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US, Europe holding back critical raw material needed for Covid vaccine production: SII CEO Adar Poonawalla

Atleast India has the capability to produce a vaccine that is still worthy of SAVING LIVES, a plausible feat achieved by a very few countries.
SII is complaining about raw materials not Bharat Biotech

SII and Bharat Biotech are two different companies, how hard is it to comprehend ?

cell culture medias and single-use tubing assemblies

Random jargon thrown in to compensate for poor information on the topic at hand

Thank you very much for the information. that stuff must be extremely simple for India to produce. Probably will just take a bit of time to ramp up production volumes.
So the formula is western and raw material is western and Hindus are chest thumping as if they have conquered the Covid-19
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LOL a few days back these Bharti's were claiming the covid vaccine to be indigenous
No country in world can have all the indigenous ingredients required for formulating medicine.

Vaccine production requires certain critical raw material which may be sourced from either European sources or US one.
Let me tell you, Chinese are better suppliers but their quality (for medicine and KSM) are questionable. EU and US has good quality but their supply is unreliable.

I am a professional from field of Medicine who works in research and development. So believe what I am saying.
The SII is not looking to import raw material from China given quality issues ..........................

What ToT ?
There is no ToT.. Instead raw materials is required for processing.. He cant understand.. Leave it..
Considering India held back on the delivery of 5million AstraZeneca doses it was meant to provide the UK and diverted to give to "Indians", it is now a bit rich for India to complain other countries are holding back raw materials.......
UK MHRA put temporary hold on AZ vaccine.. Need not blame India for that.
Bharat Biotech Likely to Increase Covaxin Production to 12 Million Doses Per Month by July

Bharat Biotech is likely to increase the production of its Covid-19 vaccine, Covaxin, to 12 million doses from the current 5 million per month

How much vaccines can India make? And the catch...

Indian vaccine manufacturers, including SII, Bharat Biotech, Panacea Biotech, Sanofi's Shanta Biotech, Biological E, Hester Biosciences and Zydus Cadila, have an installed capacity to manufacture 8.2 billion doses of different vaccines per year
Add Dr Reddys Lab to that as well. Sputnik Vaccine got approval..
Thank you very much for the information. that stuff must be extremely simple for India to produce. Probably will just take a bit of time to ramp up production volumes.
Medicine and Raw material manufacturing is not like restaurent, you order and the dish gets ready..
Technology may be there, but it needs scaling up.. You need facility for injectable grade material production which can takes years if not months to build and get qualified.. and need to build the supply lines..
So the formula is western and raw material is western and Hindus are chest thumping as if they have conquered the Covid-19
You do not have any idea of how vaccine is developed, scaled up, manufactured, tested, filled and supplied..
This is not going to help any of the patients..

Just marketing and business by Ramdev Babaji..
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