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US hikes Pakistan aid by 40%

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@Talon No new dams is the planning fault of our government, but both Tarbela and Mangla powerhouses were recently upgraded by US money. Similarly, there a lots of projects and financial aid that goes to supporting the existing structures, credit for which is claimed by our politicians, for example the Benazir Income Support Program. I am sure there is embezzlement too, but all of that is anecdotally claimed, with nothing proved.
@Secur, please read this. Were you not telling me that the aid is only for paying the bills of military?
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@Argus Panoptes too think that getting billions in US$ Pakistan kitni tarki kerlay ta...but soo far it seems the rich are getting richer and poor getting poorer...I am not sure how else to see it...

PLUS the unnecessary drone attacks on their own with half the country hiding it under the rug and the other half fighting it with plain rocks.....a drone killing a civilian is not questioned but when 1 is shot down a million medias would question...
@Talon You are correct that the socioeconomic inequality is growing, but that is more due to our own internal issues and not attributable to foreign aid. For example, out tax policies favor the rich and penalize the poor every day. High inflation as a result of our own poor economic policies is another big factor. Lack of funding for social sectors such as health and education further deprives the poor.

The drone attacks are highly unfortunate, but they were made possible by collusion with our leaders, and soon will end once the Americans leave next year.
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LOL typical frustrated Pakistani now starting with poverty, toilets,rapes since he is cornered and nothing to defend.

You are officially a LOSER now on a trolling spreeeee :rofl:

cornered where lol?
these facts you can never prove wrong, india is hell on earth for its people.
a country starving to death it self shouldn't be telling pakistan about anything.
@Talon You are correct that the socioeconomic inequality is growing, but that is more due to our own internal issues and not attributable to foreign aid. For example, out tax policies favor the rich and penalize the poor every day. High inflation as a result of our own poor economic policies is another big factor. Lack of funding for social sectors such as health and education further deprives the poor.

The drone attacks are highly unfortunate, but they were made possible by collusion with our leaders, and soon will end once the Americans leave next year.
@Argus Panoptes the same next year when they talk about leaving Afghanistan or Iraq?
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cowards are friends with cowards.
im bout to prove that israelis are cowards.
im guna write it in bold letters for you:)

during the 1st gulf war sadam hussein fired missiles into israel, unfortunately the missiles only did a little damage killing 2 israelis, but thank god these guys are cowards, the blasts caused 80 heart attacks lol

Make up more stories and try harder. :lol:

btw you seems to be talking so much of "coward" so can you tell me which country surrendered 1/3 of its army or almost 100,000 to mere 25,000 Army? :undecided::azn:

This is OFFICIALLY known as cowards. :pakistan:

You cant guess or dont wanna say? Ok come back to the topic ie US giving aids to Pakistan.
@Talon Yes, but this time they have run out of money due to the sequestration cuts.
@Argus Panoptes they seemed to have enough money to "aid" Pakistan...am sure they are dropping their war in Pakistan's lap...they know they have destroyed enough...and have not gotten much in return....Maybe they found some resources in Afghan and want to give "aid" in return to stay and extract those resources ...would be cheaper to get Pakistan to do all the work...
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On topic- I don't think, it's good for Pakistan still depend on US AID. U depended on US AID since after independence and never tried to depend on ourself. U politicians should learn from mistakes... when u got AID than u happy and all going well but they hold than................ So, I want to say, apne pairo me khadaa hona better hota na ki kisi aur ka sahara lekar..... jab jab sahara nahi milega to girna hi hai.....

Pakistan major some problems :-

1. Education
2. Need to better market environment for foreign investors and company's.
3. Energy Crisis: should work for that
4.Terrorism :- should stop otherwise they will never got anything.
5.Corruption and Political Instability :- major problem form country developments.
6. Economy Crisis: need better market n other things

If u improve all things and others important things than u don;t need to go US and want AID from them.
@Argus Panoptes they seemed to have enough money to "aid" Pakistan...am sure they are dropping their war in Pakistan's lap...they know they have destroyed enough...and have not gotten much in return....Maybe they found some resources in Afghan and want to give "aid" in return to stay and extract those resources ...would be cheaper to get Pakistan to do all the work...

@Talon I honestly don't know whether they have found resources or not, and how Pakistan can do their work in extracting them. If anything, China is better placed to exploit Afghanistan's mineral wealth than anybody else.
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@Talon I honestly don't know whether they have found resources or not, and how Pakistan can do their work in extracting them. If anything, China is better placed to exploit Afghanistan's mineral wealth than anybody else.
@Argus Panoptes oh it was hypothetical or should I say an assumption ....China doesnt really pay much heed to USA unless USA wants to borrow more money :P
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cornered where lol?
these facts you can never prove wrong, india is hell on earth for its people.
a country starving to death it self shouldn't be telling pakistan about anything.

Ohhhhhhhhhh, can u check last 10 years records of both country? like, how many people died in bomb last ??

how many tourist came in both country?
where crickets are coming for play cricket?
how much foreigner investor invest our money in both country?
list is very long but...........

india is hell on earth for its people.

one of the most funny words I saw......I must say:omghaha::omghaha:
Make up more stories and try harder. :lol:

btw you seems to be talking so much of "coward" so can you tell me which country surrendered 1/3 of its army or almost 100,000 to mere 25,000 Army? :undecided::azn:

This is OFFICIALLY known as cowards. :pakistan:

You cant guess or dont wanna say? Ok come back to the topic ie US giving aids to Pakistan.

stories? lol
i was hoping i'd get that reaction thank you god.
look it at my little indian monkey looking friend.

mere 25000 army? lol
now thats what i call making up stories lol.
what about the mukti bahini?
im pretty sure there more indian soldiers in bangla desk.

even with being out numbered we still managed to kill
30'000 mukti bahini fighters trained and armed by you guys + around 4000 monkeys.

surrendering was a smart thing they did, bangladesh was still gonna go at the end of the day so why bother losing more men.
@Argus Panoptes oh it was hypothetical or should I say an assumption ....China doesnt really pay much heed to USA unless USA wants to borrow more money :P
@Talon Actually, USA does not borrow the money from China. Among many international buyers, it is China that buys lots of US Treasury Bills to keep its own economy growing. Therefore, it is better to say that both sides trade with each other for mutual benefit, with USA buying Chinese goods and China buying US Treasury Bills. You could argue that USA has the better deal because it is getting tangible goods for pieces of paper. Who knows?
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