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US-led soldier killed in southern Afghanistan


Apr 28, 2011
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US-led soldiers in Afgahnistan (file photo)

Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:15PM
LAST Update

A foreign soldier serving with the US-led forces has been killed in a bomb explosion in the troubled southern Afghanistan, Western military alliance says.

The US-led military coalition said in a statement that the soldier was killed in an improvised explosive device (IED) attack in the country's volatile south on Sunday.

In line with the NATO policy, the statement did not disclose the soldiers' nationality, nor did it provide further details on the exact whereabouts of the incident.

This comes while most of the troops stationed in the volatile region are Britons and Americans.

US-led troops and Afghan forces are falling prey to Taliban attacks on an almost daily basis.

At least 147 foreign soldiers-- most of them American, have been killed in the war-ravaged country so far this year.

However, 2010 remains the deadliest year for foreign military casualties with a death toll of 711.

According to the latest figures released by the websiteicasualties.org, 3,396 foreign soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since the US-led war began more than eleven years ago.

The increasing number of military casualties in Afghanistan has caused widespread anger in the US and other NATO member states, undermining public support for the Afghan war.

The US and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but the country is still gripped by insecurity.

PressTV - US-led soldier killed in southern Afghanistan

US-led soldiers in Afgahnistan (file photo)

Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:15PM
LAST Update

A foreign soldier serving with the US-led forces has been killed in a bomb explosion in the troubled southern Afghanistan, Western military alliance says.

The US-led military coalition said in a statement that the soldier was killed in an improvised explosive device (IED) attack in the country's volatile south on Sunday.

In line with the NATO policy, the statement did not disclose the soldiers' nationality, nor did it provide further details on the exact whereabouts of the incident.

This comes while most of the troops stationed in the volatile region are Britons and Americans.

US-led troops and Afghan forces are falling prey to Taliban attacks on an almost daily basis.

At least 147 foreign soldiers-- most of them American, have been killed in the war-ravaged country so far this year.

However, 2010 remains the deadliest year for foreign military casualties with a death toll of 711.

According to the latest figures released by the websiteicasualties.org, 3,396 foreign soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since the US-led war began more than eleven years ago.

The increasing number of military casualties in Afghanistan has caused widespread anger in the US and other NATO member states, undermining public support for the Afghan war.

The US and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror. The offensive removed the Taliban from power, but the country is still gripped by insecurity.

PressTV - US-led soldier killed in southern Afghanistan
May none of the invading forces leave Afghanistan alive.
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