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US Man: I Burned Mosque To Avenge Soldiers

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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US Man: I Burned Mosque To Avenge Soldiers
TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) — A former Marine admitted Wednesday that he broke into a mosque and set fire to a prayer rug because he wanted revenge for the killings of American troops overseas.
Randy Linn pleaded guilty to hate crime charges, saying he'd become enraged after seeing images of wounded soldiers in the news.
"Every day you turn on the TV, you see Muslims trying to kill Americans," said Linn, a truck driver from Indiana
When asked by a federal judge whether he thought all Muslims are terrorists, he answered: "I'd say most of them are."
A deal between prosecutors and Linn, 52, calls for him to be sentenced to 20 years next April. He pleaded guilty to intentionally damaging and destroying religious property and two gun-related charges.
U.S. District Judge Jack Zouhary told Linn that his acts were an attack on all places of religion and that the mosque was a symbol of peace.
"You are no better than the terrorists or extremists you sought to punish," Zouhary said.
Prosecutors said Linn drove about two hours from his home to suburban Toledo on Sept. 30 and broke into the mosque where he poured gasoline on the rug and lit it on fire.
He estimated that he had drunk 45 beers over several hours before he decided to drive to Ohio.
Linn had several firearms in his car and carried a gun into the mosque, which was empty at the time.
U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach said it was fortunate no one was there. "This is a man who had intolerance in his heart and acted with hate," he said. "We can count ourselves lucky."
Linn said he went room by room to make sure no one was in the building. "I was drinking a beer while I was doing that," he said.
A sprinkler system extinguished the blaze, leaving smoke and water damage in the prayer room of the facility, whose golden dome is a landmark along Interstate 75. No one was hurt.
Members of the Islamic center have been unable to use the building and expect repairs to be finished by the end of March.
Dr. Mahjabeen Islam, president of the Islamic Center, said its members been overwhelmed by support from the community and churches. But she was saddened by Linn's statements in court.
"It was heart-wrenching to hear him speak because the ignorance and intolerance is still palpable," she said. "This is an individual who knows nothing about Islam."
A woman who knows Linn had identified him in publicized surveillance images and contacted authorities, according to a court affidavit.
The woman told law enforcement officers that Linn had made comments complaining about the deaths of U.S. military members in the Middle East, recent attacks on U.S. embassies and Muslims' angry reactions to an anti-Islam video posted online.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Ava Dustin said Linn told his son two weeks before the fire that he wanted to burn down the mosque.
Linn said he started to have second thoughts when he drove home. "Coming back, I thought, 'What in the heck did I do?'"
"I feel bad I did it," he said. "It's a little too late now."
It is a local news - One man's hate can't be discussed here. Mods should close this thread.
He has own reasons.

I will praise US for its support for freedom of religion in US its support for Mosques there.

an act of an individual is NOT to be blamed on US.
Well good for him, he's just being a patriotic American.
It is sad to note that Ignorance and Religious Bigotry is still prevalent in twenty first century USA.
"Every day you turn on the TV, you see Muslims trying to kill Americans," said Linn, a truck driver from Indiana
When asked by a federal judge whether he thought all Muslims are terrorists, he answered: "I'd say most of them are."
A deal between prosecutors and Linn, 52, calls for him to be sentenced to 20 years next April. He pleaded guilty to intentionally damaging and destroying religious property and two gun-related charges.
U.S. District Judge Jack Zouhary told Linn that his acts were an attack on all places of religion and that the mosque was a symbol of peace.
"You are no better than the terrorists or extremists you sought to punish," Zouhary said.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/americ...ned-mosque-avenge-soldiers.html#ixzz2FZtCIHiM

There are few things here we must think I infer from this post.
1. Americans don't like Muslims stand worldwide. (The way Muslims wage war on America, in the name of Islam)
2. The hate is lingering inside Americans , it may lead bad examples in future.
3. This person believe that "most of Muslims are Terrorists" (His quote) , Even if 10-15% of American think so, it will be problem for Muslims .
4. Even this American has his view, the American govt, doesn't seems to agree with him.
5. The Islamic-Govt should learn how Non-Muslims should be treated in there country.

Those who abuse USA on PDF should learn from this incident. Pakistan (Islamic Nations) must learn from America and stop hating America.

Neither court giving clear cut order when there is no implementation of honorable court orders against corrupt mafia officers of OGRA and Petroleum Minister along pump owners ultimately the citizens of Pakistan will suffer at the hands of these devils Anti Hoarding in CNG kits Cylinders Pakistani nation is given worst abuse torture in the history NO cng No electricity No roads No sanitation :hitwall:No clean water No Gas No Jobs No law and order No stability of economy No investors begging all time USA and huge corruption of leaders and Generals of armed forces Bomb Blasts target killing making the life hell for every one May ALLAH give some true leader who can reduce the burdens of this nation.Its not hard for Pakistani leaders and army to stop all terrorist activities, blasts it will take few minutes ''if they seriously really wanted to do it they can catch the culprits alive they have technology they can reach the real culprits MASTER MINDS they can disclose openly but never they do they just kill or either give them safe passage to run away either through courts or they themselves like world number 1 terrorist Raymond Davis who killed many innocent people in Pakistan and escaped safely even a house fly cant fly without Pakistan permission in their soil in any part of Pakistan, But Divide and rule policy@Proxy war Since long These constant attacks of terrorists with suicide jackets bombs rockets hand grenades Drones target killings specially in Kpk Baluchistan province and Karachi by bad name under cover agency which previously operated in Iraq black water bones and skull talibans supported by RAW,MOSSAD,CIA targeting civilians, mosques, general innocent public, and forces is a part of strategic back door deals done in the time of idiot Musharraf government,who spoiled army by pushing them in civilian departments while ppp followed same agenda of Musharraf in many things while corrupt leaders always enjoyed the dead bodies of its nation with crocodile tears, in reward of huge amount of dollars$ Pakistani currency too much devalued in international market,who given 500 homes to black water? allowed them freely to Rome with weapons inside Pakistan why?they never target vehicles and places of UN(united nations),who tried to kill Dr qadir khan? who killed zulfiqar bhutto?shah of Iran? ya sir Arafat?shah Faisal of saudi Arabia?many more.. when they decided to bring unity among st 50 Muslim countries because they got oil uranium minerals and all that things which can make them global power and they all finalized to become strong leading powers in air force, navy and armed forces when they can veto any country they will never need permission from UK USA in any thing but very bad luck for Muslims where the misery started finally they succeeded by killing key patriot transparent loyal leaders of Muslim world and collected morally over all corrupt leaders to rule and act as a slave to UK, USA ,israel, Norway and provided woman,wines,dollars,gays,hookers,to the leaders of Muslim countries so they remain stuck never grow so USA can keep its supremacy and invade free states steal capture the resources oils of Muslim world and kill them with same money collected from their precious resources and so on they are doing it in Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Iraq, libya, Afghanistan, Palestine, Iran, sham etc etc Pakistan, people of Pakistan sleeping will remain sleepy only solution is revolution 100%pure patriotic leadership,strong economy, boycotting western products and highly sophisticated technology in the all fields specially in defense,when every Pakistani citizen get educated and have 24 hours full coordination with its intelligence departments with their most loyal officers not hard to eradicate devils on their soil extreme urgent important for the survival of Pakistan.

@members - what's with the fancy fonts? Can't you guys keep it simple to make it easy for others to read it?
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I hope the man has a possibility of parole and learning about Islam/actually meeting friendly Muslims instead of just watching the news.

The man has commited a crime, but thankfully he did not do something yet that could truly never be forgiven, with ignorant hate and property damage being the worst of it.

He should serve out the full 20 year sentence if he has no remorse, but according to the article it seems like he has expressed remorse for what he did.

I personally think he should be shown that what he sees on TV is not all there is to the religion of Islam, and if judged so reformed he should be released early with community service of some sort (perhaps at the mosque) and a public apology.
I hope the man has a possibility of parole and learning about Islam/actually meeting friendly Muslims instead of just watching the news.

The man has commited a crime, but thankfully he did not do something yet that could truly never be forgiven, with ignorant hate and property damage being the worst of it.

He should serve out the full 20 year sentence if he has no remorse, but according to the article it seems like he has expressed remorse for what he did.

I personally think he should be shown that what he sees on TV is not all there is to the religion of Islam, and if judged so reformed he should be released early with community service of some sort (perhaps at the mosque) and a public apology.

20 years punishment is too much!! I think he should be given a sentence of a few weeks of community service and that will be suffice!!
WoW. What a logic ?

The sentence is right for such high level of idiocy, not because of his act. Such idiots can infect and create many idiots.

There are few things here we must think I infer from this post.
1. Americans don't like Muslims stand worldwide. (The way Muslims wage war on America, in the name of Islam)
2. The hate is lingering inside Americans , it may lead bad examples in future.
3. This person believe that "most of Muslims are Terrorists" (His quote) , Even if 10-15% of American think so, it will be problem for Muslims .
4. Even this American has his view, the American govt, doesn't seems to agree with him.
5. The Islamic-Govt should learn how Non-Muslims should be treated in there country.
Those who abuse USA on PDF should learn from this incident. Pakistan (Islamic Nations) must learn from America and stop hating America.
Having an opinion and acting on it are two different things. I can have an opinion but if I do unlawful act which can create violence and death of innocents, then I am at fault.

People here at PDF hate US but they don't go around attacking US soldiers. If they do attack them, then what's the difference between these terrorists who attack a country because of pure hate and these people.

Why these people hate US, because of collateral damage which includes death of innocents. Same way the people like you and me hate terrorists because thy target innocent people.

I agree that people shouldn't hate US but its the act of US according to its national interest which makes them hate US. Many people here hate India but because of acts of few misguided people who targets Muslims.

Don't Indian hate Pakistan because they don't agree with their policy ? Same is in case of Pakistanis and they hate India.

Understand the dynamics of hate propagation in a society and the susceptible ones who easily get influenced and become hostile against any community or nation.
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