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US lets down the Indian quislings

Nov 9, 2011
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US lets down the Indian quislings

Why is it that the Pakistanis have got such spunk that our Indian lords lack? Within a day of the United States secretary of state Hillary Clinton threatening it might be “destructive” for Pakistan to go ahead with a gas pipeline project with Iran, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar shot back that it is not Uncle Sam’s business which country Pakistan cooperates with or how it defines its national interests.

What stunned me is that in the same breath Clinton also commended the Manmohan Singh government for “making steps that are heading in the right direction.” Clinton told the US Congressmen not to take seriously the public utterances of Indian officials regarding friendly relations with Iran or Delhi’s grit to keep up the oil imports from Tehran. She revealed, in essence, that Uncle Sam did some tough talking and Manmohan Singh government panicked.

Clinton’s statement means only this: Manmohan Singh government has taken ordinary Indians — you and me — for a ride by secretly complying with the US sancions against Iran while professing publicly that India will only heed the UN sanctions. I have no reason to doubt Clinton, because the US Administration takes the Congressional hearings bloody seriously.

Therefore, equally, I am inclined to believe the latest revelation by the Pentagon about the government’s security policies. The Pentagon has revealed that the US Special Forces are stationed on Indian soil with regard to improving India’s “counter-terrorism capabilities and in particular on the maritime domain” and assisting India’s security agencies in terms of “internal counter-terror and counter-insurgency challenges.”

Again, the statement was made during a US Congressional hearing and there is no reason to doubt its veracity. A Congress-led government on Raisina Hill accepted US military personnel’s presence on Indian soil to safeguard the country’s security!

And this is for protection from those Martians from Lashkar-e-Toiba! Hahaha! Next time I see our security czars expansively chatting up on TV about busting the LeT guy roaming around in Delhi, I will know how come they’re so cocky! It’s Amrika, man.

One would have thought all those scores of scams are bad enough for a lifetime. On top of it comes the revelation that the Manmohan Singh government is also duplicitous in its foreign and security policies. Imagine, inviting in foreign powers to secure the country! Mahatma Gandhi fought to get rid of blood-suckers.

Ironically, the Indian quislings are being let down by their American masters. This is of a piece with India’s tragic history. It’s time our quislings read up on Mir Qasim and the East India Company.

M K Bhadrakumar

US lets down the Indian quislings - Indian Punchline
We all need to develop a spine and stare down US pressure if we want to retain our Sovereignty.
good to see the title is changed by my chimese friend. why you chinese are so frustrated dear?
good to see the title is changed by my chimese friend. why you chinese are so frustrated dear?

Don't put us in the same boat this happy sacky has been reporting me all day n night. I just wanted to post my video LOL
tht shows who is the slave of US, US is running indian economy how can india deny their orders.... just for a propoganda world sees Pakistan receivinng more but in comparison to wht we are giving them its nothing, but india gain more in terms of trade and indian investment afterall US need a pupet in asia to control china & india is the best bet.
I don't think indians will worry too much. After all INDIA is America's new strategic all weather
friend to counter boogieman china.
US must leave our region thats only way of peace here .remember history US feet on anywhere on earth bring bloodshed wars problems only korea veitnam combodia indonesia EU middle east and now south asia :angry:
tht shows who is the slave of US, US is running indian economy how can india deny their orders.... just for a propoganda world sees Pakistan receivinng more but in comparison to wht we are giving them its nothing, but india gain more in terms of trade and indian investment afterall US need a pupet in asia to control china & india is the best bet.
Reality is always the opposite of what USA propaganda portrays it to be. The so-called "biggest democracy" india is a human rights dirty pit with communal violence, human sacrifice, prejudice, forced labor, malnutrition..... and it's secretly backstabbing Iran even while publicly pretending to be Iran's friend. LOL india even acted "nice" to Iran by not naming Iran directly in the bomb attack. Secretly, they are helping Israel and USA because india is Islam's natural enemy too.

USA miscalculated with 11/26 when they thought it would cow Pakistan. Instead, Pakistan closed the land border. If Pakistan wanted to be even tougher in reaction to USA threats on Iran oil pipeline, you could even close the air corridor!
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