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US identifies China as security threat, seeks India partnership

Can you elaborate ?

Why US is doing huge investment in china if they consider China as threat ?

I think us shld ask chinese that question ,why are they allowing US to invest in thier country????

US investment in china is like whambam thank you mam,,,,, if you know what i mean:azn:
I think you are comparing US-Pak relationship to US-India relationship..
Think carefully..How much India is/has gained and how much Pakistan is/has lost.

Perhaps there is nothing wrong in seeking a little help from the U.S.A. vis-a-vis china is concerned, but india should be cautious in its approach towards the U.S.A. because whatever U.S. touches turns into sh!t (our neighbors are an example)!!

India should look for its interest first before jumping into the U.S. camp.

U.S.A. is a very shrewd country, it only cares for itself and nothing else. There could be a great loss in jumping into the U.S. camp as there is a famous saying in Pentagon, "There is nothing like a free lunch". We might lose more than we might gain out of this approach.

What you say is theoretically correct.
However history stands witness to something completely opposite.

India's relationship is just starting with USA, it's the honey moon period shall we say ?

NEVER EVER underestimate the power to WHITE capitalist who could offer a green card.
Can you elaborate ?

Why US is doing huge investment in china if they consider China as threat ?

Chinese are having $60 Billion trade with India that would be increased to $100 Billion by 2015. Apart from this they hare already finalized to invest $40 Billion in India and more Chinese investment is coming in near future to India. Plus their companies are entering in India to have a their share in the pie of $1 Trillion infrastructure projects between 2012-2017.

But you yourself know the ground reality now.
similarly chinese indian trade is more than 50 billion dollars...does it make us friends??;)
even you watch our movies,does it make us friends??

You watch and hire our artists/singers as well but i think music, entertainment industry and sports stay away from politics...

What i am saying that USA is looking for opportunities to use countries for their personal interests. They don't have permanent allies or enemies and they can leave their allies in the middle if their interests get achieve. They can seek your partnership while giving F15 to Pakistan and investing in china to boast their economy and then moaning that Chinese economy and influenced is becoming danger for US lol
You watch and hire our artists/singers as well but i think music, entertainment industry and sports stay away from politics...

What i am saying that USA is looking for opportunities to use countries for their personal interests. They don't have permanent allies or enemies and they can leave their allies in the middle if their interests get achieve. They can seek your partnership while giving F15 to Pakistan and investing in china to boast their economy and then moaning that Chinese economy and influenced is becoming danger for US lol

as per wikileaks,india will shout against american weapons like f-16's to pakistan but on back channel,it has been told that f-16 given are no threat to india:)

and chinese are doing business with every country even with india.
and i think strategic moves should be seen differently
Translation: Don't cut our budget. Look, there's big bad China!
US just found a new disposable shoulder! US has no more money to finance its wars and now it will show India the illusion of democracy and economic growth to outsource its dirty energy war. Indian, being a hegemonic daemon of Asia will blindly follow suit..where as China, Russia, Pakistan and CIS will make a counter balance block of SCO. Return of the cold war. Same game different teams!

Generals thinking its a board game, the illusion of granduer, an irrelevant country's pursuit of quick fixes and greatness, an abused and used population being sold dreams of past glory.

The same game, the same results. BTW congratulations on winning the afghan war in the 1980s, I'm sure the next superpower will do your dirty work for you, thats how politics works. LOL.
Indians are very easy people, US try to use them as much as they want to save their economy. No doubt, Indians will obey to respect US laws and orders in order to counter China.

After China, US will dump India to the sea. :agree:

Thats all your brain can say !! Thats all the intellect you have...... INdia will obey and US will dump India in sea....??? Who used Pak.. who entered you country for OBL , who killed your soldiers ...wht are u saying... Stop the troll....
China is a threat because China is a growing Superpower. It's pretty much as simple as that.

Being #1, you're always most worried about #2.

Nothing really crazy about this announcement.
The bigger you are, the harder you fall. In that case, India and US. ;)
Pakistan is in such a spot globally which benefits political relations between the Middle East, South Asia, Asia, and China that it is always involved in every thing neighboring countries do.
US is not capable of good intention. US and UK would like to reconquer the whole world if they could. India was conquered and ruled for hundreds of years. China was bullied and bitten. China is now twice shy. India should heed the lessons of history. We should act wise to reap maximum benefit out of this relationship between india and the U.S.A.

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