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US envoy to Pak says no bounty announced for Hafiz Saeed


Jul 14, 2011
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US envoy to Pak says no bounty announced for Hafiz Saeed

Lahore: American Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter has said that US government did not announce any bounty for Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed, a suspect in the Mumbai terror attacks case. He blamed the Pakistani media for "misreporting" the issue.

"Pakistani media is very active and responsible :lol:but it misreported the issue of Hafiz Saeed. Though Hafiz Saeed is a suspected accused of the Mumbai terror attacks, the US government didn't place any bounty/head money for him," Mr Munter was quoted by the Dawn newspaper as saying.

He said this while replying to various queries during a media talk after addressing the annual dinner of the American Business Forum (ABF) on Sunday.
American have certainly made an a-s-s of themselves with this Hafiz Bounty episode.
Must have been the Indian work since start, but seems like Indian lobbying funds dried up.
Can't trust US for not even for a second they are lying b*stards that's what they are.

Indians wanted to make a villain for them selves like US made OBL for them selves so Indians went after & are still after Hafiz Saeed lozzzzz for no reason. India loves copying US that's all what I will say. If US says any thing about Hafiz Saeed in near future it's going to because of India.
soo Pakistani Lobby is working now...?:D

soo the indians dancing like monkeys in the whole internet world was for..?:D:D:D:D

BTW this americans can now call india a terrorist nation just to apease Pakistan to open the Nato route, their expenses had just shoot up like in 1000%s hahhah:D
US envoy to Pak says no bounty announced for Hafiz Saeed

American have certainly made an a-s-s of themselves with this Hafiz Bounty episode.

US has played a pretty clever game..to be honest. Sounds like this bounty was initiated as a bargaining chip due to Hafiz Saeed's blatent display of disdain towards US & NATO. Should pak authorities manage to subdue his spewing venom towards US & NATO, US may reconsider the bounty.
i think uncle SAM was trying to check the reaction or putting some leverage as bargaining chip for upcoming talks with pak officials.
India could see through this farce of this Hafiz bounty and did not bite the bait and did not cool off its ties with Iran which US wanted. So US thought it would be better to be in atleast Pakistan's good book on Hafiz chapter.
Perfect example of willful Pakistani misperception. There was never a bounty on Saeed's head, only information leading to his arrest and conviction. Even "democratic" people like Ejaz Haider pretended it was a head bounty. I have heard from U.S. diplomats that press releases to the Pakistani media can be worse than useless because the reporters tell them they'll simply print whatever they want, not what the State Dept. says or writes - and they do. Deliberate mis-reporting of facts is a journalistic no-no.
Perfect example of willful Pakistani misperception. There was never a bounty on Saeed's head, only information leading to his arrest and conviction. Even "democratic" people like Ejaz Haider pretended it was a head bounty. I have heard from U.S. diplomats that press releases to the Pakistani media can be worse than useless because the reporters tell them they'll simply print whatever they want, not what the State Dept. says or writes - and they do. Deliberate mis-reporting of facts is a journalistic no-no.

So that means that US has no reason to convict him and put him on trial.

Then why all the hate o solomon?
US has played a pretty clever game..to be honest. Sounds like this bounty was initiated as a bargaining chip due to Hafiz Saeed's blatent display of disdain towards US & NATO. Should pak authorities manage to subdue his spewing venom towards US & NATO, US may reconsider the bounty.

When you plead for right to burn Quran under pretext of freedom of speech, than it is hypocracy to term Hafiz saeeds legitimate demands as 'spewing venom'.

BTW.. Hafiz Saeed is not specifically blaming NATO & US for damaging Pakistani roads, he is also holding Indians equally responsible!
I guess since Indians have already neutralize Hafiz Saeed effect by convincing Zardari during his visit, than why shall US waste money and kill any prospects of hope!

Principally speaking, why shall Pakistan allow transit to any country without legitimate fees and it is even more stupid to allow two countries (India and US) any transit before clearing back logs?

It is fair to demand an audit in transit business of all sorts.
Can't trust US for not even for a second they are lying b*stards that's what they are.

براہ مہربانی مجھے حافظ سعید کے معاملے پر اجر کی رقم کی پیشکش کے بارے میں چند حقائق کو بیان کرنے کی اجازت دیں تاکہ میں کوئي بھی غلط فہمی کو دور کرسکوں- بات يہ ہے کہ اس انعام کا مقصد ايسی معلومات اخذ کرنا ہے جس سے حافظ سعید کو انصاف کے کٹہرے ميں لايا جا سکے۔ امريکہ صرف ان لوگوں کو قانون کے کٹہرے ميں لانا چاہتا ہے جو امریکی شہريوں کے قتل کے ذمہ دار ہیں اور اس بات کو يقينی بنانا چاہتا ہے کہ اس طرح کے حملے دوبارہ نہ ہوں۔

امريکی حکومت حافظ سعيد کے خلاف نومبر 2008 کے ممبئی کے حملوں میں ملوث ہونے پر جس میں چھ امریکیوں شہریوں سميت کل 160 سے زائد افراد ہلاک ہوۓ کی قانونی پراسیکیوشن کے لئے سنجیدگی سے دیکھ رہی ہے ۔ کيونکہ امریکی حکومت اپنے شہریوں کے قتل کے ذمہ دار کے خلاف مقدمہ چلانے میں ایک بہت واضح طور پر دلچسپی رکھتی ہے۔ امريکی حکومت يقين رکھتی ہے کہ انعام کےعمل کے نتيجے ميں جمع کی ہوئی معلومات ہميں حافظ سعید کی گرفتاری یا سزا کی قانونی کارراوئی ميں مددگار ثابت ہو سکتی ہيں۔

پر تشدد انتہا پسندی اور دہشتگردی کے خلاف جنگ کرنے پر ہم سب ممالک متفق ہيں. امریکی حکومت لشکر طیبہ اور اس کی قیادت کو بین الاقوامی امن اور سلامتی کے لئے ایک خطرے کے طور پرتصورکرتی ہے ،اور اسی طرح يہ جنوبی ایشیا کے خطے اور امریکہ کے ليے بھی ايک خطرہ ہے۔

افشاں - ڈيجيٹل آؤٹ ريچ ٹيم – يو ايس اسٹيٹ ڈيپارٹمينٹ

U.S. Department of State
^^ Every one is criminal in Pakistan... and parliament members are the biggest criminals and even convicted in most case.

If US announce bounty on their heads, sure some one will come out with evidence against them as well and this will be much more appreciated by Pakistani people, while US can win Pakistan without outreach.

Please, stop protecting the known & convicted criminals of Pakistan.

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