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US Hypocisy on Dr. Shakil Afridi's Sentence

Here's a NY Times blog on lomg term damage caused by CIA's fake vaccination scheme:

Meanwhile, the far more lasting fallout of Afridi’s activities on health campaigns in Pakistan is going unnoticed. Afridi really is a doctor, but rather than dispense vaccinations against hepatitis B, as he was claiming, he was taking DNA samples in the hope of locating Bin Laden. Yet the diplomatic hullabaloo is drowning out any discussion of his severe breach of medical ethics and the adverse impact his actions will have on vaccination programs, particularly polio eradication drives, in Pakistan.

Many Pakistanis, especially those in the tribal areas and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province, have long been suspicious of polio vaccinations. They fear that these are a ploy to sterilize Muslims even though they are carried out by government health workers and local NGOs (albeit with international funding). Rumors along these lines, coupled with inadequate health care and persistent insecurity, mean that up to 200,000 children in Pakistan have already missed their polio vaccinations in the past two years. Some 198 cases of polio were reported in Pakistan in 2011, the highest number for any country in the world and up from 144 cases in 2010. This year, 16 cases have already been reported, primarily from the tribal areas.

For years, health workers have tried to prove that various misgivings about vaccination drives are groundless. But the Afridi affair will only confirm Pakistanis’ worst fears, namely that these campaigns are a cover used by the U.S. government to take advantage of the local population, and it will significantly damage the credibility of similar health initiatives.

In 2009, I met residents of the tribal areas fleeing military operations in their villages for refugee camps near Peshawar. At every opportunity, women asked me whether the vaccinations on offer were safe or if they were “American weapons.” I can only imagine how much worse their perceptions of vaccinations are after hearing about Afridi’s phony program.

If the Pakistani authorities had to convict Afridi for anything, it should have been for breaching the Hippocratic Oath. That they didn’t is yet more proof of just how low health features on Pakistan’s list of national priorities, especially compared with security.

Pakistani Doctor's Work for the CIA Undermines Vaccinations Campaigns Everywhere - NYTimes.com
They are not doing this out of their love for that mole. they are sneding a message to other potential moles that US takes care of them and that they should keep selling their mother land for a few ****** dollars.
Then Why just Dr Shakil Afridi.
ISI, MI and men in uniform are doing the same things or even much bigger things for USA since last 20 years.

Dr. Afridi only provided confirmation to US regarding OBL presence by DNA matching. Where as our army and intelligence agencies are providing the same facilities to US, they are capturing Pakistanis and other foreigners and handing them over to US and making money. (just read the Musharaf's book; how proudly he explains all this)

Why prison, why provide food and bed to a deserter for 33 years from our tax money? why not just execute him Saudi style after Friday prayers outside his hometown mosque/ or preferably an Abbotabad mosque where he committed the crime.

And what about those who arrested the following and handed them to US:
- Yousuf Ramzi
- Aimal Kansi
- Khalid Sheikh Muhammad
- Ramzi bin Sheeba
- Dr. Affia Siddiqui
- Mullah Abdul Salam (former Afghan ambassador)
etc etc etc.

This whole war on terror has been very profitable business for PA, ISI and MI. Main crime of Dr. Afridi is the head money on OBL. Dr. Afridi snatched away the most valuable head money our greed intelligence officers were looking at.
I know he is a traitor but part of me still says that he will be allowed to go secretly for some cheap deal that will benefit some individual and be extremely detrimental for the country. Just Hussain Haqqani, another traitor was let go.
I think some of our honourable members are mixing different topics on this board. As far as I understand, this thread was intended towards Dr Afridi/ CIA’s doings in harming the already fragile trust of tribal area’s people towards health workers of all kind of NGOs as well as of government sector and their vaccination campaigns against polio and other diseases.

First someone stated that the penalizing of Dr Afridi is being done on account of helping US for killing UBL (already feeling ashamed). I for one don’t hold him accountable on that part at all. My reason is simple, call me naive or anything, but I really don’t believe UBL was alive anyway after the prolonged kidney disease he was suffering from, where he required frequent treatment in a hospital while all the world agencies were after him. It just don’t add up. Sprinkle on top a suspicious way of dealing with the “dead body” and u have an ideal US credibility issue at hand.

Some members also pointed out that he would be handed over to US just like other Alqaida leaders or more like our beloved Rymond Davis. I agree with the opinion that some of them were Pakistani nationals and though its not known if any such agreement was in place to hand them over to US under terrorism head, they still should have been tried in Pakistan if possible for alleged terrorist activities outside Pakistan. More able members are invited to guide us all, but for the limited knowledge I have of legal system of the world if one commits a crime than preferably he is to be prosecuted for that crime in the court of the land in which the crime has been committed, hence the handing over to US. As far as the case of RD is concerned, play it as you want to play, but he was handed back to US after completion of legal regularities of the law of the land. If you now have some grievances against the law of the land than I really don’t have any answer.

However case of Dr Afridi is different from them all. He is a Pakistani national who has carried out his activities within Pakistan. Against Pakistan or not... can be debated ( Although I go for “against Pakistan” for he is convicted of his crimes in judicial system of his area)
Israeli foreign minister cites US precedent for refusing Turkey apology, according to Jerusalem Post:

f the US adamantly refuses to apologize to Pakistan for the accidental killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers last November, Israel certainly need not say sorry to Turkey for the Mavi Marmara deaths, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said Monday.
“The Pakistanis asked the US to apologize, and the Americans said ‘no way,’” Liberman said in reference to the November incident where US forces accidentally fired on two Pakistani border posts.

The US has since expressed regret for the incident, something Israel has also said it was willing to do regarding the killing of nine Turks on the May 2010 flotilla that aimed to break the blockade of Gaza.

“So when they come to us and pressure us to apologize over the Marmara, because of this or that constraint, sometimes even to best friends you must say ‘no.’ Otherwise, no one will respect you,” Liberman declared.

Liberman said the commandos who boarded the Mavi Marmara and clashed with those on the ship were clearly exercising their rights of self defense. The Turkish pressure on Israel to apologize now is to “deter us from using the legitimate right for self defense,” he said....
Michele Flournoy, who served as the third top official in the Pentagon before stepping down earlier this year, said last week at an Institute for National Security Studies conference in Tel Aviv that it was very important for “Israel to repair its relationship with Turkey.”

Flournoy, who played a key role in shaping US President Barack Obama’s national security policy, hinted that Israel should apologize, saying Turkey was one of the strongest and most influential voices in the region, remained a close and valued NATO ally for the United States, and shared “our interest in preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear weapon state.”

While acknowledging that “she understands that past events have made concrete steps towards reconciliation quite difficult,” Flournoy said “if there is ever a time for Israel to rise above past differences and recriminations with Turkey, now is that time.

“Israel must act more strategically, and I think there is tremendous opportunity to rebuild its partnership with Turkey and with other partners where it can. This is really important at a time of such [regional] uncertainty.”

The Wall Street Journal reported in May that during discussions last December in Washington over whether it should apologize to the Pakistanis, Flournoy suggested language whereby the US would apologize for the “unintentional and tragic” deaths, but would not accept full responsibility. According to the paper, she argued that the “US risked the issue festering.”

No US apology has yet been forthcoming, and The Wall Street Journal quoted a senior administration official as wondering how Washington could apologize to a country that was providing, at least through some parts of its government, tacit support to those attacking US troops.

“This isn’t about politics,” the official is quoted as saying. “This is about the message that would send to our troops and that is what no one in the military or the White House could countenance.”

FM cites US precedent for refusin... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics
Shakil Afridi denied asylum in US: media

WASHINGTON: The jailed doctor who helped the US track down Osama bin Laden has been denied asylum in United States, the American media claimed.

Portions of the voluminous 357-page Abbottobad Commission Report, which has yet to be made public and were obtained by Fox News, acknowledge Dr. Shakil Afridi's conviction last year by a Jirga has undermined Pakistan's credibility. The report calls for Afridi to be given a new trial.

Fox News said that the report also acknowledged that Dr Shakeel Afridi was convicted by a tribal court on bogus charges.

The report claims Afridi joined the CIA search for Bin Laden five years ago, while he was staying in the US with a cousin.

The State Department declined to comment on the report's claims that Afridi had applied for asylum while staying in the US.

Shakil Afridi denied asylum in US: media - thenews.com.pk
Shakil Afridi denied asylum in US

WASHINGTON - The jailed doctor who helped the US track down Osama bin Laden was denied asylum in United States.

Portions of the voluminous 357-page Abbottobad Commission Report, which has yet to be made public , said that Dr Shakil Afridi's conviction last year by a jirga undermined Pakistan's credibility. The report called for Afridi to be given a new trial.

The report also acknowledged that Dr Shakil Afridi was convicted by a tribal court on bogus charges.

The report claimed Afridi joined the CIA search for Bin Laden five years ago, while he was staying in the US with a cousin.

The State Department declined to comment on the report's claims that Afridi had applied for asylum while staying in the US. - See more at: Shakil Afridi denied asylum in US | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia
afridi shud b hanged to death...traitor....:sniper:


NAHEEEEEEEEEEE mainay kyaa kiaa hey :S
BTW, it was remarkable, the alacrity shown by Pakistan to capture this guy who helped capture Osama.

Quite a study in contrast. ;)
The US Congress and the Obama administration are incensed by the 33-year prison term handed to Dr. Shakil Afridi accused by Pakistan of spying for the CIA. In its usual response, the lawmakers in Washington have voted to cut aid to Pakistan for the umpteenth time and some in Congress are proposing to honor Afridi as a hero for his help in killing Osama bin Laden. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has also chimed in and demanded Afridi's immediate release.

As Washington rises to defend Dr. Afridi, no mention is being made of the potential damage his actions have inflicted on Pakistan's most vulnerable children. The CIA-inspired fake vaccination scheme in Abbottabad to collect bin Laden family's DNA samples has reinforced the fears and doubts in the minds of the parents of the children who really need to be vaccinated. It has also raised suspicions against charities such as Save the Children Fund with which Dr. Afridi claimed affiliation. This misguided effort by Afridi and the CIA has put at risk the heath and well-being of millions of young lives in Pakistan and other developing nations where polio and other similar diseases still persist. Here's how a piece by Maryn McKenna published in Wired magazine describes the outrage:

"I felt, and still feel, that the maneuver — which was belatedly acknowledged by the CIA — was a cynical attempt to hijack the credibility that public health workers have built up over decades with local populations. I especially felt it endangered the status of the fraught polio-eradication campaign, which over the past decade has been challenged in majority-Muslim areas in Africa and South Asia over beliefs that polio vaccination is actually a covert campaign to harm Muslim children — an accusation that seems fantastic, but begins to make sense when you realize some of those areas have perfectly good reasons to distrust vaccination campaigns."

Even without the outrageous scheme by Afridi conducted in collusion with the CIA, the US demands are still hypocritical if one looks at the prison sentences handed out by US courts to Israeli Mossad agent Jonathan Pollard and Pakistani ISI agent Ghulam Nani Fai in the United States. Both are US citizens.

Some argue that Pakistan should bear the responsibility for CIA's actions because of the country's failure to find bin Laden. While I agree that Pakistan failed badly in capturing bin Laden, there is no evidence to support the assertion that Pakistani government was deliberately hiding bin Laden.

As to the failure to find a most wanted fugitive, one must not forget that it took the FBI 16 years to find crime boss Whitey Bulger. On December 23, 1994, after being tipped off by his former FBI handler about a pending indictment under the RICO Act, Bulger fled Boston and went into hiding. For sixteen years, he remained at large in the United States. For twelve of those years, Bulger was prominently listed on the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. On June 22, 2011, Bulger was arrested outside an apartment in Santa Monica, California.

Shuja Nawaz, a scholar with the Atlantic Council in Washington, put it well when he told Voice of America that Pakistanis "see it as the subversion of a Pakistani citizen and his willing participation in an act that was to support the United States intelligence operations inside Pakistan."

Who is directly or indirectly responsible for the killings of 40 thousand plus Pakistanis during the last decade? ****** bin laden or America? Even though I'm against the imperialist, these self declared champions of Islam are its biggest enemies. Dr Shakil Afridi is a hero to every anti mulla mafia Patriotic Pakistani. I salute his courage. Pakistan government should reward him with the highest civilian medal for his great services in finding this cave rat. Dr shakil Afridi zindabad, Pakistan Zindabad, Anti Pakistani mullas murdabad.
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