taliban turds.. but again what can you expect from a coward aka kuni.
]FATA is not Pakistan[/B]... We have no business in FATA ... and neither does PAK Army..... we should have stayed out of this war s .... We as pakistanis have sold our religion ethics, even our mother land to terrorists like US of A and NATO for a few dollars ......

If u sow potatoes donot expect to harvest mangoes.... it will never happen ..... we need to regain confidence with Afghans they are our neighbors and are here to stay ... US of A and NATO just came here to loot and to kill and to de-stabilize the region which they have done very successfully.....

making war is very very easy ... living in peace and harmony is very very difficult... wake up please

Sure... google what afghans think of taliban than come back and talk to me ... as for the war... whose blowing mosques,schools,school,univ buses,killing minorities,target killing of shias etc? it "was" not our war... but now "it is"..!

Google..... wow ..... google .... No i am in Pakistan and I know very well what all pakistanis think and how talibans are looked at ....where were talibans till US of A (A does not stand for America) did not enter Afghanistan .... why weren't we being bombed and killed before? .........

No muslim will commit the heinous acts like Bombing Masjid, Schools and Universities ..... It is being done by YOUR dear "ALL MIGHTY US OF A, NATO (NATIONS ALLIGNED WITH TERRORIST ORGANISATIONS), RWA AND MOSSAAD" ..... no one else .......

I belong to a family where all girls and women are doctors, MA, MSc... and not simple gold medalist ..... We have all studied in Baluchistan for your kind information....

These elements only started showing after two years of invasion and occupation of afghanistan .... why? ...

Learn to call White a White and Black a Black ...... The relaities will not die with our statements .... like hiroshims incident itself......We should stop living in fools paradise and know who is the actual enemy not of pakistan or muslims .... of whole world ..... they will do anything to get resources .... and that ios the truth .... we as a region need to fight of invaders .... which are in actual US of A and NATO..... and with time and pain things will come back to normalcy ......

Sure... google what afghans think of taliban than come back and talk to me ... as for the war... whose blowing mosques,schools,school,univ buses,killing minorities,target killing of shias etc? it "was" not our war... but now "it is"..!
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Google..... wow ..... google .... No i am in Pakistan and I know very well what all pakistanis think and how talibans are looked at ....where were talibans till US of A (A does not stand for America) did not enter Afghanistan .... why weren't we being bombed and killed before? .........

No muslim will commit the heinous acts like Bombing Masjid, Schools and Universities ..... It is being done by YOUR dear "ALL MIGHTY US OF A, NATO (NATIONS ALLIGNED WITH TERRORIST ORGANISATIONS), RWA AND MOSSAAD" ..... no one else .......

I belong to a family where all girls and women are doctors, MA, MSc... and not simple gold medalist ..... We have all studied in Baluchistan for your kind information....

These elements only started showing after two years of invasion and occupation of afghanistan .... why? ...

Learn to call White a White and Black a Black ...... The relaities will not die with our statements .... like hiroshims incident itself......We should stop living in fools paradise and know who is the actual enemy not of pakistan or muslims .... of whole world ..... they will do anything to get resources .... and that ios the truth .... we as a region need to fight of invaders .... which are in actual US of A and NATO..... and with time and pain things will come back to normalcy ......

Il answer to the highlighted part alone.. If mosques,schools,markets are bombed by CIA,RAW,MOSSAD,RAMA etc... why are the suicide bombers Pakistani muslims and ttp turds claim the responsibility?

True indians etc are involed in baluchistan... but they "controlling" ttp fags n using them to bomb our country,massacre people,kill shias n behead people.. shoot polio vaccine workers etc? does that make sense to you?

P.S: Dnt quote me if you believe ttp scumbags are so called "mujahideen"....
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Il answer to the highlighted part alone.. If mosques,schools,markets are bombed by CIA,RAW,MOSSAD,RAMA etc... why are the suicide bombers Pakistani muslims and ttp turds claim the responsibility?

The issue here is ... that we see media reports and news papers..... who is informing us that they are taking responsibility media.... we all know media and anchors and their real sincerity is with paymasters not with me and u and what pakistanis want..... they have their own agenda lets face it..... whats happening at LOC and what reporting is there is media nowadays .... they are all screaming abt Floods... no one says its india which is responsible its.. bloudy mush the bush of george w. bush .... have u ever heard that.....

we should not close our eyes from reality ... my sincere advice ..... and would again emphasize teh fact that, from US of A (A does not stand for America) knows sitting in Washington that Osama sitting in Afghanistan did 9/11.... but they receive hundreds of calls from Mr. ABC ... and are not able to find position of the same and do not know from where is he calling ..... can u buy that..... I dont buy these dumb stories.... u can please go on believing the same.....

True indians etc are involed in baluchistan... but they "controlling" ttp fags n using them to bomb our country,massacre people,kill shias n behead people.. shoot polio vaccine workers etc? does that make sense to you?

P.S: Dnt quote me if you believe ttp scumbags are so called "mujahideen"....

Why not quote u ..... we are pakistanis after all we were calling themmujahideen till 2002 weren't we ... till our pakistan's "ALL MIGHTY US OF A) TOLD US NOT TO DO THAT..... then we started to call them terrorists did we not.... Call Black ... black and White .. White ...... :closed:
Why not quote u ..... we are pakistanis after all we were calling themmujahideen till 2002 weren't we ... till our pakistan's "ALL MIGHTY US OF A) TOLD US NOT TO DO THAT..... then we started to call them terrorists did we not.... Call Black ... black and White .. White ...... :closed:

Your holy warrior:



Not mine ... u r the one supporting these terrorists and calling Hard Core Pakistanis ... Terrorists

where was he before US of A (You All Mighty) invaded Afghanistan why was he not killing Pakistanis then... wake up and know ur real enemy before its too late .... Mukti bani was never ur renemy ... It was INDIA which made it happen ... Learn from History we need to stop it from happening again.....

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