The US of A has been trying its darnedest for establishing a New World Order since the last decade so that it can be the unchallenged and unrivaled force that will rule the world according to its diktats.
I think its high time countries like India, China, Russia, Pakistan, Brazil and South Africa form an alliance to thwart the establishment of an empire ruled by the Bilderbergs and Illuminati and form a New World Order of their own.
While I agree with your analysis on American attempts to perpetuate its world domination, the question here is that do we wish an American domination to be replaced by a Chinese one? Or will we be better off in a world in which both dominate, a bipolar world? We know that America is on an inclined plane going down, but it will remain a dominant power for at least another 5 to 6 decades and will continue to be a great power far beyond that. China is on its way up. There will be no abrupt end to the American super power status but a gradual winding down. In such a scenario, we shall witness a period of say a decade or two when both the US and China share world domination as they pass each other on different trajectories.
Indian and US interests do not always coincide and if we refuse to play ball, we have seen the American media getting ugly like it did after their fighters were turned down and now a fresh dose of India bashing after the FDI in retail fiasco. However, India has much to gain from the high tech US defence industry. Also, the US does not directly or indirectly threaten us in any manner.
China, otoh remains an existential threat to India. Chinese propping up of the Pakistani military against India is a blatantly hostile activity as are the Chinese inroads being made into our neighborhood. No amount of on camera smiling and hand shaking between MMS and Mr Wen Jiaboa can convince us that China's intentions towards India are benevolent. As the energy needs of India and China grow, there will be areas where conflict situations may arise. As matters stand today, India lacks the capability to stare down China in a showdown. The situation will be different in another decade or two by which time we will be strong enough to look after our interests world wide but even then we will need allies and friends.
This is the lean period during which India needs the support of like minded countries or countries with whom our interests converge on specific issues. In the Asia pacific theatre or the Indo Pacific, it is the US, Japan, Australia, Vietnam etc. However, India will steer clear of joining groups/alliances with specific anti Chinese agenda unless we are literally pushed to the wall.
I also do not also see India joining an anti US block unless it is temporarily expedient to do so to safeguard our economic interests like importing crude from Iran or the climate issue.