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US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

You don't get my point do you. I don't have any issues with getting the boats. I have issues with the US embassy, American posters and people like Mastan who think this is such a huge deal and favor for Pakistan. These boats don't even deserve a mention in the press. Soloman got it right. This is just pork barrel corrupt project to favor an American company. This has no strategic benefit for Pakistan or the US.

the boats WILL be used by Navy/Maritime agencies. They wont sit idly with both countries flags stamped on it for P.R.

hell -- i'd rather read about these boats than read about other crap in the news.

and once again --- they were free. How can you complain about something that didn't cost the Pakistani tax-payer a nickel or dime
the boats WILL be used by Navy/Maritime agencies. They wont sit idly with both countries flags stamped on it for P.R. hell -- i'd rather read about these boats than read about other crap in the newsand once again --- they were free. How can you complain about something that didn't cost the Pakistani tax-payer a nickel or dime

I think you are brain dead. We have suffered the most in GWOT and in return you are happy if the US puts us in the same league as Kenya and Yemen by giving us these fun boats. These boats are not free they have been paid for by the lives of thousands of Pakistanis. They hardly have any utility other than patrolling creeks around Karachi.

These are fun boats:

SAFE Boats International


These are patrol boats/crafts

Yonca - Onuk JV.


.: PAKISTAN NAVY :. A Silent Force to Reckon with... [ a 4 dimensional force]

Get it now?
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I think you are brain dead.

after reading some of your posts, I couldn't agree more

We have suffered the most in GWOT and in return you are happy if the US puts us in the same league as Kenya and Yemen by giving us these fun boats.

I have self-esteem. I know that given limited budget and other constraints, the Armed Services have done a fantastic job of creating a minimal yet formidable deterrant.

We don't need to compare Kenya or Yemen or whatever. They aren't Pakistan. My focus is only on Pakistan.

These boats are not free they have been paid for by the lives of thousands of Pakistanis. They hardly have any utility other than patrolling creeks around Karachi.

Pakistan has sacrificed more than any other country. Whoever lives in the country, or whoever closely follows our affairs and understand them inside & out will fathom this fact.

The boats were donated. I don't have the balance sheets or financial statements, but if Pakistan Navy or other Maritime Agencies have utility for these boats --even if it's for weekend fishing -- then they have my blessing.

It would be prudent to also ask you to change your attitude. Stop being such a whiney little brat, and just move on! Otherwise, go drink some cold water and come back when you are calm and ready to contribute in a constructive manner.

Get it now?

300 nautical mile range @ 72km/h is not bad. That would far extend the range of "creeks around Karachi" I think.

did I mention, these did not cost the tax-payer anything? Try to set aside your seemingly blind anti-Americanism for a second and be rational.


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Yeah just give them a call they should get the job done :D

I would imagine....or I guess I could say "ben zaten biliyorum, kanka"


tell me (I am not well-versed on naval affairs) -- what modifications can Turkiye make to such a platform? Neler yapabilirsiniz???????

Would be interesting if Aselsan/FNSS STAMP (remote controlled turret system) could be integrated on some of these.

30mm cannon, with 7.62mm machine gun and smoke launchers integrated to it would add some punch to it perhaps? Then again, I think this platform is far too small for that.
I would imagine....or I guess I could say "ben zaten biliyorum, kanka"


tell me (I am not well-versed on naval affairs) -- what modifications can Turkiye make to such a platform? Neler yapabilirsiniz???????

Would be interesting if Aselsan/FNSS STAMP (remote controlled turret system) could be integrated on some of these.

30mm cannon, with 7.62mm machine gun and smoke launchers integrated to it would add some punch to it perhaps? Then again, I think this platform is far too small for that.

Well kanka here is what we did to ours. :cheers:

The GENESIS advanced combat management system includes the following characteristics and abilities:

* A modern and reliable system
* High performance
* Open architecture
* Capacity of tracking more than 1,000 tactical targets
* Modern digital sensor data fusion
* Automatic threat evaluation
* Weapon engagement opportunities
* Link-16/22 system integration.

The modernization program also includes:

* The addition of an 8-cell Mk-41 VLS for Evolved Sea Sparrow, including the upgrade of the Mk-92 fire control system by Lockheed Martin
* The retrofitting of a new advanced 3D air search radar
* The addition of a new long range sonar

Now as for the STAMP turrets those will be integrated onto the Milgem class of corvettes/frigates (2 per ship) I know Pakistan showed interest in these ships but i am not sure if anything was signed.


Mk-41 VLS
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American posters and people like Mastan who think this is such a huge deal and favor for Pakistan.


You are again being very silly in your posts---nobody is making a huge deal out of it---except for you---everybody took it it for the face value for what they were---except for you---

We thank them for the big favours and thank them for the small favours as well---.

Reading your comments a couple of times I realize that you would not consider to thank someone who would do you a small favour---I think you are acting a little too arrogant---as I stated---have ballz---post some real stuff---rest is turkey talk---.

As for your big portfolio---they are dime a dozen in millions---and people who handled Bernie Madoff---and portfolios related to his investment were also the co-ck of the walk---. There were a thousand of them here in the U S a who bragged about a million and one portfolios---a lots of them are penniless---and homeless---.

Again this is a defence related site----we expect our pak members to give their input in a positive manner---if you think otherwise---put an effort to write something---either put up or find another venue like DR SANGEEN.

For other posters---As Solomon tried to explain---how the project works---the congressman may have wanted some contracts for his constituents to keep their jobs and keep them happy---so we got the boats---next time we may get something better---part of being the most favoured nation is that we qualify for surplus and some out of service items---some items are great, some are good and some are not.

Now, when you start accepting stuff, it is very much appreciated that you don't knit pick what you are getting for free---secondly accept as much as you can all the time---it is a numbers game---you will get some stuff that you may not like---but you will definitely get more of what you like---.

Jazzman---please stick to your portfolio---my soldiers need and deserve every thing and anything that comes for free---is in good working condition---when they point it to the other direction and press the trigger---it shoots bullets---when they hold the steering and press the throttle, it moves.

Pak navy will find a way to use these boats---there is no gun boat that is manufactured that cannot be used for something.
Pak navy will find a way to use these boats---there is no gun boat that is manufactured that cannot be used for something.

The Navy did not get these boats, the MSA did - there is a big difference. You have very little knowledge of Pakistani military affairs, let alone any real life experience. As I said earlier these are not gun boats but rather fun boats. If you come to a public forum and proclaim your lack of knowledge and understanding of issues that you are writing about then be ready for criticism.

Unlike you, I don't have any reasons to prove myself on a website. I have enough going for me in my life. It seems your postion in life and self worth is based on your internet persona.

Also please don't worry about me and my finances, I am well taken care of. I went short on US mortgage securities in early 2007. I am short US dollar and Treasuries now. You might want to do the same.
The Navy did not get these boats, the MSA did - there is a big difference. You have very little knowledge of Pakistani military affairs, let alone any real life experience. As I said earlier these are not gun boats but rather fun boats. If you come to a public forum and proclaim your lack of knowledge and understanding of issues that you are writing about then be ready for criticism.

Unlike you, I don't have any reasons to prove myself on a website. I have enough going for me in my life. It seems your postion in life and self worth is based on your internet persona.

Also please don't worry about me and my finances, I am well taken care of. I went short on US mortgage securities in early 2007. I am short US dollar and Treasuries now. You might want to do the same.

Thankyou. Would keep that in mind.

Our navy and coast guards are in desperate need of patrol boats---I would say that even if we get another 10 to 15 boats---we will find a use for them---it takes time for major weapons systems to materialize---it just doesnot happen that you tap your feet and the stuff materializes out of thin air---you have to be pro-active and ready to pounce on the available oppurtunity.

Pakistanis have a bad habbit of blaming everyone for their misfortunes---we had frigates available to us---the ones that the british were retiring---out of our arrogance, we put out a ridiculously low bid with a lackadaisical manner---someone out of south america came in made a better offer and pounced on the equipment.

We sat there holding our hands---waiting for all young pakistanis to lay abuse on the foreigners---blame them for our screw ups.

People only know how to talk sharp and blow everything out of proportion---you people need to grow up and learn that for every major defence equipment that you need to purchase today---your research and analysis deparatment which has eyes into the future, tells you ten years ahead of time what your need going to be---where are you going to get what----which country has the things that you want and when the equipment will be coming up into the market and how many other nations are interested in what we want.

Heavy ticket items like the frigates take about two to three years to build---it takes about two to three years before that to analyze what you need---then it takes you another two to three years to have a crew to operate it to its potential. A total of six to ten years project.

Young pakistanis should get their thinking caps on---look, listen and understand---how things are done in the defence industry.

I totally agree with you. It seems that we are a nation of little children crying on every thing we get or we do not get! First it was that "We sold ourselves too cheaply," than when the aid was raised to almost $2.2 billion anually ($1.5 economic, $0.7 millitary capacity building, and $??? CSF),the cry is "Why is US medling in our affairs."

Why do we feel tha USofA is our Mama and Chacha and is giving things to us our sheer charity (On the other China is our Phuppa and doing the same!) offcourse they want something in return. If we want to not to give in than we shoul do so with clear awareness of the global cosequences -- the government whether this one, the previous one or any future one's do know that we need to be on the side of the sanner elements!!!

Let us be realistic here, I see our frigates and submarines being escorted into the harbour by large gunboats (Gass guzzlers) fore and aft on regular basis, atleast we can use these boats to protect our major combatants from terrorist attackes (It is a real threat in the harbour today). These boats can be usefull here. The US Coast Guard and the Home Land Security uses the same boats for security on approaches to their major harbours.


I think you are brain dead
. We have suffered the most in GWOT and in return you are happy if the US puts us in the same league as Kenya and Yemen by giving us these fun boats. These boats are not free they have been paid for by the lives of thousands of Pakistanis. They hardly have any utility other than patrolling creeks around Karachi.

These are fun boats:

SAFE Boats International


These are patrol boats/crafts

Yonca - Onuk JV.


.: PAKISTAN NAVY :. A Silent Force to Reckon with... [ a 4 dimensional force]

Get it now?

You are a new member, and you heave the temerity to disrespect a member of the think Tank!!!! I think you need to either apologize pretty quickly and retract your statement or face some time out.What will it be!!?
On this forum we take issues of disrespect of a senior member seriously !! You can argue all you like , but it can remain within the confines of decency!!
MODS PLease Take action !!! Post reported.

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