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US forces not to enter Pakistan: US official

Well, look at it this way: Promising not to do things that one would not need to or intend to do anyways, while pursuing the original plan all along slowly but inexorably, is a good strategy.

must be amusing to post ridiculous comments under a false flag
American's didn’t expect that Pakistan will look them back in the eye and tell them off in the manner that they have been told off this time.
Americans have had to back down since they have no choice
They want to screw Pakistan , they have been trying to do so since the beginning of the conflict through terrorists , sold out bankers and other internal traitors , this is the new game in town.
American and Pakistani relations will continue to deteriorate, this time around we have told them off and no matter what spin the Indians put on this episode, Pakistan has come on top.
If Americans attack us in the open, all bets will be off , the equation between Pakistan and Us will be altered forever and America doesn’t have that much juice left in it that it can open another full war front with nuclear armed country that has seething anti-American sentiment.
If they don’t attack us and their general mouth off stuff and then back track they loose their standing and credibility in the global jungle.
So its all downhill from here on. The America-Pakistan relations and America’s standing the world in a very strange way are inter twined!
Americans are wanting to have some semblance of victory in Afghanistan which they are not getting and we must ensure that they go out beaten, tired and humiliated so that they don’t turn up in our neighbourhood again to cook up troubles.
None of that takes anything away from the fact that without Pakistan's support, there is no solution to the situation in Afghanistan. The real damage is on the ground. The more troops (on both sides) are lost, the harder it becomes to convince the public in he US and Pakistan to carry on this war.
That may be true, but then with all this ill will, what do you think Pakistan's position would be once the solution in put in place.. A worthy ally ends a war with renewed friendships and formed partnership. A necessary but unwilling partner goes thru the same routine what Pakistan did in 1980's.. So while Gilani may feel smug saying @you cant live without us", the key question is, till when? and what will be the scenario once that time comes..

Maybe you should also think about the fact that there is no victory. This is a point that everyone needs to understand. There won't be any aircraft carrier landing this time around to declare a victory. A stalemate right about now looks like a pretty good solution paving the way for a unity government in Afghanistan.

So lets put aside the feel good factor. There is none for anyone including your side.
The only victory or defeat possible would be for Afghanistan. Pakistan and India are simply interested parties, nothing more. Anyone dreaming of having a puppet govt in that country with so much visibility of and attention on the region is a little too optimistic of his chances anyway..
I am not celebrating the victory at all, and not having fun as well that you are feeling. They even called / listed ISI in the list of terrorist orgs. so it is not surprising if they came wilth lower allegation.

Who cares for their statements, as we know that they desperately want a scapegoat for their failures in afghanistan.

Dont you feel funny that every incient in afghanistan is 'now' being controlled from pakistan.

Do you think the reputation of Pakistan controlling all the terror incidents in Afghanistan is funny?? I don't.. And I dont believe that it should be taken lightly as well
In the last 10 years or so we have seen that US Generals and politicians are not even capable of drafting any sane plans, forget about implementing them. Vietnam,Cambodia, Iraq and afghanistan are all examples of pathetic strategies and their implementations.

So whatever plan they are pursuing rest assured it is meant to fail.

Making mess in those countries was 'part' of the strategy and it's implementation. The more is the mess, the more they achieve their objectives efficiently - and one should wonder, why wouldn't they adapt the same strategy for Pakistan?
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