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US Giving Turkey Access to F-16 Source Codes

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yes ! US is not fool to give everything to Turkey...They will still be assembling it instead of manufacturing it fully. They might give some of the codes but not everything..:smokin:
Almost anything the west (USA) makes is "closed technology" and East (China and neighboring countries) makes is "open technology". This is what i heard decades ago.

Looks like the above is true with Fighter planes as well. Please correct me if i am wrong.
PAF should immediately look to working with TAI to use the Turkish code for its F-16's.


This is the collaboration effort I referred to in the other thread, I thought you would be aware of it.
will turkey change our software code without USA permission

They cant change the source codes of their own ac, how will they change our ac.
source codes are the property of the manufacturer and if the DOD deems it fit, will allow the manufacturer to provide the the relevent software to change the codes.
The software running in an F-16 has millions of lines, and has multiple layers of security and modes of operation. Turkey will gain access to only some layers in an "approved" manner undoubtedly.

Says who the Cheif Architect of F16 source code development team, I am pretty sure they will give whole folder with source code to Turkey and say , hey just take it don't know what does what as some Chinese guy wrote this for us in 2 days
If Turkiye wants to maintain its F-16 program great for them but Pakistan should discontinue the F-16 program as it is heavily dependent on the whims of the US and that is a very precarious thing.
what happened to this deal? was it signed? and turkey was given source codes or not?
what happened to this deal? was it signed? and turkey was given source codes or not?

The deal still goes on just as always it's been. There are almost 25+ F-16 operators in the world 6 or 8 of 'em locally product it. But only 3 of these producters have the highest level of access in source codes. These are; Israel, the Netherlands and Turkey. And they can acces %85-90 of the software. Let me make this clear. A standart F-16; CAN'T target any other F-16 or US made aircraft. They are only capable of carrying us made equipment. But Turkish, Dutch and Israeli F-16s; CAN target each other even kill. They can also carry the equipment of the producter country. They can target other F-16s or F-15s. But they can never target US tailed aircraft even the Israeli planes can't do that. And last, each aircraft has to visit US soils for final touch :) (Fort Worth-Texas, Home of the F-16 programme).
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