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US envoy seeks safe passage for Musharraf, Nawaz opposes


Apr 2, 2008
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LAHORE: PML-N Quaid Mian Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday said Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf did not deserve any safe passage, since he sowed the seeds of hatred between the people of Pakistan and the Army, resulting in the death of innocent people.

He said this during a meeting with US Ambassador Anne W Patterson, who called on him at his Raiwind residence.During the meeting, the US ambassador sought a safe passage for President Musharraf, while Mian Nawaz Sharif told her that parliament is the right forum for all the decisions in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of the people.

Matters relating to the impeachment motion, the ongoing military operation in Fata and the current political situation in the country were discussed.The ambassador said her country was committed to supporting the democratic government in Pakistan. She said: “We wish to see a solid political system in Pakistan.” The war against terrorism is not only in the interest of the US, but it is also in favour of Pakistan as well as the world.

Nawaz Sharif opposed any outside interference and said that it would harm the sovereignty of Pakistan. He said the operation in the tribal areas badly damaged the country and condemned bombardment in tribal areas and said the nation would not accept it.
LAHORE: PML-N Quaid Mian Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday said Gen (retd)

Nawaz Sharif opposed any outside interference and said that it would harm the sovereignty of Pakistan. He said the operation in the tribal areas badly damaged the country and condemned bombardment in tribal areas and said the nation would not accept it.

What a rubbish duel character of our politicians (the great liars & fraudulent):angry:, who chanting about national interests & sovereignty during their stay in home land in trying to make fool the nation, while always looking towards foreign forces to beg their support, and invite themselves to intervene on our national issues.

They knows that, they are proved incompetent for governance of country as always worked out personal agenda of mal-practices consisting of , corruptions for their own development and interests rather then any thing good for people's welfare, as such they have to ultimately looking towards their foreign masters, as one of the instance(self-explainatory) mentioned hereunder: :smokin:

Muhammad Nawaz Sharif - The Future Pakistan Deserves - washingtonpost.com
By Muhammad Nawaz Sharif
Tuesday, January 1, 2008; Page A11

LAHORE, Pakistan -- There is no law and certainly no order in my country. What happened this past week has shaken every Pakistani. Benazir Bhutto was no ordinary person. She served as prime minister twice and had returned to Pakistan in an effort to restore our country to the path of democracy. With her assassination I have lost a friend and a partner in democracy.

It is too early to blame anybody for her death. One thing, however, is beyond any doubt: The country is paying a very heavy price for the many unpardonable actions of one man -- Pervez Musharraf.

Musharraf alone is responsible for the chaos in Pakistan. Over the past eight years he has assiduously worked at demolishing institutions, subverting the constitution, dismantling the judiciary and gagging the media. Pakistan today is a military state in which a former prime minister can be gunned down in broad daylight. One of my own political rallies was fired upon the day Benazir Bhutto was killed.

These are the darkest days in Pakistan's history. And such are the wages of dictatorship. There is widespread disillusionment. At all the election rallies I have addressed, people have asked a simple question: Criminals are punished for breaking laws, so why should those who subvert the constitution not be punished? Those who killed Benazir Bhutto are the forces of darkness and authoritarianism. They are the ones who prefer rifles to reason.

Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and my own Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) have traditionally been political rivals. We fought each other through elections. We won some. We lost some. That is what democracy is all about. Whoever has the majority rules. Bhutto and I both realized while in exile that rivalry among democrats has made the task of manipulation easier for undemocratic forces. We therefore decided not to allow such nefarious games by the establishment.

I fondly remember meeting with Benazir in February 2005. She was kind enough to visit me in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where I lived after Musharraf forced me into exile. We realized that we were fighting for the same thing: democracy. She, too, believed in the rule of law and rule of the people. A key point of the Charter of Democracy that we signed in May 2006 was that everyone should respect the mandate of the people and not allow the establishment to play dirty politics and subvert the will of the people. After the Jeddah meeting we regularly consulted each other on issues of national and international importance. On many occasions we tried to synchronize our strategies. We had agreements and disagreements, but we both wanted to pull Pakistan back from the brink of disaster.

And while the PPP may have been our traditional rival, it is a national asset whose leadership has inspired many Pakistanis. Political parties form part of the basis on which the entire edifice of democracy rests. If our country is to move forward, we need an independent judiciary, a sovereign Parliament and strong political parties that are accountable to the people. Without political parties, there will be hopelessness, and authoritarianism will thrive. Dictators fear the power of the people. That is why they pit parties against each other and then try to destroy those parties -- to further their own agenda. This is what has happened in Pakistan in recent years.

So, what is the way out of the depths to which Pakistan has been plunged? First, Musharraf should go immediately. He is the primary and principal source of discord. Second, a broad-based national unity government should be immediately installed to heal the wounds of this bruised nation. Third, the constitution should be restored to what it was in 1973. The judiciary should be restored to its condition before Nov. 3 -- countering the boneheaded steps Musharraf took under the garb of "emergency" rule. All curbs on the media should be removed. Finally, fair and impartial elections should be held in a friendly and peaceful environment under such a national government so that the people are able to choose their representatives for a Parliament and government that can be trusted to rebuild the country rather than serve the agenda of a dictator.

These are the only steps that will give the country a semblance of stability. If Musharraf rules as he has for the past eight years, then we are doing nothing but waiting for another doomsday.

The world must realize that Musharraf's policies have neither limited nor curbed terrorism. In fact, terrorism is stronger than ever, with far more sinister aspects, and as long as Musharraf remains, there remains the threat of more terror. The people of Pakistan should not be antagonized any further for the sake of one man. It is time for the international community to join hands in support of democracy and the rule of law in Pakistan. The answer to my country's problems is a democratic process that promotes justice, peace, harmony and tolerance and hence can play an effective role in promoting moderation. With dictatorship, there is no future.

The writer is head of the Pakistan Muslim League and was twice elected prime minister of Pakistan.
Nawaz Sharif is an arrogant man hell bent on revenge. That is his party manifesto a short term goal and only when confronted with serious issues like running a country will the people see what an egotistical little prick he really is.
How i wished when mushy had the chance to kill this saudie Agent but noooooooo he had to show that he has humanity and let the garbage live i bet he is sorry that he didn't finish the job when he had the chance.
A friend of mine in London told me he once saw Nawaz Sharif in Oxford street and nobody gave a toss who he was and quite rightly so.

Only in Pakistan is he a "somebody"

What I'd like to know is that the Saudis were quick to assist Nawaz so why are they not doing the same for Musharraf?
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How i wished when mushy had the chance to kill this saudie Agent but noooooooo he had to show that he has humanity and let the garbage live i bet he is sorry that he didn't finish the job when he had the chance.

Keep wish alive, if mushy didn’t do his job to dispose of this political garbage, when he got a chance at coup, then he must finish them if he will survive for a little from impeachment movement, otherwise the replacer (most probably Zardari) will definitely do it:cool::enjoy::rofl:
Dear pkpatriotic...sir

The, articale you had mentioned in your post is absoltly outdated, and its not a time to post them, because pakistani politicians always wanted to be something extra, same like as NAWAZ SHAIRF.:lol:
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Will we have polished & loyal leadership for our country?
Dear pkpatriotic...sir

The, articale you had mentioned in your post is absoltly outdated, and its not a time to post them. because pakistani politicians always wanted to be something extra, same as NAWAZ SHAIRF.:lol:

Tkx to concentrate on post, but you havn't noticed that, it's quoted here just in refrence to context of his press statement of today to explore his contadictions.

Yes I agreed as far as politicians concerns, additionally as I have stated several times that, this apprehension just not only caused of certain politicians, but due to the whole shrewd /corrupt ruling elite including civil & army bureaucracy (with few little exemptions), who consider this country as gold mine for them, some other class is taking it as laboratory for experiments of their theories, Ultimately they dragged country to the verge of collapse where no foreign interest for investment, no peace, Prices shooted-up due to mismanagement and highest inflation rate to high which never ever in history.....and still in the way up, industries closed down and money transferred to other countries, crime rate increased mostly due to high ratio of un employment, Peoples suicide with families (approx 400 registered suicide cases per month) Corruption reach up to the maximum extent, as government superior authorities are behind big “Khancha” Nastiest Law & order situation , Border security at risk, two province NWFP & Baluchistan are arrogant etc. We don’t have any road map as yet for; Comprehensive foreign policy/Geo-political strategy, Firm monitory policy, Socio-economic & political development program, nor have determined firm defense strategy.

Further, ruling elites selling sensitive projects like Power projects & coal mining in thar, in the name of economic development or foreign investment for the sake of personal commissions/ kick-back, to the proved rivals’ countries like India or USA which could be strategically security risk for Pakistan. :angry:
Who has given security clearance for such sensitive areas???
No one concern their, to follow these issues???
Is this all happened over a night? ..........
Where were our policy makers, power players / creators??? It’s a big question mark upon the competency & loyalty of whole decisive power player /decision makers.:undecided:
There are reservations and severely concerns about this whole scenario, which could offer mammoth space for rivals i.e. not only USA, INDIA and Talibanization, but can force to the peoples for a dire change. As the great poet & philosopher Allama Iqbal says:
“Jis khait sey dehqaan ko meisar nahi Roti … Uss khait key har khoshaye gandum ko jalaa do”

Oh I am sorry to forget well, how are you? I haven’t seen any comments by you on a specific post as desired, did you find it Ok?

I came back to France for few months, will be back to Pakistan probably in November for 15 days.

Keep in touch on MSN or Yahoo.
God Bless :pakistan:Pakistan:pakistan:
Will we have polished & loyal leadership for our country?

Yes we will have inshallah, I am confidant that, there are great potentials, tendency of development and leadership qualities in our nation. we can expect to have new leadership rather then just politician crap, in replacement.:tup:
What I'd like to know is that the Saudis were quick to assist Nawaz so why are they not doing the same for Musharraf?

JK the same goes for Musharraf. He has more friends than Nawaz Sharif outside of Pakistan. The issue is that he probably has not decided to leave. So the question of anyone offering or him requesting does not come up. To me at least, all these BS news articles are being put out to put psychological pressure on him.
JK the same goes for Musharraf. He has more friends than Nawaz Sharif outside of Pakistan. The issue is that he probably has not decided to leave. So the question of anyone offering or him requesting does not come up. To me at least, all these BS news articles are being put out to put psychological pressure on him.

Hounrable, Dear BLAIN2 sir,
sir, you said well, there is a media movement , against president MUSHARAF.... scince last year and it was being co-opreated both localy and internationaly. the reason was that, no one in this democratic world can watch PAKISTAN emerged as a MUSLIM SUPER POWER.
And MUSHARAF was the reason behind that, so its natural fact because , even all the friends he have inside or internationaly, no body wants him to stay in the power , because they are afraid of him and , of his ambitions?:angry:

I agree to your points 100000000% sir.:tup::agree:
Listen what Edhi has said today about Nawaz Sharif, that he is corupt and have made billions through loot. He has always talked against Generals who may not have looted the country the way current politicians have. Wake up Paklistan. Army MUST not give Pakistan in the hands of these looters.
Musharraf wants to stay in Pakistan because he is clean. However, Nawaz Shareef somehow will take dictator steps (which has been taken in his rule) to harm Musharraf some how. I think Musharraf should go to some other country and live there peacefully.. and while leaving clean up the corrupt politicians in his way. I think that would do the great thing any leader could have done for Pakistan.
Listen what Edhi has said today about Nawaz Sharif, that he is corupt and have made billions through loot. He has always talked against Generals who may not have looted the country the way current politicians have. Wake up Paklistan. Army MUST not give Pakistan in the hands of these looters.

i agree and i dont agree - that is the conundrum - we have no choice!
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