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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

That will be good if USA ban all Muslim countries as our cream goes to USA only to make burgers at McDonalds.
All those capable minds will do good at home.
says fukin who?

We are not getting any F-16 this is believeable, but blanket visa ban is not going to happen.

They risk closure of US embassy in Pakistan, where CIA is running long term game.

Trump is all about localization..they dont give sh1t about any foreign game and Trump will leave Afghanistan to the dogs if he has to..
If they decide to ban a non-NATO ally like Pakistan, then the future of American foreign policy will be in shambles.

Pakistan is an important strategic partner, and if the US puts a ban on us then it will destroy whatever relations the Americans have and push us further out of their sphere of influence which is bad news for the American defence industry, Republicans, and diplomats in Pakistan. Furthermore it would put a massive question mark over Americas exit strategy in Afghanistan.
That would be Great

Just like Imran Khan said many Docs and Engineers would come back to Pakistan it'll help make Pakistan a Better place..

We would also ban Americans on our soil...

do it ASAP
I hope sooner than later.
Too much expectation..Even if US ban (I wish they do it) nothing will happen with current apparatus we have after RS..Remeber how many visas Rehman malik issued without security clearance and now nobody knows those people.
That would be Great

Just like Imran Khan said many Docs and Engineers would come back to Pakistan it'll help make Pakistan a Better place..

We would also ban Americans on our soil...

do it ASAP
Nope, they will move to Canada or Australia or Germany. Very easy Visa norms there. Many in my family also hold PR to both Canada and Australia, without ever living there permanently.
That would be Great

Just like Imran Khan said many Docs and Engineers would come back to Pakistan it'll help make Pakistan a Better place..

We would also ban Americans on our soil...

do it ASAP

No body would come back to Pakistan this is a fools dream...ever compared what kind of living standard Pakistan would offer to them? First glass of water in Pakistan would give them life threatening diarrhea...and also does Pakistani state has money to finance scientific R/D ? No ....all that money is sitting offshore...
No body would come back to Pakistan this is a fools dream...ever compared what kind of living standard Pakistan would offer to them? First glass of water in Pakistan would give them life threatening diarrhea...and also does Pakistani state has money to finance scientific R/D ? No ....all that money is sitting offshore...
Will you ever come back to Pakistan ?:p:
Nope, they will move to Canada or Australia or Germany. Very easy Visa norms there.

Exactly..coming to Pakistan would be last choice for someone even being forcibly deported..I happen to know a few..they find their way to UAE and Oman instead of living in Pakistan...

Will you ever come back to Pakistan ?:p:

No...i dont plan to...I do come occasionally...but cannot survive for long.
No doubt , no international player want to come in Pakistan but terrorism & extremism is decreasing. I don't think trump will add Pakistan in the list, if they ban Pakistan then this is just temporary so that no extremist escape in U.S.A
Pakistan terrorism problem is due to its own failures...the government used terrorism like an industry..its time to own up responsibility...Pakistani and Pakistani origin citizens in US motivated by Jihad is not an amusement..Hope Pakistan realize it is taking the sewer of Arabs on its head..

Pakistan is not serious in war on terror either with Mushraf and Kayani both using it as an opportunity to enrich themselves..Instead Pakistan is exerting double efforts with a useless operation Zarb E Azb which is becoming a drain on national treasury...we had eight terrorist attack during the month of Jan 2017 while Gen Raheel Sharif sits at WEF and lies through his teeth..the nation has been given the lollypop of Kul Bhushan for the army to wash its hands..
@Oscar @waz @Horus @WebMaster
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