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US intelligence chiefs warn of direct conflict between India, Pakistan: Report

Oh wow I see indians bragging about their relation with USA and you calling them the ill wisher .

If all indians think like u then I have no problem with india , unfortunately there are rare indians who think like u .

Majority of Indians are like me .But they are not in PDF.
Americans loves money .Their greed for power destroyed your nation.
We know how to handle them.
We wont trust the US .
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Oh wow I see indians bragging about their relation with USA and you calling them the ill wisher .

If all indians think like u then I have no problem with india , unfortunately there are rare indians who think like u .

Most Indians think like that. We understand that world is full of people with needs and agendas. So we set our own too. Its business as usual. Point is to get out of the 'business' once 'business' is complete. Most Indians do not want to deal with nutjobs on your western front. You think, we want the IA to deal with them? If the LoC is not active, like it wasn't during Musharraf, you will not find any nonsense happening here. But post Kayani, there has been a sea change in the way the PA wants to deal with it. Actually it started with Raheel Sharif. Before that LoC was quiet. Now, that same chap is going to head an Arab Nato against Iran. Seriously, Indians need not do anything for Pakistanis to get themselves into trouble.
@Horus @WebMaster Just saw one of your tweets being displayed in times now debate.....

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Oh Chill Mam.
I am also an Indian .And I dont hate common Pakistanis .Why should I hate them ?
People in border areas may have reasons for their hate due to Partition.But we dont have such emotions
We can understand the difference between elites of Pakistan having vested interests and common Pakistanis that tries to meets their ends.
I think you have faced some bad experience from internet trolls from India .
Bad people can be find in every society but not all of them are like that .

Check all Indian defence forums and you will know how much hate for Pakistan and low mind set Indians have
. . . .
From what i remember the so called predictions were first quoted by our famous Red Topi who mysteriously obtained some long hidden poetry of NiamatUllah. I wouldnt bet my life on those baseless fantasies he created. I consider Red Topi a Patriot but also he is borderline lunatic.
Yes a patriot but foolish.
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