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US-Japan Wargames Amid China 'Zone' Standoff

I am so glad you posted the debt clock.

What I suspect is that Chinese are being pulled into a game not too different from what happened in WW1 and WW2.

In both these wars,

Any money owed to defeated countries was brought down to zero
And the defeated countries remained in debt for a long time to come.

At this moment, a lot developed countries owe trillions to China.

If there is a war (god forbid),

China cannot win against a group of all the developed countries.

If China cannot win

The end result of that war will be:

1. China banks will loose all their dollar and Euros and gold to the developed countries
2. China will end up under financial retributions for 40 years

Sometimes it is good to pay attention to the history of Japan, Germany and heck even opium wars of China.


I simply don't understand why Chinese don't get it. Even if there is no war and if USA asserts that it does not owe a penny to China, what can China do in return?

They will rob China in a more bizarre way than how they robbed China during the Opium Wars!

China should instead spend all the money building ultimate weapon systems like DARPA's HAARP. How can the Chinese forget their own bloody past and trust the Europeans who killed millions of innocent Chinese, I don't understand!

That's why China is buying a lot of gold and invests in physical projects around the world to diversify her problem of having too much money.

Why we aren't so lucky!

That's why China is buying a lot of gold and invests in physical projects around the world to diversify her problem of having too much money.

Why we [Americans? based on your flags] aren't so lucky!

Sorry to branch off this thread!

American left has killed off its steel industry and manufacturing base.

I saw how labor unions have robbed American industries in the name of labor benefits.

But once the industries closed, the same labor is being forced to work $10 per hour in walmart selling China made goods. The same China where unions have no influence on setting labor rates! Strange isn't it.

Wasn't it better if the same labor was working in American auto /steel for $10-$15 manufacturing jobs instead of walmart and Mcdonalds?

If today American politicians wisen up and pass a law abolishing Unions, the labor rates will come down and America will be the manufacturing power house again, thus reducing the threat from other countries like China (because China will not have all that gold to fun its weapons).

On topic!

I hope there is no war between China and Japan.

Wars are terrible. terrible terrible.
China does not threaten the US and is not the reason for America's problems. Those greedy 1 percenters, with the supports of the insidious and hungry politicians, are the ones that put America to where she's today.
Nor did China threaten USA before the Opium Wars. Still they came together and invaded China and the war started.

A wolf will attack you, does not matter if you pose threat to it. Wolves attack and that is the reality.
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