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US establishes contact with Mullah Omar

Sure. Any thread where Americans, Indians criticize Pakistan or it's government, we get bombarded with abuse about our own governments, etc.

too vague comment, I dont think so people would mind anyone criticizing government of Pakistan. yes Enemies of the state are dealt accordingly.

now if you feel stop trolling...back to the topic
too vague comment, I dont think so people would mind anyone criticizing government of Pakistan. yes Enemies of the states are dealt accordingly.

I don't care for it "that" much so it's pointless for me to continue on about it. Anyways, I'll await for more developments on this report before believing anything.
I don't really care about that. Anyways, I'll await for more developments on this report before believing anything.

sure. looks like its the first time you have heard such news.... eemmm...search back, there is alot of stuff...and yes from your trusted sources as well.
sure. looks like its the first time you have heard such news.... eemmm...search back, there is alot of stuff...and yes from your trusted sources as well.

About making contact with Mullah Omar? If that's what you're saying, then yes, it is the first time I've heard about it. In regards to us pulling out, UN removing sanctions on Taliban etc., I have heard about it before.
i mean, you woke up from mother's womb??

I know what you meant. I'm surprised you didn't figure that out. In regards to my comment about negotiating with terrorists, I take that back as we have made negotiations to an extent in the past but not with the likes of people like Mullah Omar. Also, technically, the US has backed "freedom fighters" in the past and whom many consider terrorists.
About making contact with Mullah Omar? If that's what you're saying, then yes, it is the first time I've heard about it. In regards to us pulling out, UN removing sanctions on Taliban etc., I have heard about it before.

oh you wanna play around the word Mullah Omar, great refuge !!!
Anyways, I'm off so I'll be awaiting to see further developments and if anyone other than Express Tribune and Times of India report on this. Until then, I have doubts on us being in negotiation with Mullah Omar.
I know what you meant. I'm surprised you didn't figure that out. In regards to my comment about negotiating with terrorists, I take that back as we have made negotiations to an extent in the past but not with the likes of people like Mullah Omar.

i knew u mean to be funny

btw unlike other arrogant americans, you try to be polite and dodge the question in a simple way :lol:
i knew u mean to be funny

btw unlike other arrogant americans, you try to be polite and dodge the question in a simple way :lol:

That's because, although I'm proud to be American and in my heart feel "we're the greatest country in the world", I respect others countries and their desires as much as my views let me.

Also, I sympathize with Pakistan and her plight with the Taliban and terrorism as I have Pakistani friends from university who live in Karachi.
That's because, although I'm proud to be American and in my heart feel "we're the greatest country in the world", I respect others countries and their desires as much as my views let me.

Also, I sympathize with Pakistan and her plight with the Taliban and terrorism as I have Pakistani friends from university who live in Karachi.

unfortunately you are from a generation of americans who are seeing the last of being the greatest nation
unfortunately you are from a generation of americans who are seeing the last of being the greatest nation

We'll have to see about that as I feel we'll rise out of this economic mess and the conflict in the Middle East. Anyways, America's future dominance is a whole other story so let's see how we do in the next few years.
Infiltrator, you seem like a nice person but the problem is that your state has brought issues and conflicts where ever it has went. This whole Afghan war - the Taliban were willing to hand over OBL before and after 9/11. US didn't accept any of that. Not only it harmed itself, it's brought Pakistan to where it is. No Afghan war, and Pakistan wouldn't be having any of these bombings.
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