i have made an assessment before for our Naval think-tank, about the cost to procure and operating an Airwarfare capable destroyer like Arleigh Burke class or Type 45 Destroyer.
I will explain it roughly for you. For procurement alone of Arleigh Burke class flight 2, we must paid about
1,8 billion US dollar per unit systems, in this case Indonesia never operate the same class, so we must build from scratch their offshore facilities, and simulation systems in our naval base, and it doesn't include for training and so-on. My data is based on US DoD procurement data on 2013 budget years.
But we found it will be less costly and politically accepted if we want to procure De Zeven Provincien class, but sorry i can't share our assessment for DZP class here

But as an advice, DZP Class is maybe what Vietnam needed for an Airwarfare capable Heavy Frigate or destroyer